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Michael J. Jackson: A Psychological Profile

Lindsay E. Shutting

Chattanooga State Technical Community College

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Michael Joseph Jackson, born August 29, 1958, was an enigmatic superstar who influenced

music almost inexplicably. Most know him as the King of Pop; some refer to him as Whacko

Jacko. His name prompts different images and opinions from people—the Moonwalk, the

sequined glove, Jesus juice, pedophile—and his presence elicited joy and admiration from fans.

This paper will discuss his achievements and idiosyncrasies, particularly his avid interest in

children and obsession with cosmetic surgery. I will attempt to theorize how environmental

influences, particularly his childhood and fame, impacted these behaviors.

Note: this is a basic summary of a few of Michael’s abnormal behaviors. I cannot possible know

all of the influences that impacted his life. In fact, the world may never know.


It’s only fair to demonstrate Jackson’s awesome talent and giving nature before I dissect his

abnormal behavior. (Because of Michael’s extraordinary success, I could not possible write of all

of his illustrious achievements which in themselves could be an entire essay. These are just a few

of them.)

He has won more than 50 awards and holds numerous Guiness Book world records including

the most Grammy awards won in a year, celebrity with most charity support, best-selling album

of all time, longest span of no. 1 hits by an R&B artist, best-selling music video, highest annual

earnings of a pop star, and most successful pop music family (Guiness World Records, 2009).

Michael, at the least, has earned the title of philanthropist. In 1984 he donated a majority of

money to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, California from a lawsuit with Pepsico

after pyrotechnics burned his scalp during a Pepsi commercial filming, later that year received an
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award from President Ronal Reagan himself for Michael’s support of drug and alcohol abuse

charities, donated five million dollars to various charities from his 1984 Victory Tour, raised

millions for famine relief, provided shows to underprivileged children, donated 100% of his

profits from single “Man in the Mirror,” founded the Heal the World foundation, and publicly

pleaded for more HIV/AIDS research (Brainz, 2006.)


The “dance machine” was an oddball. Everyone knows Mike loved kids. He had them over to

his ranch for sleepovers and admitted publicly that the sweetest thing anyone could do was

“share a bed with someone.” “Someone” meaning kids. The public wasn’t sure if “sweet” was

the word to describe a 35 year old man sleeping in bed with a 12 year-old boy, considering

Jackson had no relation to him.

Only Jackson, his employees, and the children he had over to his ranch would know what

truly went on behind those Neverland doors. But Michael’s behavior leaves room for serious

outside speculation and analyzation.

According to Dorothy Neddermeyer, PhD., the Department of Justice has created a pattern of

behavior and characteristics of a pedophile. While the list has more than 15 specific

characteristics, most relevant to Jackson’s behavior:

• Prefers the company of children

• Presents himself/herself as an exemplary figure (which he was)

• Talks about children as one would talk about spouse

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• Is usually non-violent

• Often an adult male

• “Grooms” children with quality time, video games, candy, gifts, parties, etc…

• Rarely forces a child into sexual contact; usually done by friendship and trust

• Are often victims themselves from some type of childhood abuse

• Home is child-friendly, even if they have no kids of their own

Sadly, pedophiles can never be cured, only treated (Ruggles, 2009) (like a virus, I suppose).

Does that mean pedophilia is an innate urge? If so, what a cruel and unfair trait to have ingrained

within your person. Let us take a look at Michael’s childhood.

MJ, Women, Childhood

At the tender age of five, Michael became a performer. By the age of eight he was a star.

While normal children play outside with friends, goof off, and enjoy a freedom that deteriorates

with age, Michael worked and performed. Ultimately, he had no childhood. No normal social

development, no normal schooling. Very possibly, Mike initially learned of sex from watching

his older brothers run through female fans nightly. In a 2003 interview with Martin Bashir,

Jackson admitted that sometimes his brothers would have sex with girls while Michael lay in the

same room in his own bed. Jackson mentioned in his 1988 autobiography, Moonwalk, a time

when he was at a club around the age of eight, and a beautiful girl was dancing on stage just to

strip down to nothing. The shocker was that the “woman” was actually a man.
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The dominant figures in Jackson’s life were male (his five brothers and his domineering

father, Joe), while his mother was more passive, more in the background. According to Michael

she was very nurturing and supportive of all nine Jackson children’s endeavors.

In Moonwalk, he spoke of women lovingly. Michael lived with Diana Ross while touring

early in his career. He talked of Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn affectionately as well. It

was normal for Michael by the age of 14 to mingle with the stars of that time—Sammy Davis Jr.,

James Brown, Smokey Robinson, Fred Astaire.

