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Creating a function handle, FH, from a function, f: 1- inline object: FH=inline(f) 2- function handle: Write a m_file with the name filename.m in the following format: function z=filename(x,y) z=f(x,y) FH=@filename

Trapz computes the integral of Y with respect to X using the trapezoidal method Cumtrapz computes the cumulative integral of Y with respect to X using trapezoidal integration.
x=linspace(-1,2,100); y=humps(x); format long Area=trapz(x,y) plot(x,y) grid on xlabel(x) ylabel(humps(x)) title(integral of humps) z=cumtrapz(x,y) hold on plot(x,z) hold off
Area =26.34473119524596

y=inline('1./(x.^3-2*x-5)') Q = quad(y,0,2)

test2a.m file: function y=test2a(x) y=1./(x.^3-2*x-5);

Answer: y= Inline function: y(x) = 1./(x.^3-2*x-5)

quad(@test2a,0,2) ans = -0.4605


Evaluates the double integral of f(X,Y) over the rectangle XMIN <= X <= XMAX, YMIN <= Y <= YMAX. f can be an inline object or a function handle. Q = dblquad(inline('y*sin(x)+x*cos(y)'), pi, 2*pi, 0, pi) or Q = dblquad(@integrnd, pi, 2*pi, 0, pi) where integrnd.m is an M-file: function z = integrnd(x, y) z = y*sin(x)+x*cos(y); Answer: Q= -9.86960437725457

evaluates the triple integral of FUN(X,Y,Z) over the three dimensional rectangular region XMIN <= X <= XMAX, YMIN <= Y <= YMAX, ZMIN <= Z <= ZMAX.

Q = triplequad(inline('y*sin(x)+z*cos(x)'), 0, pi, 0, 1, -1, 1)



F dl
b a

E ds


E dl
b a

Q = quad(inline('-18.*sin(phi).*cos(phi)'),(pi/2),pi) Q=


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