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It was summer of 2007 when I was waiting for my Father outside OT in Escorts hospital.

A pacemaker was being added to his body. Though many other families were outside but there were few old aged parents who too were waiting for their children. I was inquisitive and started talking to one of them. He told me that his son was working in Delhi, was very well paid but had a very busy life. Also he was a smoker and occasional drinker. Though he was initially a sports freak but few years in Delhi robbed him of his good health.

I went with him to meet Dr Ashok Seth. Dr Seth explained how they are struggling to keep him alive. Their job is becoming difficult because the patient was a smoker. When a normal person gets a heart-attack due to blockage in artery then a bypass surgery is done to join the ends where the artery is healthy but in this case the blockage caused the artery to rupture ( as it had become weak due to smoking ) . This made the task extremely difficult. I do not know ..if he survived...

I was a smoker for 12 years and contemplating to quit however found myself giving up to the desire to smoke almost every time. I reduced from 10 to 1 or sometimes but still was not able to completely get rid of it. Early morning and after meals were most hard to resist. That incident shook me to the core as I pictured my kid and wife waiting outside the OT while I am being operated. It was frightening. Finally it was in Oct 2007 I could become triumphant over this life threatening habit.

I know all those articles and warnings to Quit Smoking are often taken in lighter vein but isnt Life more precious than anything else???? I suggest few things: Go to Max or Medanta hospital cancer floor any day and see the people suffering with throat /lung cancer. Fix an appointment with a cardiacologist to understand the ill effects. Sometimes hearing out in person may help. Finally you can .

Put the photograph of the person you love most on the cigarette packet and picture him/her living in this world without you.

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