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A versatile potentiator for living beings

Dr.K.Natarajan MBBS.
President Rural Community Action Centre Kodumudi 638151 Erode t !"

&nvasion of c'emical farming and its 'a(ards on

Environment #oil $ater Air Plants Animals %uman beings

"eed for organic farming

)rganic agriculture *reen culture "atural farming o not'ing farming +io dynamic farming Permaculture

"eed for Panc'agavya

*ro,t' promoting 'ormones

&mmunity booster

&mpressive -ield

.ree of diseases

%ig' Profit

/edic vie,s and usages Panc'a boot'as Rituals Prasad






0in1 bet,een

0iving and ead

/isible and &nvisible P'ysical and para p'ysical Eart'ly and 'eavenly forces

%oly co, 2 Kamad'enu

*iver of all ric'es to 'umanity E3uilibrium of basic elements +eneficent forces li1e All gods evas #ages -ogis ivine spirit

.lo, of cosmic energy to remove imbalances

4 P'ysical 4 C'emical 4 P'ysiological 4 +iological

+irt' of 5odified Panc'agavya .or plants6 Animals 7 %uman beings

5et'od of preparation
&ngredients needed 1. Fresh cow dung - 5 kg 2. Cows urine - 3 litres 3. Cows milk - 2 litres 4. Cows curd - 2 litres 5. Cows ghee - 500 g 6. Sug r c ne !uice - 3 litres ". #ender coconut w ter $ 3 litres %. &i'e ( n n )ruits - 12 nos *. #odd+ - 2 litres

Alternative ingredient for sugar cane 8uice4 599 g 8aggery ,it' 3 liters of ,ater: Alternate ingredient for !oddy 2 199 g yeast 6 199 g 8aggery ,it' ; liters of ,arm ,ater or ; liter of fermented <1 ,ee1= tender coconut ,ater :

5ode of preparation
!a1e a ,ide mout'ed 5ud pot6 Concrete tan1 <or= plastic cans <Avoid 5etal containers because panc'agavya is acidic=

Add Co, dung

Add Co,>s *'ee

#tir t'e 5i?ture ,ell and leave it for 3 days


ay continue adding all t'e remaining ingredients

Add Co,>s Arine 7 5i? ,ell

Add co,>s 5il1 7 5i? ,ell

Add co,>s Curd 7 5i? ,ell

Add tender coconut ,ater 7 5i? ,ell

Add !oddy or .ermented tender coconut ,ater 7 5i? ,ell

Add 5as'ed +anana 7 5i? ,ell

Add #ugarcane 8uice <or= 599 gms Baggery dissolved in 3 liters of ,ater

#tir ,ell and close t'e can tig'tly

#tir t,ice daily for 15 days

After 18 days Panc'agavya ,ill be ready ,it' a good odour

&mportant contents of Panc'agavya

5acro nutrients 2 "6P6K 5icro nutrients 2 !race elements Proteins .ats Carbo'ydrates /itamins Aminoacids 5icro organisms +acteria .ungi En(ymes *ro,t' promoting factors &mmunity boosters Antio?idants

p% EC d#m; !otal " <ppm= !otal P<ppm= !otal K<ppm= #odium Calcium 5:@5 19:;; ;;C ;9C ;3; C9 ;5 &AA <ppm= *A <ppm= Fungi Bacteria Lactobacillus Total anaerobes Acid formers Methanogen 8:5 3:5 38800/ml 1880000/ml 2260000/ml 10000/ml 360/ml 2 0/ml

!h"sico#$hemical and biological !ro%erties of !anchaga&"a s anal"sed at T'('A')

.ro&erties 1om&osition 8ays a7ter &re&aration (2ays! 0 .3 01(2sm"1! A,ai$a*$e / &&m A,ai$a*$e . &&m A,ai$a*$e - &&m )rganic car*on (+! (AA &&m '.A &&m #ota$ %ugars &&m Bacteria (x10 6! Fungi Actinomycetes 5.65 9.30 " " " " " " " 0.22 3x10^2 17x10^ 1 7 3.92 11.20 298 645 940 0.49 10.8 4.9 345 5.2 10 4.69 10.4 376 760 1540 0.53 11.8 5.8 386 6.4 15 5.18 8.2 485 865 1648 0.61 12.1 5.2 586 94 4ean com&osition on 15t5 2ay 6)ut o7 6 5.12 .re&arations 8.2 492 915 1635 0.6 13.5 5.6 575 92x10^6 48x10^4 21x10^1

