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Statistics 3 6 marks 1 The data below shows the marks obtained by 20 participants in a quiz. 1 2 a! b!

4 1 6 2 5 4 4 6 6 1 3 2 5 4 4 2 6 3

"sin# the data$ complete the %requency table in the answer space. &tate the mode. '3 marks( '2004, No.8(

Answer : a! Marks Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6

b! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 The table shows the number o% books in the readin# corners o% three classes. Class )man +estari ,erdas Number of books *5 60 -0

The in%ormation o% +estari class is shown %ully in picto#raph in the answer space. ,omplete the picto#raph to represent all the in%ormation in the table. '3 marks( Answer : '2004, No.20( Number of books in the rea in! corner Class )man +estari ,erdas Number of books

represent ....... books

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