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Taylor Wood 10/6/2013 ED3508-N1 Kenneth Heidebrecht Assignment 4- Scholarly Inquiry Title: Animals within the Food Chain

Online Resource: n.d. Food Chains [computer program] EduMedia Junior. Retrieved 10/8/13, from n.d. Building a Food Chain [computer program] EduMedia Junior. Retrieved 10/8/13, from Grade Level: 2nd Description: Students will have a choice of accessing either or there they will complete the games relating to animals in the food chain. Once they have completed one task they may move to the other. General Learner Outcomes: Topic E-Small crawling and flying animals: 2-10 Describe the general structure and life habits of small crawling and flying animals; e.g., insects, spiders, worms, slugs; and apply this knowledge to interpret local species that have been observed. Specific Learner Outcomes: 4. Identify each animal's role within the food chain. To meet this expectation, students should be able to identify the animals as plant eaters, animal eaters or decomposers and identify other animals that may use them as a food source Relevant ICT Outcomes: C.1.1.1 compares and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources C.3. 3.2 evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information to a particular topic C.6.1.3 use technology to support and present conclusions Rational: online work allows the students to work at a speed comfortable to them. While completing the tasks students will receive immediate feedback and the ability to correct wrong answers. The games require students to identify animals by their role in the food chain and predict where in that chain they fit. Interactive work and colorful images will be more engaging to young students. Search Strategies Employed: Began my search on the library homepage then accessed Curriculum Laboratory page. Once there I accessed the digital resources section then entered the hidden page with the usernames and passwords. Once on the hidden page I looked for resources related to science, found the EduMedia Science link and went to their homepage. Since I knew I was looking for material for young students I preceded to the EduMedia Junior page and in their search box selected plants and animals then the animal kingdom keyword food and there found my resources

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