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Binary System

The properties of an alloy depend not only on proportions of the phases but also on how they are arranged structurally at the microscopic level. Thus, the microstructure is specified by the number of phases, their proportions, and their arrangement in space.
This is an alloy of Fe with 4 wt.% C. There are several phases. The long gray regions are flakes of graphite. The matrix is a fine mixture of BCC Fe and Fe3C compound.
Phase diagrams will help us to understand and predict microstructures like the one shown in this page !!!!!!!

Equilibrium and Metastable States

A system is at equilibrium if at constant temperature, pressure and composition the system is stable, not changing with time.
Equilibrium conditions may be approached by extremely slow heating and cooling enough time
Solubility - The amount of one material that will completely dissolve in a second material without creating a second phase. Unlimited solubility - When the amount of one material that will dissolve in a second material without creating a second phase is unlimited. Limited solubility - When only a maximum amount of a solute material can be dissolved in a solvent material.

Figure 9.4 (a) Liquid copper and liquid nickel are completely soluble in each other. (b) Solid copper-nickel alloys display complete solid solubility, with copper and nickel atoms occupying random lattice sites. (c) In copper-zinc alloys containing more than 30% Zn, a second phase forms because of the limited solubility of zinc in copper.

Diagram Kesetimbangan Fase

Component yang saling melarutkan sempurna dalam kondisi cair. Saling melarutkan sempurna dalam keadaan padat (Tipe I) Tidak melarutkan dalam keadaan padat (Tipe II) Melarutkan/saling melarutkan terbatas (Tipe III) Terbentuknya fase intermediate congruent (compound) (Tipe IV) Reaksi peritectic (Tipe V) Component yang saling melarutkan terbatas pada kondisi cair (Tipe VI) Component yang tidak melarutkan dalam keadaan cair ataupun padat (Tipe VII) Tranformasi dalam keadaan padat seimbang Transformasi Alotropi Transformasi Order-disorder Reaksi eutectoid Reaksi peritectoid

Binary phase diagram - A phase diagram for a system with two components. Ternary phase diagram - A phase diagram for a system with three components. Liquidus temperature - The temperature at which the first solid begins to form during solidification. Solidus temperature - The temperature below which all liquid has completely solidified. Prosentase masing-masing phase jika memiliki paduan dengan komposisi kimia tertentu pada temperatur tertentu, dan bagaimana phase tersebut terdistribusi

Saling melarutkan dalam keadaan cair dan padat (type I)

Cooling curve

Berupa larutan padat substitusional

Bentuk lattice kristal dari komponen2 penyusun harus sama Beda radius atom < 8% Cooling


(greek symbol)

Tie line :To determine the actual chemical composition of the phases of an alloy For alloy with composition 20B-80A :
Solid solution : 10B-90A point m

Liquid solution : 26B-74A point o Lever Rule : to determine relative amounts of each phase

liquid (%)

mn x100 mo no (%) x100 mo

For alloy with composition 20B-80A :

liquid (%)

10 x100 62,5% 16 6 (%) x100 37,5% 16

(a) The equilibrium phase diagrams for the Cu-Ni and NiO-MgO systems. (b) The liquidus and solidus temperatures are shown for a Cu-40% Ni alloy. (c) and (d) Systems with solid solution maxima and minima. (Source: Adapted from Introduction to Phase Equilibria, by C.G. Bergeron, and S.H. Risbud. Copyright 1984 American Ceramic Society. Adapted by permission.)

Transformasi selama pendinginan ekuilibrium

Fenomena trasport material melalui pergerakan atom sangat penting untuk transformasi pada kondisi padat


Temperature activated, time dependent Steady state diffusion (Hk. 1 Ficks)
J= diffusion flux D= diffusion coefficient x=distance,direction

C= concentration

Non steady-state diffusion (Hk.2 Ficks)


Pendinginan non equilibrium

Realitas sulit untuk mencapai kondisi equilibrium

Pendinginan non equilibrium

Pendinginan non equilibrium

Segregation - The presence of composition differences in a material, often caused by insufficient time for diffusion during solidification. Coring - Chemical segregation in cast products, also known as microsegregation or interdendritic segregation. Macrosegregation - The presence of composition differences in a material over large distances caused by nonequilibrium solidification. Perbaikan Homogenization heat treatment

Tidak melarutkan dalam keadaan padat (eutectic reaction) (type II)

SA + eutectic mixture

SB + eutectic mixture





Solid A + Solid B Eutectic mixture

Gambar kurva pendinginan dan transformasi yang terjadi Tentukan jumlah relatif masing2 fase pada temperatur kamar


Melarutkan terbatas (type III)

( + )

Eutectic mixture Solvus - A solubility curve that separates a single-solid phase region from a two-solid phase region in the phase diagram.
+ eutectic mixture

+ eutectic mixture


Cooling Heating

( + ) Eutectic mixture

Example Phases in the LeadTin (Pb-Sn) Phase Diagram Determine (a) the solubility of tin in solid lead at 100oC, (b) the maximum solubility of lead in solid tin, (c) the amount of that forms if a Pb-10% Sn alloy is cooled to 0oC, (d) the masses of tin contained in the and phases, and (e) mass of lead contained in the and phases. Assume that the total mass of the Pb-10% Sn alloy is 100 grams.
Solidification, precipitation, and microstructure of a Pb-10% Sn alloy. Some dispersion strengthening occurs as the solid precipitates.

