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The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

6/17/ 09

Scripture: “One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house
of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him
in his temple. (Psalm 27:4)

Weekly Theme: “The Ministries of Chinese School”

1. Pray for the Chinese School teachers in regard to their families, their physical and spiritual
well-being, and pray that their services in Chinese School are filled with love from God.
2. Pray that the teachers know how to teach students with words from the Bible; Pray that the
students have a fear of God in reverence, have a respect to parents, have a loving heart;
have a good health, and have a peace of life; Pray that the work of the Chinese school will
glory God and edify people.
3. Pray that the Chinese School will become a soul-saving and gospel-preaching channel to
reach out to those unbelieving young children and their families so that they can be saved
and accept Jesus Christ as their savior.
Pray for the Mission organizations (Gospel Operation Int’l for Chinese Christian, Taiwan
Operation Dawn); Missionaries (Rev. John & Ann Buerer, Rev. Lan-Tien Wang), and
Seminary student (Becky Pigott (Columbia International U.)); Also pray for the peace and
safety of those brothers and sisters who are on oversea short-term mission.

--- English Ministry:

1. Pray for preparations for short-term missions this summer.
--- Mission:
Please pray for the summer missions projects, which the schedules and members are﹕
1. Kyrgyzstan MCCF: Chris Chu (leader), Ruey Ju, James Qian & Vicki Huang
2. Taiwan VGM: Johnny Q. Lee (leader), Sharon Chen, Jonathan Tsui, Ben Sha, Steven Ko, Joyan
3. Workcamp in Newark, NY – lead by Emmanuel Low with 11 other members
4. Capernaum Camp in Virginia.

Please pray for their different project ministry, evangelism opportunity, team unity & servant heart, and
God’s protection and grace during their trip.
---Youth Ministry:
1. Prayer for Spiritual growth of our youth who attended the church retreat.
2. Pray for Summer’s Sunday School teachers and youth sponsors.
3. Please pray for youth PTA meeting on 6/20.
--- Children Ministry:
1. Pray for this quarter's Sunday school teachers and helpers.

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