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##Morphine ##Recreational (VERY STRONG) ##30 Minutes ## ##The great Poppy. The ext ##reme opiate.

You aren't ## floating, you are sink ##ing. But, not just any ##decent: sinking into sl ##owness but with a coher ##ent calming. As this do ##se sets, you will be ov ##erwhelmed with a relaxi ##ng feeling almost to th ##e extent of being uncom ##fortable. Relax. Let it ## play through and you w ##ill be rewarded with a ##wash of relief. Social ## boundary has been brok ##en. Dreams will become ##a reality. Don't plan a ##nything for after this ##dose, because you will ##be a wash of calm and w ##ant to just lay back an ##d let life haze over. O ##ne tester, laying in a ##bed with headphones on ##as the dose finished, o ##nly mumbled: Everything ## is just good. Everything is just good. We knew then we had a hit dose. -SE alpha10: pink/10 200+10/90 opiate: pink/20 200+2.5/80 euphoria: pink/30 200+.9/70 alloff: NOW alpha10 +00:05:00 alpha10 -> +00:07:00 opiate +00:20:00 opiate -> +00:22:00 euphoria +00:29:00 euphoria -> +00:30:00 alloff

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