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Burger controversy? It's well done Texas House members vote to name Athens ‘Official Home of the Hamburger’~ Representatives have “Original Home of the Hamburger” Is there need for any more debate? Well, folks in New Haven, Conn., and Seymour, Wise, may have something to ‘say about it, but within the confines of the Lone Star State, the debate ended ‘Thursday when the Texas House of ‘Representatives designated Athens the “Original Home of the Hamburger” “The comnection between Athens, Fletcher Davis and the fatned ham Danger of the St. Louis World's Fair ‘has been well documented,” states the resolution, flled by State’ Rep Betty Brown, “and itisfitting that the town's solein the history of thatall-American _ sandwich be appropriately recog- neal” “Tam very pleased that my col Teagues supported this effort 0 give added and well-deserved distinction to ‘Athens;” Brown said in a statement —artile and commented that it was the ‘released by her office after the vote on. ‘the House loo. ‘The resolution explains the history fof how Athens eame to claim itself as Dirthplace of the burger: “Although accounts differ as to the origins of this American classi the staff at McDonald’s management training center has traced its begin- rings back tothe 1904 St. Louis World’s Fal, whore it was sold by a vendor on the midway; a reporter for the New York Tribune, writing about the fai, made note of the new sandwich In an ‘vendor's own creation, “The vendor, Fletcher Davis, had ‘moved from Missouri to Athens in the 1880s to take a job at the Miller pottery ‘works, Mz: Davis had a fair for prepar- ing food and usually served as chet at ‘ls employer's picnics, When the busi ness slowed down in the late 19008, he ‘opened a lunch counter on the (Hen Gerson County) courthouse square; \where he sold the sandwich that would ‘become such a stapleof the US. diet. “although it was served with slices of ‘Soo ATHENS, Page 124 Athens “Continued from 2A fieshrbaked bread instead of a ‘un, this early version of the ‘hamburger wasthen much ke itis. today and contained round beet ground mustard mixed with mayonnaise, a | large slioe of Bermuda onion and sled cucumber pickles. Customers could also enjoy fied potatoes, served with & ‘hick fomato sauce When the journalist from. the ‘Tribune fas told that Mr. Davis ad Jearned to fix potatoes in that manner from a friend in Paris, ‘Texas, he misunderstood. and desorbed the item to his read- eras frente potas, "Aeoording to a nophew ‘Mr Davis's, the new sandvich ‘quired its name during the potters soiourn in St. Louis. She theory hols that local res ‘dents of German descent may have named the sandvieh ater theeity of Hamburg, whose ct fens had a special affinity for sound meat.” ‘he resolution gabon explain june, Tesi. denis of Athens celebrate the hamburgers origins in their ‘connumuity with Uncle Fletch’s ‘Burger and BarB-@Q Cook OM

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