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Mohd Irsyaduddin bin Ab . Latif Motivation is very important in our organisation and our life as well.

In my company we believed that a motivated staff means a highly productive staff, which helps our company to achieve the goals. Every quarter, our organization will conduct at least a motivational talk by inviting distinguished leaders as well as program to retain staffs motivation. There are a few of theories related to motivation which are Maslow Theory, ERG Theory, Acquired Need Theory, Two Factor Theory ,Deming Theory and etc. In this discussion I will focus on Acquired Need Theory since I believed that this theory is closely related with my organisation and possible to be applied if I were a manager in the future. This theory was developed by psychologist David I. McClelland and his co-workers in the late 1940s. It is identified that there are 3(three) needs are required to understand individual behavior. The needs are; 1. Need for achievement(nAch)-is the desire to do better, solve problems, or master complex tasks. 2. Need for affiliation(nAff)is the desire for friendly and warm relations with others. 3. Need for power(nPower)is the desire to control others, to influence their behavior and to be responsible for others. Currently our workforce is about more than 50% is from Gen-Y. So it is important for the managers to understand their behavior to maintain their motivation and loyalty to the organization. I am still believed that everyone is unique and has different needs no matter which generation you are. We need to identify and understand their needs to achieve our goals, thus we can get win-win situations. From my observations for the newly recruited staff particularly Gen-Y, this group is very excited to do the job, solve the current issues in our plant and get results,so it is being grouped (nAch). For the experienced staff that work more than 15 years in organization they tend to control others and helps the Gen-Y group and their need is nPower. The good managers will act accordingly to satisfy their needs, thus achieve the organisations goal.

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