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Summary of the case/Key Learning : - Bharath, Umashamker & Govardhan

2. key Issue and Fact Findings - Key Issues and Fact Findings

3. Please write the answers as per the below distribution (we have randomly distributed as there were many questions)

CASE Questions:

1a. What is Chris considering doing and what factors will he have to align to be successful? - Aditi 1b. What goal should MMBC (Chris) have? - Aditi 2 What has made MMBC successful? What distinguishes it from competitors? - Anshul 2a. What is distinctive about MMBCs product? Anshul 2b. What is distinctive about MMBCs customers? Akanksha 2c. How is MMBCs promotion different and effective? Akanksha 3 What about these factors enabled MMBC to create such a strong BRAND? Bharath 3a. What is a BRAND, anyway? What is Brand Equity? How is it created? Bharath 4 What has caused MMBCs decline in spite of its strong brand? Umashankar 4a. Describe the market MMBC serves and the beer market in general. Umashankar 4b. Describe the competition and MMBCs threats. Govardhan 4c. What is the likely future of competitive brewers? What is MMBCs market/competitive position? Govardhan 5 Should MMBC introduce a light beer? Akshata

5a. What are the pros and cons for doing so? Akshata

6 Is Mountain Man Light feasible for MMBC? Aditi

7 Should MMBC launch Mountain Man Light? Anshul 7a. What other strategic options for growth Akanksha

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