He talks about never being able to truly figure his father out. According to Michael, Joe

Jackson looked out for the best interest in his family—very protective. He demonstrated his love

for his family spontaneously—for example, despite the Jackson’s tight budget, one day Joe

bought Tito a brand new guitar that Tito had to share with his siblings. However, Mike felt as

though Joe held everyone, emotionally, at arm’s length away from him, unable to physically

demonstrate affection. Michael said he couldn’t understand why his father was like that. This

leads to the conclusion that regardless of Michael’s opinion of Joe Jackson, he would always

ultimately try and work for his father’s affection. With that said, it’s possible his desire to please

his father manifested itself in Michael’s own self-critical attitude. No matter how great Michael

was, it was never going to be good enough.

Possibly, all he was waiting for was a hug and a pat on the back from his dad.

Because his father was domineering most of the time, Mike probably sought out a dominant

partner, or, on the other end of the spectrum, a totally submissive partner for him to control. Yet,

how can you be in control when you don’t know what you’re doing? (Very interesting point in
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regards to the pedophilia accusations. A child is much easier to manipulate than an adult and

knows little to nothing about sex.)

It was very possible that women intimidated him on many different levels. Imagine being

bombarded by hordes of screaming women everywhere you go. Imagine women passing out and

crying at the very sight of you! How can anyone have a “normal” relationship with that type of

influence over the opposite sex? Michael certainly couldn’t reciprocate those same emotions in a

relationship. In fact, imagine Mike trying to find someone with the same level of stardom and

talent as himself.

Imagine the pressure he felt in regards to his sexual prowess (or lack of) toward women.

Being inexperienced sexually and being a sex symbol at the same time probably prompted

serious feelings of inadequacy for him. Would he be able to perform sexually as well as he did

artistically? He told Bashir of a significant event where he was too scared to be intimate with his

then girlfriend, Tatum O’Neal.

In O’Neal’s book, A Paper Life, she said,

“I met him at the On the Rox, the club Lou Adler & Jack Nicholson opened upstairs

from the Roxy on the Sunset Strip. Michael was around 17 at the time, about 5 years

older than me, & he seemed very sheltered & fearful & lonely--not at all what you'd

expect a world-renowned performer to be. As I recall, he didn't even know how to

drive a car.

“He gave me his number, & we started talking everyday--long drawn-out

conversations that sometimes got so boring I would hand over the receiver to my

friend Esme Gray. Michael would just keep on, thinking he was talking to me. His

usual subject was sex. At 12 I didn't have much to say about sex--all I knew was that
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it went on, pretty steadily, in my father's room next to mine. But Michael was

intensely curious about anything [and] everything sexual, though in an incredibly

sweet & innocent way.

“He was a huge star, but it seemed he barely even dated & knew little about life. He

once came to my house & asked to come upstairs b/c he'd never been in a girl's

bedroom before. He sat on the bed, & we kissed very briefly, but it was terribly

awkward. For all my passionate crushes on people like Dustin Hoffman, I was just

12 & not at all ready for a real-life encounter. So I said, 'I can't.' Michael, who was

sweating profusely, seemed as intimidated as I was. He jumped up nervously &

said, ‘Uh, gotta go.'”

Interesting enough, Michael told Bashir that O’Neal tried to seduce him. In his biography, he

remembers differently:

My first real date was with Tatum O'Neal. We met at a club on Sunset

Strip called On the Rox. We exchanged phone numbers and called each other

often. I talked to her for hours: from the road, from the studio, from home.

On our first date we went to a party at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion and

had a great time. She had held my hand for the first time that night at On the


When we met, I was sitting at this table and all of a sudden I felt

this soft hand reach over and grab mine. It was Tatum. This probably

wouldn't mean a lot to other people, but it was serious stuff to me. She

touched me. That's how I felt about it. In the past, girls had always
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touched me on tour; grabbing at me and screaming, behind a wall of security

guards. But this was different, this was one-on-one, and that's always the


[Our relationship] developed into a real close relationship. I fell in love

with her (and she with me) and we were very close for a long time.

Eventually the

relationship transcended into a good friendship.

We still talk now and then, and I guess you'd have to say she was my first

love - after Diana. When I heard Diana Ross was getting married, I was

happy for her because I knew it would make her very joyous. Still, it was

hard for me, because I had to walk around pretending to be overwhelmed that

Diana was getting married to this man I'd never met. I wanted her to be

happy, but I have to admit that I was a bit hurt and a little jealous. I've always

loved Diana and always will.

Wanting what one can’t have. Again, analogous of he and his father’s relationship.

There was one thing other than performing and giving that Michael had a passion for—

children. Children didn’t throw themselves at him screaming, “I wanna have your baby,

Michael!” By nature, they were innocent. They knew him as Michael Jackson, yet they accepted

him as he was, never viewing him as some sex object.

