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Phellem or cork tissues

lenticel phellem
Are suberized cells Dead, impermeable, Cover old stem

Vascular tissues of dicot stem



water dam of plants

Controls entry of water in vascular region

Vascular tissues of young dicot root

Primary xylem

Primary phloem

What is this?

Vascular tissues of monocot stem

Identify the structure?

Tracheary elements of xylem

Vessel elements


Vessel elements- barrel-shaped

Perforation plate Stack of vessel elements is a vessel

Identify the structure?

Vessel elements

Vessels- spiral thickenings

Tracheids are elongated, with pit-pairs

(pores) on its side walls

Circular bordered pits

Tracheids annular type

Secondary wall Thickenings are in the form of ring

Scalariform tracheids

Secretory structures - complex permanent tissues

Two types: External secretory structures Internal secretory structures

External secretory structures

1. 2. 3. 4. Salt glands Nectaries Digestive glands hydathodes

Salt glands- remove excess salts in halophytes

Nectaries secrete sugary sweet nectars

Digestive glands secretes digestive enzymes for insect digestion

Internal secretory structures

1. Resin ducts and canals 2. laticifers

Laticifers- produce latex used for rubber manufacturing, paints,thinners, varnishes

Resin ducts and canals produces a flammable and volatile resin

End of tissues Rossdvasquez Summer calss-2007

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