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LABOR RELATIONS Title I POLICY AND DEFINITIONS Chapter I POLICY Article. 211. Declaration of Policy. A. It is the polic o! the State"

#a$ To pro%ote a&' e%phasi(e the pri%ac o! !ree collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a&' &e+otiatio&s, i&cl-'i&+ )ol-&tar ar*itratio&, %e'iatio& a&' co&ciliatio&, as %o'es o! settli&+ la*or or i&'-strial 'isp-tes. #*$ To pro%ote !ree tra'e -&io&is% as a& i&str-%e&t !or the e&ha&ce%e&t o! 'e%ocrac a&' the pro%otio& o! social /-stice a&' 'e)elop%e&t. #c$ To !oster the !ree a&' )ol-&tar or+a&i(atio& o! a stro&+ a&' -&ite' la*or %o)e%e&t. #'$ To pro%ote the e&li+hte&%e&t o! 0or1ers co&cer&i&+ their ri+hts a&' o*li+atio&s as -&io& %e%*ers a&' as e%plo ees. #e$ To pro)i'e a& a'e2-ate a'%i&istrati)e %achi&er !or the e3pe'itio-s settle%e&t o! la*or or i&'-strial 'isp-tes. #!$ To e&s-re a sta*le *-t ' &a%ic a&' /-st i&'-strial peace. a&' #+$ To e&s-re the participatio& o! 0or1ers i& 'ecisio& a&' polic -%a1i&+ processes a!!ecti&+ their ri+hts, '-ties a&' 0el!are. B. To e&co-ra+e a tr-l 'e%ocratic %etho' o! re+-lati&+ the relatio&s *et0ee& the e%plo ers a&' e%plo ees * %ea&s o! a+ree%e&ts !reel e&tere' i&to thro-+h collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+, &o co-rt or a'%i&istrati)e a+e&c or o!!icial shall ha)e the po0er to set or !i3 0a+es, rates o! pa , ho-rs o! 0or1 or other ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t, e3cept as other0ise pro)i'e' -&'er this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 4, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Chapter II DEFINITIONS Article. 212. Definitions. - #a$ "Commission" %ea&s the Natio&al La*or Relatio&s Co%%issio& or a& o! its 'i)isio&s, as the case %a *e, as pro)i'e' -&'er this Co'e. #*$ "Bureau" %ea&s the B-rea- o! La*or Relatio&s a&';or the La*or Relatio&s Di)isio&s i& the re+io&al o!!ices esta*lishe' -&'er Presi'e&tial Decree No. 1, i& the Depart%e&t o! La*or. #c$ "Board" %ea&s the Natio&al Co&ciliatio& a&' 8e'iatio& Boar' esta*lishe' -&'er E3ec-ti)e Or'er No. 125. #'$ "Council" %ea&s the Tripartite <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& A')isor Co-&cil esta*lishe' -&'er E3ec-ti)e Or'er No. 125, as a%e&'e'. #e$ "Employer" i&cl-'es a& perso& acti&+ i& the i&terest o! a& e%plo er, 'irectl or i&'irectl . The ter% shall &ot i&cl-'e a& la*or or+a&i(atio& or a& o! its o!!icers or a+e&ts e3cept 0he& acti&+ as e%plo er.

