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$unitsystem SI C Pa J mass deg
$tabstops 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
$bookmark Pinch_h
procedure P inchh (cph , cp23 : Ths,intern , Thso )


$common m_dot_h,T[2],T[3],T_hsi, h[5],h[2],m_dot_wf,T_pinch

If m
h cph<m
wf cp23 then


Thso = T2 + Tpinch
Ths,intern = m

cp23 (T3 T2 )
+ Thso
h cph




Ths,intern = T3 + Tpinch
Thso = Ths,intern m

cp23 (T3 T2 )
h cph






$bookmark Data

f luid$ = R245fa:53.483/R152a:46.517
library$ = refprop
Tpinch = 10

working medium, the composition is in molar fraction

fluid library


pinch value of hight temperature heat transfer

pr = 0.8

reduced pressure

= 4.1991 [MPa] 1000000

Tcrit = 409.44 273.15

Dcrit = 451.86 kg/m3
Pevap = pr Pcrit



critical pressure

critical pressure


evaporation pressure


heat source medium


heat source
source$ = water
Thsi = 150 [C]

inlet heat source temperature


Phsi = 10 [bar] 100000
h = 1 [kg/s]

inlet heat source pressure

mass flow rate of heat source medium


heat sink
sink$ = N2:77/O2:21/AR:1/H2O:1


Tcsi = 15 [C]




= 2 [bar] 100000


cph = f luidprop(source$, library$, cp , pt , Phsi , Thsi )

T2 + T3
cp23 = f luidprop f luid$, library$, cp , pt , P2 ,


T1 = 30 [C]


P1 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, pressure , tx , T1 , 0)


h1 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , tx , T1 , 0)


s1 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, entropy , tx , T1 , 0)


is,p = 0.8


motor = 0.9


P2 = Pevap


h2,is = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , ps , Pevap , s1 )


h2 = h1 +

h2,is h1


s2 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, entropy , ph , P2 , h2 )


T2 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, temperature , ph , P2 , h2 )


P3 = Pevap


h3 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , px , P3 , 0)


s3 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, entropy , px , P3 , 0)


T3 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, temperature , px , P3 , 0)


P4 = Pevap


h4 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , px , P4 , 1)


s4 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, entropy , px , P4 , 1)


T4 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, temperature , px , P4 , 1)


T5 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, temperature , ps , P5 , s5 )


P5 = Pevap


h5 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , ps , P5 , s5 )


s5 = s7


is,turb = 0.8


P6 = P1


h6,is = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , ps , P6 , s5 )


h6 = h5 + (h6,is h5 ) is,turb


s6 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, entropy , ph , P6 , h6 )


T6 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, temperature , ph , P6 , h6 )


x6 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, quality , ph , P6 , h6 )


P7 = P1


T7 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, temperature , px , P7 , 1)


h7 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, enthalpy , px , P7 , 1)


s7 = f luidprop(f luid$, library$, entropy , px , P7 , 1)


T8 = T1


s8 = s1


Wnet = h5 h6 h2 + h1


h = f luidprop(source$, library$, density , pt , Phsi , Thsi )


Thso = Thsi m

h5 h2
h cph


call P inchh (cph , cp23 : Ths,intern , Thso )


Variables in Main program
cp23 = 1642 

Dcrit = 451.9 kg/m3
is,turb = 0.8
f luid$ = R245fa:53.483/R152a:46.517
h6,is = 467338
h = 1 [kg/s]
Pcrit = 4.199 106 [Pa]
Pevap = 3.359 106
pr = 0.8
sink$ = N2:77/O2:21/AR:1/H2O:1
Tcrit = 136.3
Thsi = 150 [C]
Ths,intern = 131.9
Wnet = 32644

cph = 4305
is,p = 0.8
motor = 0.9
h2,is = 249350
library$ = refprop
wf = 0.684
Pcsi = 200000 [Pa]
Phsi = 1000000 [Pa]
h = 917.3
source$ = water
Tcsi = 15 [C]
Thso = 108.4
Tpinch = 10

Plot Window 1: R401A

Plot Window 3: R245f a70R152a30

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