He spoke in his book about the good times that went on for years with his brothers. They were

a tight nit group since Mike was a small child. Mike talks about how not just one of them would
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do something—all of them would do it. When his brothers started to grow up and marry, life as

Michael had known it had changed. Is it not possible that he regressed back to the age of eight

without the support and strength of his brothers around him? He was ultimately a child in a

young man’s body, always protected by his brothers. Now he was off to fend for himself.

Yet, he still managed to become a megastar! After Mike became a solo artist he finally had the

opportunity to live life as he wanted. He moved into the Neverland Ranch and spent his days

with children having water balloon fights, playing video games, and such. Psychologically, it

makes sense in a skewed way. He was essentially reliving the childhood he never had.

If Michael had a sexual attraction toward children, it is unfortunate. Though, for someone so

sensitive and giving, I find it hard to believe that Jackson ever acted with the malicious intent to

ultimately bed a young person. Let’s hope not.

Jackson’s Self-image

Everyone feels insecure at times, especially during adolescence when a young person is trying

to establish an identity. Inexperience and hormones can evoke curiosity and ambition. More

negatively, they can evoke feelings of inadequacy due to acne, cracking voices, an awareness of

the opposite sex and the expectations that come with that awareness. While some people develop

a healthy self-image, others develop a not-so-healthy self-image. In order to establish a positive

self-worth, one must deal with their issues and overcome.

Michael obviously had a different solution for his issues: plastic surgery. He mentioned he

had bad acne as a teenager. He told Bashir that his family was approached by a woman at an

airport when he was a young man. She wanted to meet Michael. When he approached her she
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said, “What happened to you?” referring to his acne and made a face. You could hear the hurt in

his voice even years later as he spoke in retrospect of the situation.

Some people might say Michael was trying to erase every trace of his father in his face. I’m

not sure if I believe that. Although, it was his father who initially pushed, perhaps even forced

Michael into stardom. Michael talked of his love for performing, and as averred in Moonwalk, it

was Michael’s choice to become a star. And anyone who has witnessed Michael perform knows

that during a performance Mike was in his element. But can a five year old make that type of


There was no doubt Michael felt an extreme ambivalence toward his success. If he ultimately

came to loathe his appearance and success, then he possibly came to loathe his father which

might have been compounded by the fact he was unable to understand and gain understanding

from his father. What a complicated internal conflict. Look at me, Dad! I’m number one! Say

something! Anything! I’m here because of you! Will I ever be able to please you? Sadly, just

because he changed his appearance, Michael never changed who he was inside and the negative

feelings he had deep within his being.

After developing vitiligo, Michael’s skin started to lighten dramatically. He started getting much

surgery done to his face. Before he knew it, there was barely a trace of the Michael Jackson

people had come to adore in the 1980’s. I don’t think Michael even knew who he wanted to look

like, but through his surgeries, I can tell you that he obviously didn’t want to look like himself.

Now, imagine being Michael and looking in the mirror every day at yourself knowing that you

did this to yourself. Michael made himself that way and it was to be the face he would live with

for the rest of his life. I can imagine him wishing he could just go back in time. He had
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essentially created even more issues to add to his already troubled soul. And the media did

nothing to help.


There is no way for anyone to determine exactly why Michael did the things he did.

Basically, as a young boy, adolescent, and adult, Michael had a plethora of issues that he was

unable to deal with effectively, resulting in him compounding his own issues through his self-

damaging behavior. I have only spoken of the tip of the iceberg—so to speak. He allegedly had

drug problems and compulsive spending problems as well—most likely a result of depression

developed on his road to literal self-destruction. People are now alleging he was bulimic as well.

What is interesting to me is how MJ elicited such strong emotion out of his audience. Any die-

hard Michael Jackson fan will tell you: they LOVE Michael Jackson. I’m one of them. I would

have kissed his feet if he wanted me to. That is not a normal behavior for me.

My point is, is what is it about his being that creates mobs of screaming, crying women and

men? How did he evoke unconditional love from his audience and why? It would be interesting

to analyze the psychology behind his talent in regards to how it affects people. But that is an

entirely different paper.

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All Michael Jackson, 2002. Retrieved July 24, 2009 from

Guiness World Records, 2009. Retrieved July 24, 2009 from


Jackson, Michael, 1988. Moonwalk. Retrieved July 25, 2009 from

Neddermeyer,, D. M. (2006, August 7). Pedophile--Characteristics and Behavior Patterns. Retrieved July 23, 2009,


Sixteen of Michael’s, 2009. Retrieved July 24, 2009 from

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O’Neal, Tatum, 2009. A Paper Life. Retrieved July 24, 2009 from

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