#!$ "Employee" i&cl-'es a& perso& i& the e%plo o! a& e%plo er. The ter% shall &ot *e li%ite' to the e%plo ees o! a partic-lar e%plo er, -&less the Co'e so e3plicitl states. It shall i&cl-'e a& i&'i)i'-al 0hose 0or1 has cease' as a res-lt o! or i& co&&ectio& 0ith a& c-rre&t la*or 'isp-te or *eca-se o! a& -&!air la*or practice i! he has &ot o*tai&e' a& other s-*sta&tiall e2-i)ale&t a&' re+-lar e%plo %e&t. #+$ "Labor organization" %ea&s a& -&io& or associatio& o! e%plo ees 0hich e3ists i& 0hole or i& part !or the p-rpose o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ or o! 'eali&+ 0ith e%plo ers co&cer&i&+ ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t. #h$ "Legitimate labor organization" %ea&s a& la*or or+a&i(atio& '-l re+istere' 0ith the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, a&' i&cl-'es a& *ra&ch or local thereo!. #i$ "Company union" %ea&s a& la*or or+a&i(atio& 0hose !or%atio&, !-&ctio& or a'%i&istratio& has *ee& assiste' * a& act 'e!i&e' as -&!air la*or practice * this Co'e. #/$ "Bargaining representative" %ea&s a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& 0hether or &ot e%plo e' * the e%plo er. #1$ "Unfair labor practice" %ea&s a& -&!air la*or practice as e3pressl 'e!i&e' * the Co'e. #l$ "Labor dispute" i&cl-'es a& co&tro)ers or %atter co&cer&i&+ ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t or the associatio& or represe&tatio& o! perso&s i& &e+otiati&+, !i3i&+, %ai&tai&i&+, cha&+i&+ or arra&+i&+ the ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t, re+ar'less o! 0hether the 'isp-ta&ts sta&' i& the pro3i%ate relatio& o! e%plo er a&' e%plo ee. #%$ "Managerial employee" is o&e 0ho is )este' 0ith the po0ers or prero+ati)es to la 'o0& a&' e3ec-te %a&a+e%e&t policies a&';or to hire, tra&s!er, s-spe&', la -o!!, recall, 'ischar+e, assi+& or 'iscipli&e e%plo ees. S-per)isor e%plo ees are those 0ho, i& the i&terest o! the e%plo er, e!!ecti)el reco%%e&' s-ch %a&a+erial actio&s i! the e3ercise o! s-ch a-thorit is &ot %erel ro-ti&ar or clerical i& &at-re *-t re2-ires the -se o! i&'epe&'e&t /-'+%e&t. All e%plo ees &ot !alli&+ 0ithi& a& o! the a*o)e 'e!i&itio&s are co&si'ere' ra&1-a&'-!ile e%plo ees !or p-rposes o! this Boo1. #&$ " oluntary !rbitrator" %ea&s a& perso& accre'ite' * the Boar' as s-ch or a& perso& &a%e' or 'esi+&ate' i& the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t * the parties to act as their <ol-&tar Ar*itrator, or o&e chose& 0ith or 0itho-t the assista&ce o! the Natio&al Co&ciliatio& a&' 8e'iatio& Boar', p-rs-a&t to a selectio& proce'-re a+ree' -po& i& the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, or a& o!!icial that %a *e a-thori(e' * the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t to act as <ol-&tar Ar*itrator -po& the 0ritte& re2-est a&' a+ree%e&t o! the parties to a la*or 'isp-te. #o$ ""tri#e" %ea&s a& te%porar stoppa+e o! 0or1 * the co&certe' actio& o! e%plo ees as a res-lt o! a& i&'-strial or la*or 'isp-te. #p$ "Loc#out" %ea&s a& te%porar re!-sal o! a& e%plo er to !-r&ish 0or1 as a res-lt o! a& i&'-strial or la*or 'isp-te. #2$ "$nternal union dispute" i&cl-'es all 'isp-tes or +rie)a&ces arisi&+ !ro% a& )iolatio& o! or 'isa+ree%e&t o)er a& pro)isio& o! the co&stit-tio& a&' * la0s o! a -&io&, i&cl-'i&+ a& )iolatio& o! the ri+hts a&' co&'itio&s o! -&io& %e%*ership pro)i'e' !or i& this Co'e. #r$ ""tri#e%brea#er" %ea&s a& perso& 0ho o*str-cts, i%pe'es, or i&ter!eres 0ith * !orce, )iole&ce, coercio&, threats, or i&ti%i'atio& a& peace!-l pic1eti&+ a!!ecti&+ 0a+es, ho-rs or co&'itio&s o! 0or1 or i& the e3ercise o! the ri+ht o! sel!-or+a&i(atio& or collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+.

#s$ ""tri#e area" %ea&s the esta*lish%e&t, 0areho-ses, 'epots, pla&ts or o!!ices, i&cl-'i&+ the sites or pre%ises -se' as r-&a0a shops, o! the e%plo er str-c1 a+ai&st, as 0ell as the i%%e'iate )ici&it act-all -se' * pic1eti&+ stri1ers i& %o)i&+ to a&' !ro *e!ore all poi&ts o! e&tra&ce to a&' e3it !ro% sai' esta*lish%e&t. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& =, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$.