4.5x10^ 4.5x10^ 46x10^ 3 4 4 20x10^ 1 20x10^ 1 19x10^ 1

Micro organisms %er gram of !anchaga&"a as anal"*ed b" +r'A','-ola"a%%an

/itrogen 7ixing A<)%.(;(>>94 /itrogen 7ixing A<A#)FA1#);

10 =10 10x9

.5os&5orus so$u*$ysing .3)%.) :BA1#0;(A

10 x7

(mmunity en5ancing .%098)4)/A%


$hemical Anal"ses at -'.'- Labs $hennai'

.3 0.1 #.8.% /(#;)'0/ .5os&5orus .otassium %o2ium 1a$cium 4agnesium 15$ori2e Boron 4anganese (ron <inc 1o&&er %u$&5ur 6.02 3.02 3.4 + ? @ 6650 ....4 4310 ....4. 5200 ....4. 1600 ....4. 1000 ....4. 840 ....4. 248.5 ....4 0.442 ....4 14.8 ....4 142.5....4. 82 ....4. 58 ....4. 0.56 ....4.

.$#M- anal"sis of !anchaga&"a at T(A) labs Fatt" acids/ Al0anes/ Alconol 1 alcohols
.atty acids 1: ;: 3: @: 5: 6: D: 8: C: 19: )leic acid Palmitic acid 5yristic econore econoic )ctanoic %e?anoic )ctadeconoic !etradeconoic Acetic6 propionic6 +utyric6 Caproic 7 valeric acids Al1anes ecane )ctane %eptane %e?adecane )ridecane Eicosine Alconol 7 alco'ols %eptanol !etracosanol %e?adecanol )ctadeconol 5et'anol6 Propanol6 +utanol 7 Et'anol


#pray system .lo, system #eed 2 seedling treatment #eed storage

#pray system
3E Panc'agavya solution for all crops
3 liters of Panc'agavya ,it' 199 liters of ,ater F 3E solution 399 ml of Panc'agavya ,it' 19 liters of ,ater F 3E solution 39 ml of Panc'agavya ,it' 1 liter of ,ater F 3E solution

; E Panc'agavya solution for crops li1e cucumber6 mint6 bottle gourd6 sna1e gourd ,it' soft leaves:
; liters of Panc'agavya ,it' 199 liters of ,ater F ;E solution ;99 ml of Panc'agavya ,it' 19 liters of ,ater F ;E solution ;9 ml of Panc'agavya ,it' 1 liter of ,ater F ;E solution

.lo, #ystem
;5 liters of Panc'agavya G 599 liters of Amrut Pani per acre once in 15 days H mont':

#eed 2 seedling treatment

3E Panc'agavya solution for seed and seedling treatment

#eed storage
3 E Panc'agavya solution to dip t'e seeds before drying and storing t'em

Periodicity of application
.or fruit treesI

.re 7$o@er &5ase (20 2ays a7ter &$anting! F$o@ering an2 &o2"setting stage Fruit &o2 maturation stage

)nce in 15 2ays (t@o s&rays 2e&en2ing u&on 2uration o7 t5e cro&s! )nce in 10 2ays (t@o s&rays! )nce 2uring &o2 maturation

.or Cereals6 Pulses and )il seed cropsI )ne #pray every 15 days .or /egetables6 *reens and .lo,ersI )ne #pray every ,ee1

*eneral effects of Panc'agavya

0eaves #tems Roots %arvest -ield roug't 'ardiness

0eaves become bigger 5ore number of leaves !otal leaf surface area increases 5ore p'otosynt'esis 5ore -ield
;1 days ridge gourd on tray


!omato ;D days old

Ridge gourd 3; days old


5ore side s'oots

!run1 becomes sturdy +ears more ,eig't +ranc'ing is 'ig'

