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LEADERSHIP DAY Theme: (Part 1 of the day) Group development, team work.

(Part 2 of the day) Personal relationship with nature Venue: This will reflect the section of Starting: The place that we will leave Destination: The place that we will set the route that I will be leading up camp Safety consideration When I know which part of the route I am leading, I will seek advice from my leader and get as much information as I can. This will allow me to plan my activities without compromising group safety. Some key consideration might be - snake bites, dehydration and minor cuts. Logistical consideration My starting point and ending point Weather readings for the day will influence most of my decision Selection of specific point (large area of space) to conduct my activities Equipment needed for my activities Back up/contingency plan - Plan B, C, D, E etc Delivery of content Activities will be conducted by me Timeline of walk will be discussed by all (group decision), example when to take break Environmental content, best shared by leader (Don) or whoever presentation is on the environment Debrief will be conducted by me (will come out with a series of question to provoke reflection and thinking) Intended learning outcomes Understanding group dynamics and how team function

Developing personal connection with nature and as well as environmental knowledge of the place Date Time Leading notes Outline my plan for the group the night before Morning Early rise to watch sunrise together as a team. Breakfast Set direction and group target for the day. Begin walk. At different section of the walk, introduce a team building or problem solving exercise. These will strength the focus on working as a team with various activities. Remarks Before we head to bed Focus: Team Rain: Sunrise will be cancel. Activity to be carried out when there is shelter, e.g, cave or hut

Lunch time Afternoon Allow group to have self-reflection time. This will prepare them for the next part of the afternoon. Solo walk begins. Groups have to keep a reasonable distance between one another. At each break, everyone has to share something that they find interesting. It can be a bird, flower, bugs, mammals or anything! End of solo walk. Gather as a group and look at the flora and fauna environmental learning session. Focus: Individual relationship with the environment Distance: In clear weather, probably 10m. If it rains, probably 5m. Topic: If it rains, topic to explore can be on understanding

weather, safety consideration, how to manage group in bad weather. End of activity. Continue walking as a group till we hit camp. Evening Setting up of tent and campsite Dinner in cooking circle Debriefing for the days activities

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