Title II NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS CO88ISSION Chapter I CREATION AND CO8POSITION Article 214. Natio&al La*or Relatio&s Co%%issio&. - There shall *e a Natio&al La*or Relatio&s Co%%issio& 0hich shall *e attache' to the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t solel !or pro+ra% a&' polic coor'i&atio& o&l , co%pose' o! a Chair%a& a&' t0e&t -three #24$ 8e%*ers. Ei+ht #:$ %e%*ers each shall *e chose& o&l !ro% a%o&+ the &o%i&ees o! the 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers or+a&i(atio&s, respecti)el . The Chair%a& a&' the se)e& #6$ re%ai&i&+ %e%*ers shall co%e !ro% the p-*lic sector, 0ith the latter to *e chose& pre!era*l !ro% a%o&+ the i&c-%*e&t La*or Ar*iters. >po& ass-%ptio& i&to o!!ice, the %e%*ers &o%i&ate' * the 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers or+a&i(atio&s shall 'i)est the%sel)es o! a& a!!iliatio& 0ith or i&terest i& the !e'eratio& or associatio& to 0hich the *elo&+. The Co%%issio& %a sit e& *a&c or i& ei+ht #:$ 'i)isio&s, each co%pose' o! three #4$ %e%*ers. The Co%%issio& shall sit e& *a&c o&l !or p-rposes o! pro%-l+ati&+ r-les a&' re+-latio&s +o)er&i&+ the heari&+ a&' 'ispositio& o! cases *e!ore a& o! its 'i)isio&s a&' re+io&al *ra&ches a&' !or%-lati&+ policies a!!ecti&+ its a'%i&istratio& a&' operatio&s. The Co%%issio& shall e3ercise its a'/-'icator a&' all other po0ers, !-&ctio&s, a&' '-ties thro-+h its 'i)isio&s. O! the ei+ht #:$ 'i)isio&s, the !irst, seco&', thir', !o-rth, !i!th a&' si3th 'i)isio&s shall ha&'le cases co%i&+ !ro% the Natio&al Capital Re+io& a&' other parts o! L-(o&. a&' the se)e&th a&' ei+hth 'i)isio&s, cases !ro% the <isa as a&' 8i&'a&ao, respecti)el " Pro)i'e', That the Co%%issio& sitti&+ e& *a&c %a , o& te%porar or e%er+e&c *asis, allo0 cases 0ithi& the /-ris'ictio& o! a& 'i)isio& to *e hear' a&' 'eci'e' * a& other 'i)isio& 0hose 'oc1et allo0s the a''itio&al 0or1loa' a&' s-ch tra&s!er 0ill &ot e3pose liti+a&ts to -&&ecessar a''itio&al e3pe&ses. The 'i)isio&s o! the Co%%issio& shall ha)e e3cl-si)e appellate /-ris'ictio& o)er cases 0ithi& their respecti)e territorial /-ris'ictio&. The co&c-rre&ce o! t0o #2$ Co%%issio&ers o! a 'i)isio& shall *e &ecessar !or the pro&o-&ce%e&t o! a /-'+%e&t or resol-tio&. ?he&e)er the re2-ire' %e%*ership i& a 'i)isio& is &ot co%plete a&' the co&c-rre&ce o! t0o #2$ Co%%issio&ers to arri)e at a /-'+%e&t or resol-tio& ca&&ot *e o*tai&e', the Chair%a& shall 'esi+&ate s-ch &-%*er o! a''itio&al Co%%issio&ers !ro% the other 'i)isio&s as %a *e &ecessar . The co&cl-sio&s o! a 'i)isio& o& a& case s-*%itte' to it !or 'ecisio& shall *e reache' i& co&s-ltatio& *e!ore the case is assi+&e' to a %e%*er !or the 0riti&+ o! the opi&io&. It shall *e %a&'ator !or the 'i)isio& to %eet !or p-rposes o! the co&s-ltatio& or'ai&e' therei&. A certi!icatio& to this e!!ect si+&e' * the Presi'i&+ Co%%issio&er o! the 'i)isio& shall *e iss-e', a&' a cop thereo! attache' to the recor' o! the case a&' ser)e' -po& the parties. The Chair%a& shall *e the Presi'i&+ Co%%issio&er o! the !irst 'i)isio&, a&' the se)e& #6$ other %e%*ers !ro% the p-*lic sector shall *e the Presi'i&+ Co%%issio&ers o! the seco&', thir', !o-rth, !i!th, si3th, se)e&th a&' ei+ht 'i)isio&s, respecti)el . I& case o! the e!!ecti)e

