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Today you will

1. 2. 3. 4.

Identify The parts of a solution Explain Passive Transport Explain Diffusion Explain what is meant by Facilitated Diffusion

Bell Work
A cell has a defect that results in the loss of its ability to regulate the passage of water, food, and wastes into and out of the cell. In which of the following cell structures is this defect most likely to be located?

A. ribosomes B. chloroplasts C. cell membrane D. endoplasmic reticulum


About Cell Membranes



All cells have a cell membrane Functions:

a. Controls

what enters and exits the cell to maintain an internal balance called homeostasis b. Provides protection and support for the cell

TEM picture of a real cell membrane.

About Cell Membranes (continued)

Structure of cell membrane


Lipid Bilayer -2 layers of phospholipids

a. Phosphate

head is polar (water loving) b. Fatty acid tails nonpolar (water fearing) c. Proteins embedded in membrane


Lipid Bilayer

Polar heads Fluid Mosaic love water Model of the & dissolve. cell membrane Non-polar tails hide from water.
Carbohydrate cell markers


About Cell Membranes (continued)

4. Cell membranes have pores (holes) in it

a. Selectively

permeable: Allows some molecules in and keeps other molecules out b. The structure helps it be selective!


Types of Cellular Transport

Weeee!! !

Passive Transport cell doesnt use energy

1. 2. 3.

Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis



Active Transport cell does use energy

2. 3.

Protein Pumps Endocytosis Exocytosis


This is gonna be hard work!!


3 Types of Passive Transport



Diffusion Facilitative Diffusion diffusion with the help of transport proteins Osmosis

Passive Transport

cell uses NO energy molecules move randomly Molecules spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

Three types:

Passive Transport: 1. Diffusion

Diffusion: random movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

(High to Low)

Diffusion continues until all molecules are evenly spaced (equilibrium is reached)-Note: molecules will still move around but stay spread out.

Passive Transport: 2. Facilitated Diffusion

Glucose molecules

Cellular Transport From a-

High Concentration

Channel Proteins animations

Cell Membrane

Low Concentration


Protein channel

Through a

Transport Protein

Passive Transport: 3. Facilitated Diffusion A

3. Facilitated diffusion: diffusion of specific particles through transport proteins found in the membrane


Transport Proteins are specific they select only certain molecules to cross the membrane Transports larger or charged molecules

Facilitated diffusion (Channel Protein)

Diffusion (Lipid Bilayer)

Carrier Protein

Diffusion occurs in Solutions

A solution is a homogenous mixture of 2 or more substances in a single phase.

Solute Solvent

Parts of a Solution

SOLUTE the part of a solution that is being dissolved (usually the lesser amount) SOLVENT the part of a solution that dissolves the solute (usually the greater amount) Solute + Solvent = Solution

Solution Hot chocolate Orange juice Salt water



Chocolate milk

In a salt water solution

Is salt the solute or the solvent? Is water the solute or the solvent? What does the solute do? What does the solvent do?

A Salt Water Solution

Animation Solute (salt) Solvent (water)

Solution Worksheet
W h a t is th es o lu te a n d wh a t is th es o lv e n t? L a b e le a c h . H in t: T h es o lve n t is a lwa ys in th eg re a te ra m o u n t. S O L U T IO N
1 . C ig a re tte S m o ke A ir C ig a re tte S m o ke s p re a d th ro u g hA ir G o ld R in g

solute solute

2 . C o p p e r

G o ld

3 . C a ffe in e

W a te r

C u po fC o ffe e

4 . S ilve r

C o p p e r

S te rlin gS ilve r


5 . W a te r

O x yg e n

W a te r in F is hT a n k

6 . C a rb o nD io x id e

S u g a rW a te r

S e a le dC a no fP o p

7 . O x yg e n

N itro g e n

A ir

8 . M in e ra ls

W a te r

H a rd W a te r

How well did you do today?

Molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration through the process of: A. osmosis. B. diffusion. C. passive transport. D. active transport.

interactive transport

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