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Collin hr.

7 computers metamorphic rocks 9-24-13

metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that are formed by cooling magma that was already in existence. Most of earths crust is made of metamorphic rocks they have been formed and still are being formed. They look like they are mini versions of the grand canyon. They are rocks that have been formed from one kind of rock into another. The word metamorphic which originated from the greek word meaning of changing form. Igneous and sedimentary rocks become metamorphic rocks as a result of extreme heat from magma and tectonic plates shifting. Metamorphic rocks are rock that have undergone solid-state recrystallization.There are multiple different kinds

of metamorphic rocks.For example quartzite, it is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock that is produced by the metamorphism of sandstone. It is composed primarily of quartz. There is also phyllite and amphibolite.there is tons more that are all over the earth and if you look around you could probably find one easily.

Metamorphic rocks have been on the earth since a few years after it was formed(because there had to be rock on the earth and lava under it before it could exist). They are just like regular rocks but they are better than them. They have special qualities such as color on the or patterns. They sometimes have more than just two











brown,white,green.and even yellow.

The human race has taken advantage over having these beautiful rocks. They have even made countertops and other stuff out of polished versions of metamorphic rock. They also make floors and tiles out of patterns of metamorphic rock. Who knows someday the human race might be able to make two different kinds of rocks combine using technology. These countertops they make out of granite and marble and other materials are beautifully polished.

There is whole mountains of the metamorphic rock and they are even in the sea. People put metamorphic rock everywhere even in their houses. They use them for stairs and for countertops and even just decoration.People have them for tables and chairs people will use it for everything.

This paper was proof of how beautiful and amazing metamorphic rocks are.

Works Cited "Metamorphic Rocks." News and Information for Geology & Earth Science., 2005-2013. Web. 27 Sept. 2013. Works Cited "Metamorphic Rocks." News and Information for Geology & Earth Science., 2005-2013. Web. 27 Sept. 2013. ThinkQuest.jr. "Metamorphic Rocks." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, Mar. 2000. Web. 27 Sept. 2013.

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