a*se&ce or i&capacit o! the Chair%a&, the Presi'i&+ Co%%issio&er o! the seco&' 'i)isio& shall *e the Acti&+ Chair%a&. The Chair%a&, ai'e' * the E3ec-ti)e Cler1 o! the Co%%issio&, shall ha)e a'%i&istrati)e s-per)isio& o)er the Co%%issio& a&' its re+io&al *ra&ches a&' all its perso&&el, i&cl-'i&+ the La*or Ar*iters. The Co%%issio&, 0he& sitti&+ e& *a&c, shall *e assiste' * the sa%e E3ec-ti)e Cler1, a&', 0he& acti&+ thr- its Di)isio&s, * sai' E3ec-ti)e Cler1 !or its !irst 'i)isio& a&' se)e& #6$ other Dep-t E3ec-ti)e Cler1s !or the seco&', thir', !o-rth !i!th, si3th, se)e&th a&' ei+hth 'i)isio&s, respecti)el , i& the per!or%a&ce o! s-ch si%ilar or e2-i)ale&t !-&ctio&s a&' '-ties as are 'ischar+e' * the Cler1 o! Co-rt a&' Dep-t Cler1s o! Co-rt o! the Co-rt o! Appeals. The Co%%issio& a&' its ei+ht #:$ 'i)isio&s shall *e assiste' * the Co%%issio& Attor&e s i& its appellate a&' a'/-'icator !-&ctio&s 0hose ter% shall *e coter%i&o-s 0ith the Co%%issio&ers 0ith 0ho% the are assi+&e'. The Co%%issio& Attor&e s shall *e %e%*ers o! the Philippi&e Bar 0ith at least o&e #1$ ear e3perie&ce or e3pos-re i& the !iel' o! la*or%a&a+e%e&t relatio&s. The shall recei)e a&&-al salaries a&' shall *e e&title' to the sa%e allo0a&ces a&' *e&e!its as those !alli&+ -&'er Salar @ra'e t0e&t -si3 #S@ 25$. There shall *e as %a& Co%%issio& Attor&e s as %a *e &ecessar !or the e!!ecti)e a&' e!!icie&t operatio&s o! the Co%%issio& *-t i& &o case %ore tha& three #4$ assi+&e' to the O!!ice o! the Chair%a& a&' each Co%%issio&er. No La*or Ar*iter shall *e assi+&e' to per!or% the !-&ctio&s o! the Co%%issio& Attor&e &or 'etaile' to the o!!ice o! a& Co%%issio&er. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 1, Rep-*lic Act No. 94=6 AB-l 26, 2CC5D a&' as pre)io-sl a%e&'e' * Rep-*lic Act No. 66CC a&' Sectio& 7, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617$.

Article 21=. Eea'2-arters, Bra&ches a&' Pro)i&cial E3te&sio& >&its. - The Co%%issio& a&' its !irst, seco&', thir', !o-rth, !i!th a&' si3th 'i)isio&s shall ha)e their %ai& o!!ices i& 8etropolita& 8a&ila, a&' the se)e&th a&' ei+hth 'i)isio&s i& the cities o! Ce*- a&' Ca+a a& 'e Oro, respecti)el . The Co%%issio& shall esta*lish as %a& re+io&al *ra&ches as there are re+io&al o!!ices o! the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, s-*-re+io&al *ra&ches or pro)i&cial e3te&sio& -&its. There shall *e as %a& La*or Ar*iters as %a *e &ecessar !or the e!!ecti)e a&' e!!icie&t operatio& o! the Co%%issio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 2, Rep-*lic Act No. 94=6 AB-l 26, 2CC5D a&' pre)io-sl a%e&'e' * Sectio& 5, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617 A8arch 21, 19:9D$. Article 217. Appoi&t%e&t a&' F-ali!icatio&s. G The Chair%a& a&' other Co%%issio&ers shall *e %e%*ers o! the Philippi&e Bar a&' %-st ha)e *ee& e&+a+e' i& the practice o! la0 i& the Philippi&es !or at least !i!tee& #17$ ears, 0ith at least !i)e #7$ ears e3perie&ce or e3pos-re i& the !iel' o! la*or-%a&a+e%e&t relatio&s, a&' shall pre!era*l *e resi'e&ts o! the re+io& 0here the shall hol' o!!ice. The La*or Ar*iters shall li1e0ise *e %e%*ers o! the Philippi&e Bar a&' %-st ha)e *ee& e&+a+e' i& the practice o! la0 i& the Philippi&es !or at least te& #1C$ ears, 0ith at least !i)e #7$ ears e3perie&ce or e3pos-re i& the !iel' o! la*or-%a&a+e%e&t relatio&s. The Chair%a& a&' the other Co%%issio&ers a&' the La*or Ar*iters shall hol' o!!ice '-ri&+ +oo' *eha)ior -&til the reach the a+e o! si3t -!i)e #57$ ears, -&less soo&er re%o)e' !or ca-se as pro)i'e' * la0 or *eco%e i&capacitate' to 'ischar+e the '-ties o! their o!!ice. Pro)i'e', ho0e)er, That the Presi'e&t o! the Rep-*lic o! the Philippi&es %a e3te&' the ser)ices o! the Co%%issio&ers a&' La*or Ar*iters -p to the %a3i%-% a+e o! se)e&t #6C$ ears -po& the reco%%e&'atio& o! the Co%%issio& e& *a&c. The Chair%a&, the Di)isio& Presi'i&+ Co%%issio&ers a&' other Co%%issio&ers shall all *e appoi&te' * the Presi'e&t. Appoi&t%e&t to a& )aca&c i& a speci!ic 'i)isio& shall co%e o&l !ro% the &o%i&ees o! the sector 0hich &o%i&ate' the pre'ecessor. The La*or Ar*iters shall

