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English Notes 8th Grade Mrs.



Subject / Verb Agreement

Singular subjects take a singular verb. Plural subjects take a plural verb. Use does with all singular verbs except I and you. Use do with all plural verbs and with I and you. I and you will always have a plural verb.

Compound Subjects A compound subject whose parts are joined together by and usually take the plural verb. Ex. Ben and Zeb play football.

When the parts of a compound subject are joined by or or nor the verb should agree with the part closest to it. Ex. The teacher or the students go on a field trip.

Helpful Tips: *Singular nouns or subjects do not end in S. *Singular verbs do end in S. *Plural nouns or subjects end in S. *Plural verbs do not end in S.

Agreement Problems in Sentences: 1. Find the subject of the sentence. 2. Be sure the verb must agree with the subject and the predicate noun. 3. Be sure the subject is not in a prepositional phrase.

Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects:

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