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Lesson Plan Outline Subject Area: Science Grade Level: 4th Grade Lesson Name: Earth and its

Neighbors State Curriculum Standards Addressed: Understandthefundamentalconcepts,principlesandinterconnectionsofthelife, physicalandearth/spacesciences Course Delivery Mode: Hybrid Time Allocation: 1 week Number of Students: 20 Ability Level: The students should be familiar with the concepts of volume of mass. Know that mass is not the same as weight and that because something is big, it does not mean that it is heavy. They need to know that the planets revolve around the sun and that the sun is the center of our solar system. Learning Objectives: After this lesson the students should be able to comprehend the immensity of the solar system, compare oneplanettoanother,theearthtothesun,thesunto otherstars,etc.(Notsurewhatetc.shouldbeorshoulditberemoved). Step- by- Step Procedure: 1.Studentswillbreakintopairsandchoosesomethingtoresearchaboutthesolarsystem. 2.Theymustchooseoneofthethemestoresearch: Howfarapartiseachplanetfromthesun. HowfarisVenusfromEarth Howbigisthesuncomparedtootherstarsinoursolarsystem Interestingfactsaboutoneoftheplanets Havestudentsbreakintopairsorworkwiththesame Learner Products: The students (pair or group) will produce a small (PowerPoint) presentation using their laptops about the topic chosen and present their PowerPoint before the class. Adaptations for Special Learners: The teacher will assist special learners and provide lower level materials on the subject. Resources: Styrofoam balls of different sizes to represent the planets. Students will use the NASA website, the website called the Size of Our World (could not find the website), and the website All about astronomy (could not the website).

Diverse learners can also use lower level books on planets and astronomy from the library, and can present a simpler (modified) project such as a model or a poster board as assigned by the instructor/teacher. Student Assessment: How will you know that the students have met the learning objectives? You will need to create the actual assessment here or provide a link to assessment here.

Completion of the PowerPoint presentation to the class. The presentation of the modified lesson such as a poster board presentation or the usage of a model of the solar system as assigned.

* Note for learners: This lesson plan template is adapted from the model that is recommended in the book Preparing to Use Technology: A Practical Guide for Technology Integration.

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