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Three step game Step I: Group Forming People with similar colored paper will come together to form

orm a group. One Teacher in each group will be the Group captain. One GMPian will be the vice-captain.

Step-II: Group Creativity Captain of each group will choose an item from the bag. 1 min after choosing the item, group need to perform (Dance/ Sing/ any other activity) Marks will be allotted on the basis of Creativity Comedy Innovation

Step- III: Group Performance A Female will be chosen to reach to the final target (A Flag of the same color as the team has). The group members are allowed to use any kind of strategy to guide that team member to reach to the destination. Guiding communication will be only done through the telling the directions (Up, Down, left, right back etc.)

Scoring- Each group will be awarded points (Maximum 10) for each steps performance. Every time any of the members or the group violates any of the rules, the whole group loses one point.

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