also *e appoi&te' * the Presi'e&t, -po& reco%%e&'atio& o! the Co%%issio& e& *a&c to a speci!ic ar*itratio& *ra&ch, pre!era*l i& the re+io& 0here the are resi'e&ts, a&' shall *e s-*/ect to the Ci)il Ser)ice La0, r-les a&' re+-latio&s" Pro)i'e', that the La*or Ar*iters 0ho are prese&tl hol'i&+ o!!ice i& the re+io& 0here the are resi'e&ts shall *e 'ee%e' appoi&te' thereat. The Chair%a& a&' the Co%%issio&, shall appoi&t the sta!! a&' e%plo ees o! the Co%%issio&, a&' its re+io&al *ra&ches as the &ee's o! the ser)ice %a re2-ire, s-*/ect to the Ci)il Ser)ice La0, r-les a&' re+-latio&s, a&' -p+ra'e their c-rre&t salaries, *e&e!its a&' other e%ol-%e&ts i& accor'a&ce 0ith la0. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 4, Rep-*lic Act No. 94=6 AB-l 26, 2CC5D a&' as pre)io-sl a%e&'e' * Sectio& 6, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617 A8arch 21, 19:9D$. Article 215. Salaries, *e&e!its a&' other e%ol-%e&ts. G The Chair%a& a&' %e%*ers o! the Co%%issio& shall ha)e the sa%e ra&1, recei)e a& a&&-al salar e2-i)ale&t to, a&' *e e&title' to the sa%e allo0a&ces, retire%e&t a&' *e&e!its as, those o! the Presi'i&+ B-stice a&' Associate B-stices o! the Co-rt o! Appeals, respecti)el . La*or Ar*iters shall ha)e the sa%e ra&1, recei)e a& a&&-al salar e2-i)ale&t to a&' *e e&title' to the sa%e allo0a&ces, retire%e&t a&' other *e&e!its a&' pri)ile+es as those o! the /-'+es o! the re+io&al trial co-rts. I& &o case, ho0e)er, shall the pro)isio& o! this Article res-lt i& the 'i%i&-tio& o! the e3isti&+ salaries, allo0a&ces a&' *e&e!its o! the a!ore%e&tio&e' o!!icials. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& =, Rep-*lic Act No. 94=6 AB-l 26, 2CC5D a&' as pre)io-sl a%e&'e' * Sectio& :, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617 A8arch 21, 19:9D$. Chapter II PO?ERS AND D>TIES Article. 216. &urisdiction of t'e Labor !rbiters and t'e Commission. - #a$ E3cept as other0ise pro)i'e' -&'er this Co'e, the La*or Ar*iters shall ha)e ori+i&al a&' e3cl-si)e /-ris'ictio& to hear a&' 'eci'e, 0ithi& thirt #4C$ cale&'ar 'a s a!ter the s-*%issio& o! the case * the parties !or 'ecisio& 0itho-t e3te&sio&, e)e& i& the a*se&ce o! ste&o+raphic &otes, the !ollo0i&+ cases i&)ol)i&+ all 0or1ers, 0hether a+ric-lt-ral or &o&-a+ric-lt-ral" 1. >&!air la*or practice cases. 2. Ter%i&atio& 'isp-tes. 4. I! acco%pa&ie' 0ith a clai% !or rei&state%e&t, those cases that 0or1ers %a !ile i&)ol)i&+ 0a+es, rates o! pa , ho-rs o! 0or1 a&' other ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t. =. Clai%s !or act-al, %oral, e3e%plar a&' other !or%s o! 'a%a+es arisi&+ !ro% the e%plo ere%plo ee relatio&s. 7. Cases arisi&+ !ro% a& )iolatio& o! Article 25= o! this Co'e, i&cl-'i&+ 2-estio&s i&)ol)i&+ the le+alit o! stri1es a&' loc1o-ts. a&' 5. E3cept clai%s !or E%plo ees Co%pe&satio&, Social Sec-rit , 8e'icare a&' %ater&it *e&e!its, all other clai%s arisi&+ !ro% e%plo er-e%plo ee relatio&s, i&cl-'i&+ those o! perso&s i& 'o%estic or ho-sehol' ser)ice, i&)ol)i&+ a& a%o-&t e3cee'i&+ !i)e tho-sa&' pesos #P7,CCC.CC$ re+ar'less o! 0hether acco%pa&ie' 0ith a clai% !or rei&state%e&t. #*$ The Co%%issio& shall ha)e e3cl-si)e appellate /-ris'ictio& o)er all cases 'eci'e' * La*or Ar*iters.