(a) The 100oC temperature intersects the solvus curve at 5% Sn. The solubility of tin (Sn) in lead (Pb) at 100oC therefore is 5%. (b) The maximum solubility of lead (Pb) in tin (Sn), which is found from the tinrich side of the phase diagram, occurs at the eutectic temperature of 183oC and is 97.5% Sn. (c) At 0oC, the 10% Sn alloy is in a + region of the phase diagram. By drawing a tie line at 0oC and applying the lever rule, we find that:

% 10 - 2 100 8.2% 100 - 2

(d) The mass of Sn in the phase = 2% Sn 91.8 g of phase = 0.02 91.8 g = 1.836 g. Since tin (Sn) appears in both the and phases, the mass of Sn in the phase will be = (10 1.836) g = 8.164 g. (e) Mass of Pb in the phase = 98% Pb 91.8 g of phase = 0.98 91.8 g = 89.964 g Mass of Pb in the phase = 90 - 89.964 = 0.036 g.

Terbentuknya Fase Intermediate Congruent (intermetalic compound) (type IV)

One phase changes into another phase isothermally and without any change in chemical composition Cooling Cooling

At T1 Liquid

+ AmB n

At T2 Liquid

AmBn +

Reaksi Peritectic ( Type V)


Liquid+solid 1

New solid 2

Usually intermediate phase/compound, but also may be solid solution

Component yang saling melarutkan terbatas pada kondisi cair : monotectic (Type VI)
Another term for solubility is miscibility Substances that arent soluble in each other called immiscible. E.g. water & oil

Substances that partly soluble in each other are said to show miscibility gap
Miscibility gap - A region in a phase diagram in which two phases, with essentially the same structure, do not mix, or have no solubility in one another. Metastable miscibility gap - A miscibility gap that extends below the liquidus or exists completely below the liquidus.


Liquid 1

Liquid 2 + solid

Component yang tidak terlarut dalam keadaan cair dan padat (Type VII)
When cooled, two metals appear to solidify at their individual freezing points into two distinct layers with a sharp line of contact and almost no diffusion

Transformasi dalam Kondisi Padat

1. Transformasi Allotropic

2. Transformasi Order - Disorder

Unlike transformations which involve atomic displacements over distances large compared with atomic dimensions, order-disorder transformations, at least at the stoichiometric composition (Ag,Mg is this example), occur by atomic rearrangement over distances of the order of atomic dimension Example of order-disorder transformation is magnetic transformation in ferrous metal

3. Reaksi Eutectoid

Solid 1

solid 2 + solid 3 Eutectoid mixt.

4. Reaksi Peritectoid

Solid 1+ Solid 2

New Solid 3


Cooling Heating


Exercise 1
Platinum and gold are completely soluble in both the liquid and solid states. The melting point of platinum is 3225 F and that of gold is 1945 F. An alloy containing 40 % gold starts to solidify at 2910 F by separating crystals of 15 % gold. An alloy containing 70 % gold starts to solidify at 2550 F by separating crystals of 37% gold. a. Draw the equilibrium diagram to scale on a piece of graph paper and label all points, lines, and areas. b. For an alloy containing 70% gold (1) Give the temperature of initial solidification. (2) Give the temperature final solidification (3) Give the chemical composition and relative amounts of phases presents at 2440 F (4) Draw the cooling curves.

Solution exercise 1(a)

F 3225




15 Pt 0 10 20 30

37 40 50 60 70


Au 90 100

% weight of Au

Solution Exercise 1 (b)

F 3225

L L+

2550 L











Au 90 100

% weight of Au

Exercise 2
Logam A (titik lebur 1000 oC) mampu melarutkan B sebanyak 20% maksimal yaitu pada 500 oC sedang pada temperatur kamar, kelarutan B dalam A hanya 10% maks. Eutektik mengandung 70% B. Logam B (titik lebur 750 oC) dapat melarutkan logam A secara max pada temperatur 500 C sebesar 5 %. Pada temperatur kamar logam B sama sekali tidak dapat melarutkan logam A
Gambar diagram fasa sistem paduan tsb lengkap dengan nama titik, garis dan daerah fasa. Untuk paduan 40% B pada temperatur berapa mulai/selesai pembekuan, komposisi solid yang pertama kali terjadi? Komposisi liquid yang terakhir membeku? Gambar kurva pendinginanya selama perubahan fasa? Pada temperatur kamar apa saja struktur mikronya, perbandingan banyaknya dan komposisi kimia masingmasing struktur? Gambar struktur tsb.

Exercise 4

Identify the three-phase reactions that occur.


We find horizontal lines at 1150oC, 920oC, 750oC, 450oC, and 300oC: 1150oC: The in-betwen point is at 15% B. + L are present above the point, is present below. The reaction is: + L , a peritectic
920oC: This reaction occurs at 40% B: L1 + L2 a monotectic

750oC: This reaction occurs at 70% B:

L + , a eutectic 450oC: This reaction occurs at 20% B:

+ , a eutectoid
300oC: This reaction occurs at 50% B: + or a peritectoid

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