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Versatlle and Multi Purpose Activity Stlnsecticide ltMiticide StFungicide StScalicide StAdjuvant Universlty Test Results: StUniversity of Florida StCornell University StUniversity ol California GREASYSPOT CANKER SUPPRESSION StTank-mix with Copper
lmorovedresults Longerlasting Rain resistant


Insecticide: Organocideis very effective on small soft-bodiedinsectssuch as citrus rust mites, psyllids, spider mites, aphids,whitefly, mealy bugs, chinch bugs, and fleas. It kills all stagesofeggs, larvae, nymphs and adults. Scalicide: Organocidecontrols all armoredand soft scales. Miticide: Organocideis an effective miticide for rust and spider mites. Fungicide: OrganocidepreventsCitrus Greasy Spot, SeptoraSpot, Powdery Mildew, Bacterial Tomato Spot and Black Spot on roses. Adjuvant: When tank-mixed Organocidegreatly increases the effectiveness of pyrethroid insecticidesand copper fungicides.
Organocide alone gave better Greasy Spot control than oil alone. When tank-mixed with a copper fungicide, control of Citrus Greasy Spot is significantll rmproveo. In other research Cornell University found increased effrcacy and no phytotoxicity ol copper fungicide when tank mixed with Organocide for control of bacterial spot on tomato. University ofCalifomia found increasedeffrcacy when Organocidewas tank mixed with a pyrethroid insecticidefor the control of potato aphid.
Organocid Control of Citrus Greasy spot. Dr. Ron Sonoda University of Flo.ida

8Eliminate HarshOil Sprays lmorove treehealth quality Pack higher fruit CITRUS GREENING

Organocide hasa 3-way killing actionon psyllids:

SPsyllid Control 1. Organocideis a "heavy" oil and kills by Kills bysuffocation suffocation. Kills chemically 2. The fatty acids in the oil kills chemically. Kills bytrapping 3. The sticky film of Organocideleft on the StSynergy when tank-mixed traps psyllids. with other insecticides AlthoughOrganocide is a muchheavier oil thanpetroleum oil, it is freeof Soreader-Sticker petroleumsolvents,giving it a much higher margin of ssfety to the tree Maintains lowvolatility pyrethroid insecticides andfruit. of

P.O. BOX1931 Stuart,FL 34995 TEL| 772-781-7 489 ',::,:. . .


performance Increase of approved pesticides for psyllid control with a tank-mix of Organocide.

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