#c$ Cases arisi&+ !ro% the i&terpretatio& or i%ple%e&tatio& o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&ts a&' those arisi&+ !ro% the i&terpretatio& or e&!orce%e&t o! co%pa& perso&&el policies shall *e 'ispose' o! * the La*or Ar*iter * re!erri&+ the sa%e to the +rie)a&ce

%achi&er a&' )ol-&tar ar*itratio& as %a *e pro)i'e' i& sai' a+ree%e&ts. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 9, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 21:. Po(ers of t'e Commission. - The Co%%issio& shall ha)e the po0er a&' a-thorit " #a$ To pro%-l+ate r-les a&' re+-latio&s +o)er&i&+ the heari&+ a&' 'ispositio& o! cases *e!ore it a&' its re+io&al *ra&ches, as 0ell as those pertai&i&+ to its i&ter&al !-&ctio&s a&' s-ch r-les a&' re+-latio&s as %a *e &ecessar to carr o-t the p-rposes o! this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 1C, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #*$ To a'%i&ister oaths, s-%%o& the parties to a co&tro)ers , iss-e s-*poe&as re2-iri&+ the atte&'a&ce a&' testi%o& o! 0it&esses or the pro'-ctio& o! s-ch *oo1s, papers, co&tracts, recor's, state%e&t o! acco-&ts, a+ree%e&ts, a&' others as %a *e %aterial to a /-st 'eter%i&atio& o! the %atter -&'er i&)esti+atio&, a&' to testi! i& a& i&)esti+atio& or heari&+ co&'-cte' i& p-rs-a&ce o! this Co'e. #c$ To co&'-ct i&)esti+atio& !or the 'eter%i&atio& o! a 2-estio&, %atter or co&tro)ers 0ithi& its /-ris'ictio&, procee' to hear a&' 'eter%i&e the 'isp-tes i& the a*se&ce o! a& part thereto 0ho has *ee& s-%%o&e' or ser)e' 0ith &otice to appear, co&'-ct its procee'i&+s or a& part thereo! i& p-*lic or i& pri)ate, a'/o-r& its heari&+s to a& ti%e a&' place, re!er tech&ical %atters or acco-&ts to a& e3pert a&' to accept his report as e)i'e&ce a!ter heari&+ o! the parties -po& '-e &otice, 'irect parties to *e /oi&e' i& or e3cl-'e' !ro% the procee'i&+s, correct, a%e&', or 0ai)e a& error, 'e!ect or irre+-larit 0hether i& s-*sta&ce or i& !or%, +i)e all s-ch 'irectio&s as it %a 'ee% &ecessar or e3pe'ie&t i& the 'eter%i&atio& o! the 'isp-te *e!ore it, a&' 'is%iss a& %atter or re!rai& !ro% !-rther heari&+ or !ro% 'eter%i&i&+ the 'isp-te or part thereo!, 0here it is tri)ial or 0here !-rther procee'i&+s * the Co%%issio& are &ot &ecessar or 'esira*le. a&' #'$ To hol' a& perso& i& co&te%pt 'irectl or i&'irectl a&' i%pose appropriate pe&alties there!or i& accor'a&ce 0ith la0. A perso& +-ilt o! %is*eha)ior i& the prese&ce o! or so &ear the Chair%a& or a& %e%*er o! the Co%%issio& or a& La*or Ar*iter as to o*str-ct or i&terr-pt the procee'i&+s *e!ore the sa%e, i&cl-'i&+ 'isrespect to0ar' sai' o!!icials, o!!e&si)e perso&alities to0ar' others, or re!-sal to *e s0or&, or to a&s0er as a 0it&ess or to s-*scri*e a& a!!i'a)it or 'epositio& 0he& la0!