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You Are Drawn to People Born on Easy, subtle attraction and harmony: You don t feel an irresistible pull

towards e ach other, but over time, appreciate the peace you have between you. These peopl e are good for you, although they might not challenge you to grow. January 1-6, February 25-March 7, June 27-July 7, August 30-September 6, Decembe r 30-31 On-again, off-again attraction. This is a complex connection, and you make an od d yet interested couple. March 30-April 3, May 30-June 3, October 2-6, December 2-6 A mysterious attraction that can be very romantic or completely platonic! This is a spiritual connection that has a magical quality to it. February 12-16, July 17-21, September 9-13, December 22-26 Opposites attract. Push me, pull me. You could complement each other well if you allow yourselves to learn from each other, or you could actively war against ea ch other. April 26-May 6 Attraction of the soul; challenging, intense, rich, and binding. September 21-25, December 12-16 Powerful, tumultuous attraction you are aware of the distinct differences between you, but may be drawn to each other because of the simultaneous awareness of a n eed and a lack. Either the relationship is ongoing and obviously tumultuous and of a love-hate nature, or it flows well until it breaks unexpectedly. January 27-February 6, March 15-19, June 15-19, July 28-August 7, September 16-2 0, October 29-November 8, December 17-21 Creative, communicative, inspiring, and spiritually rewarding connections. January 12-16, March 24-28, June 5-9, August 19-23

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