+rin8al ,it' more side s'oots 7 sturdy stem

#ugarcane ,it' sturdy stem

Rooting is profuse and dense Remain fres' for long time *ro, into deeper layers of t'e soil %elps ma?imum inta1e of nutrients and ,ater %ence more yield

%arvest And -ield

.rom c'emical agriculture to organic agriculture is easy Panc'agavya restores yield levels of all crops in t'e first crop itself %arvest is advanced by 15 days &ncreases t'e ,eig't of t'e produce En'ances t'e self life of vegetables and fruits &mproves t'e taste6 flavour and aroma &ncreases sugar content in fruits by ;5E &ncrease t'e oil content in oil seeds by ;5E *ets more price in t'e mar1et

roug't 'ardiness
.orms a t'in film coating on t'e leaves Reduces t'e evaporation of ,ater under t'e 'ot sun eep and e?tensive rooting 'elps t'e plants to ,it'stand long dry spells %ence irrigation ,ater re3uirement is reduced by 39E

+eneficial effects on commercial crops

4 &nduces dense flo,ering ,it' more female flo,ers: 4 &rregular or alternate bearing 'abit stops and t'e tree continues to fruit regularly: 4 En'ances 1eeping 3uality of mango by 1; days at room temperature: 4 .lavor and aroma of t'e mango is e?traordinary:

Acid 0ime
4 Continuous flo,ering is ensured round t'e year: 4 Plump fruits ,it' strong aroma: 4 Prevents and cures viral Can1er: 4 #'elf life is e?tended by over 19 days:

4 %ig'er !:#:# <!otal soluble #olids= and bri?6 'ence tasty: 4 #'elf life e?tended by 5 days:

&n addition to adding ,it' irrigation ,ater and spraying6 a 199ml of t'e 3 percent solution ,as tied up at t'e navel end of t'e bunc' after t'e flo,er is removed: !'e bunc' si(e becomes uniform: !'e fruits split faster due to faster gro,t' of pulp: %arvest can be done one mont' earlier: !'e si(e of t'e top and t'e bottom 'ands ,as uniformly big: Prevents $ilt disease:

Panc'agavya solution tied on t'e navel end

En'ances t'e yield by ;; per cent: E?tra long fingers: Ensures lo, driage loss: "arro,s t'e ratio of mot'er and finger r'i(omes: %elps survival of dragon fly6 slugs6 spiders etc: ,'ic' in turn reduce pest and disease load: #old for premium price as mot'er H seed r'i(ome: En'ances t'e curcumin content:

.lo,ering Plants
E?ceptional aroma and fragrance: "o incidence of bud,orm: Continuous flo,ering t'roug'out t'e year: Rose Plant Basmine Plant


Rose Plant


-ield en'ancement by18 per cent6 and in fe, cases li1e Cucumber t'e yield is doubled: $'olesome vegetables ,it' s'iny and appealing s1in: E?tended s'elf life: /ery tasty ,it' strong flavor:

%eavy tillering: 399 grains per ear 'ead: "o C'affy grains: !'e 'arvest is advanced by 15 days: Percentage of bro1en rice is reduced during milling: *rain ,eig't is 'ig'er by ;9E: !'e coo1ed rice remains edible on t'e ne?t day

#ugar cane
&t increases t'e girt' and 'eig't of t'e sugar cane &t increases t'e inter nodal distance of t'e sugar cane &t prevents and cures red rot disease in sugar cane &t increase t'e sugar cane yield up to C9 tonnes H acre &t increases sugar recovery up to 15E !'e aroma6 flavor and t'e taste of t'e organic 8aggery is e?cellent &ncreases t'e self life of t'e organic 8aggery by 6 mont's

&t supplies all t'e essential micro nutrients and trace elements to t'e coconut trees %ence it prevents t'e s'edding of young nuts &t increases t'e si(e of t'e nuts &t increases t'e t'ic1ness and ,eig't of t'e 1ernels &t increases t'e oil content of t'e 1ernels by 39E &t prevents $ilt 7 pencil top disease in t'e coconut trees