-ll re2-ire' to 'o so, %a *e s-%%aril a'/-'+e' i& 'irect co&te%pt * sai' o!!icials a&' p-&ishe' * !i&e &ot e3cee'i&+ !i)e h-&'re' pesos #P7CC$ or i%priso&%e&t &ot e3cee'i&+ !i)e #7$ 'a s, or *oth, i! it *e the Co%%issio&, or a %e%*er thereo!, or * a !i&e &ot e3cee'i&+ o&e h-&'re' pesos #P1CC$ or i%priso&%e&t &ot e3cee'i&+ o&e #1$ 'a , or *oth, i! it *e a La*or Ar*iter. The perso& a'/-'+e' i& 'irect co&te%pt * a La*or Ar*iter %a appeal to the Co%%issio& a&' the e3ec-tio& o! the /-'+%e&t shall *e s-spe&'e' pe&'i&+ the resol-tio& o! the appeal -po& the !ili&+ * s-ch perso& o! a *o&' o& co&'itio& that he 0ill a*i'e * a&' per!or% the /-'+%e&t o! the Co%%issio& sho-l' the appeal *e 'eci'e' a+ai&st hi%. B-'+%e&t o! the Co%%issio& o& 'irect co&te%pt is i%%e'iatel e3ec-tor a&' -&appeala*le. I&'irect co&te%pt shall *e 'ealt 0ith * the Co%%issio& or La*or Ar*iter i& the %a&&er prescri*e' -&'er R-le 61 o! the Re)ise' R-les o! Co-rt. a&' #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 1C, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #e$ To e&/oi& or restrai& a& act-al or threate&e' co%%issio& o! a& or all prohi*ite' or -&la0!-l acts or to re2-ire the per!or%a&ce o! a partic-lar act i& a& la*or 'isp-te 0hich, i! &ot restrai&e' or per!or%e' !orth0ith, %a ca-se +ra)e or irrepara*le 'a%a+e to a& part or re&'er i&e!!ect-al a& 'ecisio& i& !a)or o! s-ch part " Pro)i'e', That &o te%porar or per%a&e&t i&/-&ctio& i& a& case i&)ol)i&+ or +ro0i&+ o-t o! a la*or 'isp-te as 'e!i&e' i& this Co'e shall *e iss-e' e3cept a!ter heari&+ the testi%o& o! 0it&esses, 0ith opport-&it !or cross-e3a%i&atio&, i& s-pport o! the alle+atio&s o! a co%plai&t %a'e -&'er oath, a&'

testi%o& i& oppositio& thereto, i! o!!ere', a&' o&l a!ter a !i&'i&+ o! !act * the Co%%issio&, to the e!!ect" #1$ That prohi*ite' or -&la0!-l acts ha)e *ee& threate&e' a&' 0ill *e co%%itte' a&' 0ill *e co&ti&-e' -&less restrai&e', *-t &o i&/-&ctio& or te%porar restrai&i&+ or'er shall *e iss-e' o& acco-&t o! a& threat, prohi*ite' or -&la0!-l act, e3cept a+ai&st the perso& or perso&s, associatio& or or+a&i(atio& %a1i&+ the threat or co%%itti&+ the prohi*ite' or -&la0!-l act or act-all a-thori(i&+ or rati! i&+ the sa%e a!ter act-al 1&o0le'+e thereo!. #2$ That s-*sta&tial a&' irrepara*le i&/-r to co%plai&a&tHs propert 0ill !ollo0. #4$ That as to each ite% o! relie! to *e +ra&te', +reater i&/-r 0ill *e i&!licte' -po& co%plai&a&t * the 'e&ial o! relie! tha& 0ill *e i&!licte' -po& 'e!e&'a&ts * the +ra&ti&+ o! relie!. #=$ That co%plai&a&t has &o a'e2-ate re%e' at la0. a&' #7$ That the p-*lic o!!icers char+e' 0ith the '-t to protect co%plai&a&tHs propert are -&a*le or -&0illi&+ to !-r&ish a'e2-ate protectio&. S-ch heari&+ shall *e hel' a!ter '-e a&' perso&al &otice thereo! has *ee& ser)e', i& s-ch %a&&er as the Co%%issio& shall 'irect, to all 1&o0& perso&s a+ai&st 0ho% relie! is so-+ht, a&' also to the Chie! E3ec-ti)e a&' other p-*lic o!!icials o! the pro)i&ce or cit 0ithi& 0hich the -&la0!