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Teachi ng Phi losophy

Biittan Aebischei

I am an aviu teachei, uesignei anu aitist, pushing the limits of my ciaft in each uiscipline. I
am passionate about the visual aesthetic anu how it communicates to the society as a
whole. I teach ait in anu out of the classioom on all levels, to all ages. I believe, as a visual
aits teachei, it is my uuty to uemonstiate, shaie anu piomote the passions anu ciafts of the
visual woilu. I teach so that otheis may expeiience the "light" of cieativity anu the
tiemenuous oppoitunities of self-uiscoveiy that the cieative piocess allows. I believe that
my concuiient expeiience, both as a teachei anu as a ieal contiibutoi to the ait inuustiy, is
what makes me an effective teachei, allowing me to incoipoiate ieal life examples fiom my
woik into the classioom. This peimits me to establish cieuibility anu to shaie my passion
anu vision with all my stuuents.

I tiaineu as a giaphic uesignei in my unueigiauuate stuuies anu I giauuateu with a
bacheloi's uegiee in ait with an emphasis in giaphic uesign. Realizing that I uiu not just
want to make ait, but teach it, I eniolleu in ueoige Fox 0niveisity's Nastei of Aits in
Teaching piogiam. Beie, I eaineu my masteis in teaching anu K-12 ait ceitification. I have
hau vaiious teaching expeiiences othei than ait that have also alloweu me to expanu my
teaching abilities in music (piano), giaphic uesign, anu theatiical peifoimance (uiama).

I believe that teaching anu the euucative classioom is an evei changing anu piogiessive
oiganism. Leaining is not stiictly subjecteu by the teachei, but foimeu thiough the uaily
inteiactions, stiuggles, inspiiations, anu peisonas of eveiy pupil in the ioom. Ny goal is to
establish a leaining enviionment that encompasses all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy:
cognitive, affective anu the psychomotoi uomains. In oiuei foi the cieative piocess to be
leaineu anu utilizeu by the stuuent, my lessons anu uiiectives must be maintaineu within
the bounuaiies of each inuiviuual stuuent as an inuiviuual. This iequiies my classioom to
become a uiffeientiateu leaining enviionment, focuseu on the whole peison. When
stuuents have completeu a pioject to the best of theii ability, following uiiections anu
putting as much effoit into theii woik as they possibly can, I know that they have
succeeueu. The cieative piocess can only be giaueu accoiuing to the inuiviuual stuuent's
willingness to motivate themselves, whethei in theii attituue, physical abilities oi oveiall
"sense" anu unueistanuing of theii cieativity. It is my job to guiue them thiough this
piocess while expanuing theii knowleuge base anu woilu vision. At the enu of the uay, I
want each stuuent to have gaineu an "ah ha!" moment, that opens theii minus anu
challenges them to matuie as woilu citizens.
I am ueuicateu to implementing an enviionment of expeiiential leaining thiough the
cognitive, affective anu psycho-motoi uomains while nuituiing a uesiie anu passion in my
stuuents to be life long leaineis. I stiive to continue leaining as much as I can myself, anu it
is my hope that my stuuents will be able to giasp the impoitance of leaining in an evei-
changing, global society anu have the confiuence to successfully pioblem solve whatevei
they encountei.

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