Panc'agavya ,as investigated on

)il seeds
*ingelly6 #unflo,er6 *roundnut 6 5ustard &ncreases t'e si(e and ,eig't of t'e seeds by ;9E &ncreases t'e 'arvest by ;9E &ncreases t'e oil content by ;5E &ncreases aroma6 flavour and taste &ncreases t'e self life of t'e oil by 6 mont's
*round nut H Peanut 5ustard plant #unflo,er

$'ite mustard

+lac1 5ustard

#unflo,er seed

#esame seeds

Bo,ar6 +a8ra6 Ragi6 5ai(e and $'eat


&ncreases t'e number6 si(e6 density6 ,eig't and yield by ;5E &ncreases t'e fibre content and nutrients En'ances t'e taste and 1eeping 3uality of t'e coo1ed food

&n all t'e crops Panc'agavya acts as a gro,t' promoter <D5E= and disease pest in'ibitor <;5E=: Corn seeds #org'um .inger 5illets

Papaya !ree

Bac1 .ruit !ree

Paddy .ield

5ai(e .ield

5ango !ree

Paddy and 5illet field

Panc'agavya for animals

Co,s *oats #'eep ogs Rabbits Poultry Pigs .is'eries

$'en ta1en orally by animals6 t'e living microorganisms in t'e Panc'agavya #timulates t'e immune system Produces lot of antibodies against t'e ingested microorganisms &t acts li1e a vaccine &ncreases t'e immunity of animals %elps prevent illness and cure diseases #lo,s do,n t'e ageing process &mproves appetite6 digestion6 assimilation and elimination of to?ins in t'e body Constipation is totally cured &ncreases t'e blood circulation +alances t'e endocrine secretions Cures sterility !'us6 t'e animals become 'ale and 'ealt'y ,it' s'ining 'air and s1in !'e ,eig't gains are impressive

5ode of Action

,os ge - .ene)ici l /))ects

199 ml per co, per day ,it' feed or drin1ing ,ater !'e co,s become 'ealt'ier &ncreased mil1 yield6 fat content and #". !'e rate of conception increases !'e retained placenta6 mastitis and foot and mout' disease became t'ings of t'e past &t cures bloating !'e s1in of t'e co, is s'iny ,it' more 'air and loo1s more beautiful

Co, drin1ing Panc'agavya

*oats and #'eep

Panc'agavya ,as mi?ed ,it' drin1ing ,ater or feed 19 ml to ;9 ml Panc'agavya per animal per day depending upon t'e age !'e goats and s'eep became 'ealt'y and gained more ,eig't in a s'ort period #'ining 'air and s1in ,as noticed

.oat drin0ing !anchaga&"a

Panc'agavya ,as mi?ed ,it' drin1ing ,ater or feed 19 ml to 59 ml per pig depending upon t'e age and ,eig't !'e pigs became 'ealt'y and disease free !'ey gained ,eig't at a faster rate !'e feed4to4,eig't conversion ratio increased tremendously

$'en mi?ed ,it' t'e feed or drin1ing ,ater at t'e rate of 1 ml per bird per day !'e birds became disease4free !'ey laid bigger eggs for longer periods &n broiler c'ic1ens t'e ,eig't gain ,as impressive !'e feed4to4,eig't conversion ratio improved by 5E to 19E !'e #'ine in t'e legs of t'e bird ,as stunning ,'ic' proved t'e bird>s 'ealt'

Panc'agavya ,as applied daily ,it' fis' feed &t increased t'e gro,t' of p'ytoplan1ton and (ooplan1ton in t'e pond &t increased t'e food availability to fis' &t reduces t'e deat' rate of small fingerlings and increases its immunity and ,eig't &n C mont's time eac' fis' gro,s to a ,eig't of ; to 3 1gs

Common carp $eig'ts 3:859 1g and ; feet long in C mont's

.is' pond enric'ed ,it' t'e goodness of Panc'agavya

Amirt'a #an8eevi .or %uman iseases

.or 'ealt' and diseases %&/ H A& # iabetes mellitus Cardiac diseases "eurological disorders /iral diseases

