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Harley October 10, 2013 Mrs.

Lybarger Why We Should Switch to the Metric System Have you ever wondered why we are one of the only countries in the world that uses the Customary System? Think about it: the Customary System is a hodgepodge of random numbers. The rest of the world uses the Metric System. The Metric System uses a base ten counting system. For example: Kilo means one thousand, Hecto means one hundred, Deca means ten, and so on. The USA should switch to the Metric System because it uses a base ten counting system, which is easier, and it is used to measure everything. The base ten counting system that the Metric System uses is easier because everything ends in zero. Why know that there are thirty-six inches in one foot, when the Metric System says there are ten decimeters in a meter. In an argument directed toward Pat Naughtin, Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, some people said, Its an advantage to have children learn two different measurements. This is just contradicting the truth. It is a major disadvantage for children to learn two different sets of measurements. While everyone struggles with the 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, and 1760 yards in a mile, they could just use the Metric System. All of these numbers in the Metric System, including decimals, are powers of ten. These numbers, which end in zero, are easy to calculate. The Metric System is used to measure lots of things. For example: the diameter of an electron is about six femtometers, and the diameter of the Universe is about 250 yottameters (Pat

Sirovyak 2 Naughtin). We also measure the width of our fingernails in millimeters. You can measure the distance from your house to your work in kilometers. You can also measure your height in meters and decameters. Sailors argue, At sea, we use a variety of different measurements. For example: fathoms, feet, inches, leagues, nautical miles, and yards. While they use several different measurements, they could just use millimeters, meters, and kilometers. Three units are much easier and much safer. There are no limitations of what you can measure. Over all, the Metric System is used for many measurements. It is also easy, which is a bonus. That base ten counting system is useful because every number is a power of ten. This is easy to calculate. The Metric System can and will measure everything. The USA should switch to the Metric System because it uses a base ten counting system, which is easier, and it is used to measure everything. We would also be more in check with the rest of the world, because most of the rest of the world uses it.

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Work Cited Pat Naughtin. Metrication is SUCCESSFUL. Pat Naughtin. 2009. Web. October 9, 2013

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