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1. Read and complete. Eliza: Mike, Im so sorry, I cant go with you to the restaurant tonight. If I 1) didnt have (not have) so much to do, I 2) __________(come). Mike: hy are you so !usy" Eliza: I am going on a !usiness tri# tomorrow. I wish I $) __________ (can come) with you. e %) ____________ (can s#end) a great time& Mike: 'ut, ()i*a+ Eliza: ,ife-)________(!e) much easier if I didnt have to go on !usiness tri#s. e .) ___________(meet) so many times and /) _____________ (visit) so many #)aces, if I 0)___________(not have) this 1o! and if I 2) ______________ (have) more free time. Mike: ()i*a, )isten to me& I know the way out& 3ou shou)d give u# this 1o!. If you 14)____________ ()eave) this 1o!, we 11) _____________(s#end) a )ot of time together. ()i*a, you must fo))ow my advice, and we wi)) !e ha##y again. Eliza: 5h, Mike& I wish I 12)___________(!e) so si))y&

2. Today we are going to interview a very famous actress and singer Helen Parker. And today our conversation is about unusual and difficult situations. If you ad to spend a mont alone in a deep forest w at would you take wit you! 6If I had to s#end a month in a dee# forest, 1) I"d take (take) )ots of drinking water with me. 7hen I 2)_________ (take) a knife, some matches and a gun. If it $)________ (get) dark, I %)_________()ight) a fire. ith a knife I -)___________(make) a ca!in, if it .)___________ (!e)co)d. I am not good at shooting. 'ut a gun is a good way to defend myse)f from !ig anima)s such as !ears, a#ers and wo)ves. If there /)__________(!e) any sma)) anima)s in the forest I 0)____________ (kee#) one as a #et. 8ow merri)y I 2)_____________s#end the time there& If I 14)____________ (take)any !ooks with me, I 11)_____________(choose)9o!inson :rusoe !y ;anie) ;efoe. Its an e<ce))ent guide= !ook that teaches how to survive in difficu)t situations. #. Put t e verbs in brackets into t e correct tense. 1. A: :an you he)# me to so)ve the #u**)e" B: If you wait (wait) a moment, I will show (show) you how. 2. A: Ive got a !ad mark for my test again. B: If you__________ (work) hard, you __________(!e a!)e) to #ass the e<am we)). $. A: I need some he)# in the garden now. B: 5>, if you __________(dig) the ground, I___________ (#)ant) the seeds. %. A: 8ow )ong are you going to work on this #ro1ect"

B: If no!ody________ ( distur!) me, I __________(!e a!)e) to finish it ne<t ?riday. $. In t e conversation below two friends are putting a new piece of furniture toget er. %ill in t e gaps wit t e correct form of t e verb in brackets. A: @o where do you think this !it goes" B: e)), if we put (#ut) it here, this #iece will fit (fit) onto it #erfect)y. A: 3es, !ut if you 1__________(do)that, how 2___________ you ________ (get) the doors on" B: Aood #oint. Berha#s we shou)d do the doors first. 3es, if we $ _________ (attach) the doors now we % _________ (be able to) stand it u#right. A: 'ut how - __________ we _________ (get) the to# on if we . __________ (do) that" It / _________ (be) too ta)) to reach. B: 8mm. 5>. ,ets #ut the to# on first then. A: 3es, good. Cow if we 0 _________ (stand) it u#right, we 2 __________ (be able to)to fi< the doors and #ut the she)f in and it 14 ___________ (be finished) . B: Cot Duite. hats this !it" A: Eh, thats easy. If you 11 __________(read) the instructions, you 12________ (see) that its a s#are she)f= we dont need it. & at"s a piece of furniture! ' oose from pictures below.

(. Two language students are talking about t eir plans for future. )ecide if t eir use of conditionals in 1*1+ is rig t or wrong, and put a tick -./, or correct t ose t at are wrong. Bietro: Im thinking of moving to 5<ford ne<t month. @u*i: 9ea))y" hy do you want to do that" 1) stay 2)__________ hat 2) wi)) you do then"

Bietro: 'ecause I think if I wi)) stay here 1) I might get !ored. @u*i: 'ut you might not )ike 5<ford. Bietro: 5h, I know I)) )ike it !ecause Ive !een there !efore.

@u*i: 8ave you" 3ou seem to have !een everywhere. Ive hard)y !een anywhere since I arrived. Bietro: here $) wou)d you )ike to go" $)__________ @u*i: 5h, )ots of #)aces= %) I )ike to go to @cot)and and Id )ove to see 5<ford and :am!ridge, of course. %)__________ Bietro: e)), if -) I wi)) decide to move to 5<ford, .) come and visit. hen /) do you know for sure if you are moving" -)___________ .) __________ /)___________ 0)__________ 2)__________ 14) __________

@u*i: 7hanks.

Bietro: e)), if I 0) didnt #ay for the course !y ne<t week, 2) I)) have to wait unti) ne<t month. 14) Id )et you know what ha##ens if you )ike.


1. 1.didnt have 2. would come 3. could come 6. would meet 7. would visit 8. didnt have 11. will spend/ would spend 12. we!e 2" would ta#e 3"$ot 9" would spend 10"too#

4. could spend 5. would be 9. had 10. leave/ le t

4"would li$ht 5"would ma#e 11"would choose


7" we!e

8"would #eep

#. 2. had workedFwou)d have !een a!)e

$. digF wi)) #)ant

%.distur!sFwi)) !e a!)e

$. 1. do 2. wi)) you get $. attach %. wi)) !e a!)e to -. wi))Fcan get .. do /. wi)) !e 0. stand 2. wi)) !e a!)e to 14. wi)) !e 11. read 12. wi)) see " Its a wardro!e.

(. 1%

2% 9%


8 didnt pa&

4d li#e 10 'll let

5 decide


7 will &ou #now

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