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Fitness Program Plan

Activity Description Fitness Month is a therapeutic recreation program, teaching new skills and information through an active and fun approach, allowing each individual the opportunity to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Each week a specific focus will be presented and participants will be provided handouts, workouts, goal logs, worksheets, and other helpful information and printouts for future resources. Most games are group focused, but there are some that can be done 1:1 or solo- those games are marked *1:1, 1 Research Benefits of organized activities for people with various disabilities and have been regularly and plentifully cited in all literature including psychiatric. Recreation Therapists work with children and adults with psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, depression, mania, eating disorders, traumatic stress disorders, and anxiety disorders by addressing prevention and mental health maintenance, and strengthening of psychosocial supports. TR interventions use structured activity to focus on symptom reduction, education addressing social skills, stress management, and health maintenance, community functioning and integration activities, adventure/challenge activities, and family interventions. Outcomes evidenced by physical activities for people with mental health disabilities include: Decrease in manifestations of stress and depression including tension, negative thinking, sleep disturbances, impaired concentration, subjective stress, and anxiety. This occurred in 6-21 month periods. Improvement in social interaction skills developed increased assertiveness and social interaction skills. Results specific to schizophrenia: significant decreases in primary schizophrenic symptoms including hallucinatory speech and behavior, inappropriate laughter, and other bizarre behaviors. People engaging in challenge/adventure intervention demonstrated significantly increased communication and cooperation skills, and reported increased levels of trust. These outcomes are a simple overview of the impact therapeutic recreation has on the symptoms of psychiatric disorders, specifically. This eight week program was created with specific techniques to have the ability to address each desired goal through evidence-based outcomes. Addressing psychological symptoms through fitness is a programmatic multitasking opportunity for both the group leader and participants.

Facilitation Technique Its important that the activity leader allows each participant the opportunity to achieve every task independently. Allowing time and opportunity for independence enhances learning and increases selfesteem. As the leader, encourage participants to ask for help only when needed and allow problemsolving situations to occur naturally. Each class will begin with the activity leader explaining the focus of the week (see the step-by-step instructions under the Activity Process section of each week), followed by a warm up (see warm up activity). After the warm up, the leader will explain the next activity, implement the next activity and debrief (see debriefing form). Its important to only explain one activity at a time because they are new games with new rules and can get confusing to participants. At the end of each class there will be a cool down game (progressive dance- see below) and stretching. Participants will then fill out the Things I Learned form under the appropriate week (one, two, three, and/or four) to support memory retention. The Things I Learned form will be taken home at the end of the month (in the completed Workbook- see link) by the participant to share with their family, staff and roommates in order to reference the information and provide a teaching opportunity (achieving comprehensive goals # 2, #8, and #9). Teaching others has shown to increase memory retention and self-esteem. Adding consistency each week supports those who struggle with schedule change and sequencing; and, assists participants in the transition to the class environment, achieve goals and acquire skills through repetition, engage more fully, participate independently, anticipate change and adapt accordingly. Participants will receive books (folders or binders) called Workbooks to keep all recipes, nutrition facts, completed worksheets, and other necessary information/printables organized for future reference and will take home their completed books at the end of the month. Helpful tips: *Providing the class schedule, directions, expectations, and task assignments on a large dryerase board allows all participants to follow along at their own pace- providing opportunities to problem solve, sequence, complete tasks, and follow directions independently. This also allows you, as the leader, to be able to focus on those who need help, keep the program flowing, and monitor each participant. It is also helpful to assign someone the task of erasing or crossing off completed tasks/class schedule to make it easier for the group to follow along and it also delegates leadership opportunities, achieving comprehensive goal # 7. (See the complete list of comprehensive goals below). *Assign one leader per activity. Their responsibilities will include explain the next activity, enforcing rules, and assisting those who need help. Each class will last 45-60 minutes. Problem/Needs to be addressed Limited independent skills Decreased attention to task

Limited ability to follow directions Limited sequencing skills Decreased eye-hand coordination Poor nutrition/diet Increased boredom/limited leisure skills or interests

Goals to be Achieved Increase knowledge of nutrition Increase/Obtain a healthy lifestyle Increase independence skills Increase sequencing skills Increase eye-hand coordination Increase attention to task Decrease boredom Decrease isolation Obtain Healthy Resources Increase ability to follow directions Obtain leadership skills Increase team work skills Increase upper extremity strength Increase balance Increase patience Increase lower extremity strength Increase cardio-vascular health Increase sportsmanship Increase balance

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