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Digital Leaders Meeting Minutes 4.9.13 3.30-5.00pm, Dubai Modern Academy 1.

Welcome back and introductions - new leaders, CTO. New schools have been added to various hubs and new members introduced themselves to the rest of the network. Herve Marchet ( GEMS Chief Technology Officer) spoke about the GEMS direction and priorities for the company going forward. A video of Herves talk has been posted on the GEMS digital learning facebook page. 2. Summary of 2012-13 As a reflection tool, we all contributed to a collective mind map of our connections across the network. This is on a large sheet of paper which will be migrated to an online version for us all to share. If you were not at the meeting and have made connections across the network for Digital support or to give digital support please email Sheryl your connections list and she will add it to the map. 3. Leading Edge Certificate - Sydney to showcase impact Thank you Sydney for your enthusiastic presentation of what you have learnt through this course and how it has impacted not only your classroom teaching but the trickle down effect on the rest of your staff. Your leadership in the school in digital learning is very apparent and the transformation of your pedagogy is a testament to the calibre of this PD opportunity. If you are interested in the Leading Edge Certification course for online and blended teacher and digital educator certifications, information and syllabi can be found here .

PLease let us know if you have any teachers interested. This is a facilitated , part time online course and we need a minimum of 15 to start a cohort. Cost is $500 USD per person with external certification on completion. We strongly recommend this course for people with some digital skills who would like to develop digital pedagogies that change practice. Please email if you are interested.

Priorities for 2013-14 outlined a) BYOT & pedagogical implications: managing the transformation b) Digital Handbook - guidance doc for all aspects of technology integration and digital learning in GEMS schools c) Digital Citizenship Programme: proposal to base this on d) Digital Skills Curriculum e) Online community f) GEMS Platform g) Microsoft Partners in Learning & PD 4. Education City Presentation: free trials can be arranged by contacting providers directly (Jamie Southerington: or through Phil. 5. Q&A: Effective, efficient and legal iPad and app deployment remains an issue and a session will be planned soon for all interested parties. PLease let us know if you feel there is anything missing off our priorities list for this academic year. Your input is vital to ensure that our initiatives are being driven by our schools and their needs. We look forward to continuing the great network we have established in the last year. Please do not hesitate to make contact with the digital team for any needs you may have . We can put you in touch with the people that can best help you. Regards

Sheryl Rogers Phil Redhead Andrew Nolan

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