Respiratory diseases &n gastroenterology Endocrine disorders Cancers Art'ritis #1in diseases

*eneral effects of Amirt'a #an8eevi for 'umans in 'ealt' and diseases

A 'ig'er form of Panc'agavya for 'uman beings: %ig'ly palatable ,it' good flavour: &ncreases appetite and eliminates constipation: Purifies t'e blood and brings do,n t'e c'olesterol: )pens t'e clogged arteries and improves t'e circulation: Eliminates all to?ins and allergies: En'ances immunity and prevents diseases: %ig'ly effective in all diseases: < iabetes6 Cancers6 'eart diseases6 art'ritis6 sinusitis6 ast'ma6 peptic ulcer6 irritable bo,el syndrome6 epilepsy6 and sterility6 obesity: Etc:::= Elevates t'e mood and leads to sound sleep: Even old people become bris1 and active: Retards t'e aging process and en'ances longevity:

%&/ 2 A& #
&t increases appetite and 'ence increase t'e ,eig't &t eliminates oral ulcers and loose motions &t cures coug'6 fever and pulmonary tuberculosis

!'e patients become 'ale and 'ealt'y and return to t'eir routine ,or1

iabetes mellitus
&t reduces t'e blood sugar &t eliminates constipation &t removes tiredness 7 patients become bris1 7 active &t prevents perip'eral neuritis and cures numbness and burning of t'e feet &t prevents diabetic nep'ropat'y and diabetic retinopat'y &t increases t'e se?ual vigour in diabetic males and females

Cardiac diseases
&t increases t'e urine output and reduces blood pressure &t reduces c'olesterol in t'e blood &t prevents t'e clogging of arteries &t opens up t'e clogged vessels by dissolving t'e clots %ence it prevents 'eart attac1s &t prevents 'eart failure by increasing t'e efficiency of t'e cardiac muscular contractions

"eurological disorders
&t increases t'e blood circulation to t'e brain by opening up t'e clogged vessels and dilatation of t'e arteries #o it prevents stro1e and paralysis &t calms do,n t'e e?cess electrical activity in t'e brain and cures fits &t induces sound sleep and cures neuritic pains &t reduces t'e s'a1ing of 'ands and 'ead in Par1insonJs diseases

Respiratory diseases
&t cures nasal allergies and sinusitis &t cures allergic bronc'ial ast'ma and bronc'itis Along ,it' anti !:+ drugs it cures pulmonary tuberculosis muc' earlier &t eliminates t'e side effects of anti !:+ drugs

&t suppresses acid secretion in t'e stomac' and cures peptic ulcers &t cures &rritable +o,el #yndrome <&:+:#= &t eliminates constipation and cures piles &t increases appetite and en'ances digestion and assimilation

Endocrine disorders
&t is very effective in all endocrine disorders &t balances t'e 'ormone secretion and cures 'ypot'yroidism and 'ypert'yroidism &t ensures regular menstrual cycle and en'ances t'e conception rate in infertile ,omen &t increases insulin secretion in diabetic patients

&n t'e early stages of cancer it gives good results &n advanced cases it reduces t'e pain6 increases appetite6 eliminates constipation6 gives sound sleep and increases t'e life span $'en given along ,it' c'emot'erapy it reduces t'e side effects li1e vomiting6 leucopenia and anemia

&t repairs and regenerates t'e damaged cartilages in t'e 8oints %ence it prevents pain and furt'er damage in t'e 8oints &t removes morning stiffness in t'e 8oints &t cures bac1 pains and nec1 pains

/iral iseases
&t builds immunity against all viral diseases &t prevents and cures viral diseases li1e

1: /iral .lu ;: engue fever

3: C'ingun g'unia @: #,ine .lu <%1"1 virus= 5: Avian .lu 6: Common cold

#1in diseases
Panc'agavya along ,it' *'o4san8eevi po,der is useful in s1in diseases Amirt'a san8eevi s'ould not be used in s1in diseases Panc'agavya is used as oral medication and for e?ternal application &t cures psoriasis6 ec(ema6 allergic dermatitis and foot crac1s &t removes pimples and blac1 spots in t'e face

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