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'hoes are miniature jugs associated with children.

(he chous on the right shows a boy reading a scroll and a boy playing a lyre, a se"en stringed instrument associated with the god *pollo. cience: -ur science work will be linked to the twel"e labours of 9eracles. We will identify that weight is a force and is measured in ;ewtons< explain the difference between mass and weight< describe situations in which there is more than one force acting on an object< draw diagrams to illustrate forces acting on an object< use a forcemeter accurately to measure forces< explore gra"ity, friction and air resistance< and refine our S'1 in"estigation skills in relation to writing scientific questions. Creative and Physical Development: We will de"elop our skills, tactics and e"aluation skills in #n"asion Games )(*G Rugby+ and Sportshall *thletics. (here is a Sportshall *thletics. competition this term. *fter half term, we will de"elop our chorographical skills in ,ance and team communication skills in -rienteering. Weekly music lessons will be deli"ered by .r /erkins.

Communication, Language and Literacy: We will study examples of biographical and autobiographical texts and transfer the writing techniques to compare the life of a Spartan and the life of a Greek. Writing opportunities will be linked to all curricular subjects, e.g. explanation writing will be used within Religious ducation. !essons will include exploration and experimentation with key grammar and language skills, e.g. ad"erbs, complex sentences, prepositions etc. Reading comprehension will focus on using multiple pieces of e"idence, inferred and deduced from the text, to support our opinion. #n addition, we will considering the effecti"eness$impact of word choices on the reader. %inally, we will explore the presentation and punctuation tools used within a range of fiction and non&fiction texts. #n %rench, we begin by re"isiting key "ocabulary in relation to greetings and number before learning the language skills to introduce oursel"es in more detail. We will learn much of our "ocabulary through songs, games and drama. We will be using #'( to de"elop the systematic and e"aluati"e skills needed to perform effecti"e internet searches, and the skills to extract rele"ant information and re&write it in their own words. (here will also be an important focus on internet safety. Mathematical Development: *s well as de"eloping number work, we will be learning about :&, and 3&, shapes, angles, a"erages )mean, median, mode and range+ and measurements of length, capacity and mass )including non&metric measures+. /upils will be required to interpret and present data in graphical form. (he children will be de"eloping the speed and accuracy of their mental mathematics skills each week. (here will be lots of opportunities for pupils to de"elop their problem sol"ing skills and apply their mathematical understanding to mathematical in"estigations. Knowledge and Understanding of the World: 0uilding upon their knowledge and understanding of the second World war, we will be conducting inter"iews with members of the 0udleigh community regarding life pre& 1232, during the war, and post 1245. (he children will de"elop effecti"e questioning and communication skills. (his will coincide with learning in relation to remembrance. Within Religious ducation, we will be studying the 6ewish faith )Shabbat, 7om 8ippur, Rosh 9ashanah+ and we will reflect on what it means to be part of a faith group.

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