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WEEK 3: VACCINES RECOMBINANT DNA: Viral Subunit 9/24/2013 9:02 PM


BACTERIAL VACCINE: Bacterins 1. Restrictive Endonucleases was used as a vaccine. 2. 1st genetically Vaccine was Hepatitis B Vaccine but other products was Insulin. 3. 1st vaccine to protect against liver carcinoma.

1. They grow these bacteria in a broth solution. 2. Treatment of inactivating agents = Phenol/ Carbolic Acid 3. They are taken by PO. 4. DOES NOT WORK Examples of Bacterins: 1. Staphyloccocus Pneumonia 2. Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci 3. Neisseria Meningitidis 4. E-coli 5. Klebsiella Sp.

1. Used the Bakers yeast (Yeast Plasmid) as a cell target to generate vaccine. 2. This prevents the cervical cancer causing HPV infection. REASSORTANT VIRUSES:

1. Uses the Rotavirus via reassortment in vitro. 2. First done during 1960 3. 11 segments of RNA from A and B strains, then use Kidney Cells Rotavirus Vaccine.

1. Development of the Anti-toxin Serum. 2. These are the products if the immune system outside your own immune system.

1. Tetanus Plasmin

1. Generating Toxoid constituent 2. Formaldehyde and Heat was the agent to inactivate the Toxin = that becomes the TOXOID

1. The whole bacterial vaccine. (KILLED) 2. Combination with Tetanus Vaccine (1940) 3. DTwP vaccine

1. From the bacterial complex sugar


1. T-Cell independent B-cell immune response.


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