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Independent Wri ti ng Menu

* Use this menu to help guide you in your daily writing. Pick a new item
from the menu each night. If you dont have internet access, then Ms. Tara
will print you the daily writing prompts.
!" #$%&%'( *$+,-&
- Select the cuiient month.
- Select touay's wiiting piompt within that month.
- Responu to the piompt in youi wiiting notebook.
- http:www.theteacheiscoinei.netuaily-wiiting-piompts

." /0%& 1'0 234%53 1 *15& #$%&%'( *%363
- Step 1: Coiiect mistakes in 61-%&17%81&%+'.
- Step 2: Coiiect mistakes in -9'6&91&%+'.
- Step S: Coiiect mistakes in 5-377%'(.
- Step 4: Coiiect mistakes in ($1,,1$. (Boes each sentence sounu coiiect
when you ieau it alouu. Aie youi veibs wiitten in the piopei tense.
Boes each sentence make sense.)
- Step S: Auu moie 5+-:%5&%61&30 71'(91(3, such as stiong aujectives,
auveibs, figuiative language, etc.

;" #$%&3 1 <3&&3$
- Step 1: Wiite the 01&3 in the top iight coinei. Then skip a line.
- Step 2: Begin with a 5179&1&%+', such as !"#$ &&&&&&&&' oi () &&&&&&&&&&*
Theie is always a 6+,,1 aftei the salutation.
- Step S: Wiite the =+0> of youi lettei. The bouy is wheie you wiite what
you want to say. This shoulu be in paiagiaph foim with a space between
each paiagiaph. Skip &?+ 7%'35 between the final paiagiaph anu the
- Step 4: Wiite a 67+5%'(. This lets the ieauei know that the lettei is
finisheu. It usually enus with +),-"$"./' 01#,2 /34' 5"67 8)61"6' etc. Theie
is always a 6+,,1 aftei the closing.
- Step S: Wiite youi 5%('1&9$3 neatly.
- Step 6: Auu a P.S. (Post Sciipt) aftei youi signatuie if you want to auu
extia infoimation.

@" /551> /0%&%'( 1'0 234%5%'( A:36B7%5&
Ask youiself:
- Bo I have an inteiesting :++B to uiaw the ieauei's attention in the
- Boes my wiiting have a &:35%5 53'&3'63 that explains what this wiiting
piece is going to be about.
- Is my wiiting wiitten in -1$1($1-: C+$,.
- Boes my wiiting have 59--+$&%'( -1$1($1-:5 that help piove oi explain
my main point oi thesis statement.
- Biu I pioviue 3'+9(: 3D1,-735 to piove my thesis statement oi main
- Boes my wiiting use &$1'5%&%+' ?+$05, such as #,371"$ "9#:;."' <3$
),67#,-"' ), #==)7)3, 73' :3$" ):;3$7#,7./' <3$ 71)6 $"#63,' #6 # $"64.7' etc.
- Boes my wiiting have a 5&$+'( 3'0%'( that captuies the ieauei's
attention anu $35&1&35 &:3 ,1%' -+%'& oi &:35%5.

E" F+61=971$> /D&3'5%+'
- Wiite a silly stoiy (oi a not so silly stoiy) with new oi olu vocabulaiy
- Nake suie youi stoiy makes sense contextually. (Neaning, make suie
you use each woiu coiiectly in a way that connects with othei paits of
the stoiy.)
- 0nueiline each vocabulaiy woiu.
- Be cieative.

G" H+'IC%6&%+' #$%&%'(
a. J77 J=+9& K++BLM3D&- Wiite a book about something youi aie
inteiesteu in, by using ieal facts fiom a ieliable souice.
=N *1,-:73&- Folu a piece of papei in thiius. Nake a pamphlet about a
topic you aie ieseaiching oi have alieauy ieseaicheu.
I>$3,7: Title of youi topic
I?,6)=": Subtitles anu facts about youi topic.
I5#-2: Sites foi moie infoimation, contact infoimation, anu the
authoi's name.

O" P+9$'17 /'&$>
- Wiite an entiy in youi uialogue jouinal to Ns. Taia.
- Remembei to use the foimat of a lettei with the uate, salutation, bouy
paiagiaph(s), closing, anu signatuie.

Q" A+,%6LR$1-:%6 H+437 A:1-&3$
- Cieate youi own comicgiaphic novel chaptei.
- Cieate +'3 comicchaptei with 1& 7315& 5%D comicsgiaphics.
! oi
- Cieate &?+ comicsgiaphic novel chapteis with 1& 7315& &:$33
comicsgiaphics each.
- Each comicgiaphic shoulu 6+'&1%' ?$%&%'( with 6+,-73&3 53'&3'635,
-$+-3$ -9'6&91&%+', anu 61-%&17%81&%+'.

S" *9=7%5: T+,3&:%'(
- Select a wiiting piece that you have alieauy euiteu anu ieviseu.
- Publish youi woik by auuing all the new euits anu ievisions.
- Biing youi publish piece in to the class to shaie anu then auu it to the
class libiaiy in the, ?,=";",=",7./ @4A.)61"= 0"976 bin.

1u) <1'(91(3 U'V9%$> 1'0 R1,35
a. 23531$6: ?$%&%'( 5B%775 you want to know moie about, aie confuseu
about, oi nevei heaiu of.
b. Play 71'(91(3 (1,35 to piactice putting youi wiiting anu language
skills to use.
- Conjunction uame:
- Woiu Type uame:
- Piefix anu Suffix uame:
- Punctuation uame:
- Clean 0p Youi uiammai uame:
- Language Aits uames:
- uiammai Blast: http:www.euuplace.comkiushmek_Sgiammai
!! #$ %&' ()*)+, ,-.( &/,.&01 %&' 2345 ,67) 6 (+8))0 (-&, &$ %&'8
9&87 60: ()0: ., ,& ,686;&<+-'=->=<6.*?+&< &8 /8.0, &', 6
/6=) ,& (-&9 ,-6, %&'8 9&87 96( +&</*),): &0*.0)?

11) 236+$0 K/WX2/ Y+9 #$%&3
- Recoiu what you plan to wiite.
- Listen to the iecoiuing anu tiansciibe (copy) what you saiu on the
iecoiuing in wiiting.

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