-l acts ha)e *ee& threate&e' or co%%itte', char+e' 0ith the '-t to protect co%plai&a&tHs propert " Pro)i'e', ho0e)er, that i! a co%plai&a&t shall also alle+e that, -&less a te%porar restrai&i&+ or'er shall *e iss-e' 0itho-t &otice, a s-*sta&tial a&' irrepara*le i&/-r to co%plai&a&tHs propert 0ill *e -&a)oi'a*le, s-ch a te%porar restrai&i&+ or'er %a *e iss-e' -po& testi%o& -&'er oath, s-!!icie&t, i! s-stai&e', to /-sti! the Co%%issio& i& iss-i&+ a te%porar i&/-&ctio& -po& heari&+ a!ter &otice. S-ch a te%porar restrai&i&+ or'er shall *e e!!ecti)e !or &o lo&+er tha& t0e&t #2C$ 'a s a&' shall *eco%e )oi' at the e3piratio& o! sai' t0e&t #2C$ 'a s. No s-ch te%porar restrai&i&+ or'er or te%porar i&/-&ctio& shall *e iss-e' e3cept o& co&'itio& that co%plai&a&t shall !irst !ile a& -&'erta1i&+ 0ith a'e2-ate sec-rit i& a& a%o-&t to *e !i3e' * the Co%%issio& s-!!icie&t to reco%pe&se those e&/oi&e' !or a& loss, e3pe&se or 'a%a+e ca-se' * the i%pro)i'e&t or erro&eo-s iss-a&ce o! s-ch or'er or i&/-&ctio&, i&cl-'i&+ all reaso&a*le costs, to+ether 0ith a reaso&a*le attor&e Hs !ee, a&' e3pe&se o! 'e!e&se a+ai&st the or'er or a+ai&st the +ra&ti&+ o! a& i&/-&cti)e relie! so-+ht i& the sa%e procee'i&+ a&' s-*se2-e&tl 'e&ie' * the Co%%issio&. The -&'erta1i&+ herei& %e&tio&e' shall *e -&'erstoo' to co&stit-te a& a+ree%e&t e&tere' i&to * the co%plai&a&t a&' the s-ret -po& 0hich a& or'er %a *e re&'ere' i& the sa%e s-it or procee'i&+ a+ai&st sai' co%plai&a&t a&' s-ret , -po& a heari&+ to assess 'a%a+es, o! 0hich heari&+, co%plai&a&t a&' s-ret shall ha)e reaso&a*le &otice, the sai' co%plai&a&t a&' s-ret s-*%itti&+ the%sel)es to the /-ris'ictio& o! the Co%%issio& !or that p-rpose. B-t &othi&+ herei& co&tai&e' shall 'epri)e a& part ha)i&+ a clai% or ca-se o! actio& -&'er or -po& s-ch -&'erta1i&+ !ro% electi&+ to p-rs-e his or'i&ar re%e' * s-it at la0 or i& e2-it " Pro)i'e', !-rther, That the receptio& o! e)i'e&ce !or the applicatio& o! a 0rit o! i&/-&ctio& %a *e 'ele+ate' * the Co%%issio& to a& o! its La*or Ar*iters 0ho shall co&'-ct s-ch heari&+s i& s-ch places as he %a 'eter%i&e to *e accessi*le to the parties a&' their 0it&esses a&' shall s-*%it therea!ter his reco%%e&'atio& to the Co%%issio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 1C, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 219. )cular inspection. - The Chair%a&, a& Co%%issio&er, La*or Ar*iter or their '-l a-thori(e' represe&tati)es, %a , at a& ti%e '-ri&+ 0or1i&+ ho-rs, co&'-ct a& oc-lar i&spectio& o& a& esta*lish%e&t, *-il'i&+, ship or )essel, place or pre%ises, i&cl-'i&+ a& 0or1, %aterial, i%ple%e&t, %achi&er , applia&ce or a& o*/ect therei&, a&' as1 a& e%plo ee, la*orer, or a& perso&, as the case %a *e, !or a& i&!or%atio& or 'ata co&cer&i&+ a& %atter or 2-estio& relati)e to the o*/ect o! the i&)esti+atio&.

AArticle. 22C. Compulsory arbitration. % The Co%%issio& or a& La*or Ar*iter shall ha)e the po0er to as1 the assista&ce o! other +o)er&%e&t o!!icials a&' 2-ali!ie' pri)ate citi(e&s to act as co%p-lsor ar*itrators o& cases re!erre' to the% a&' to !i3 a&' assess the !ees o! s-ch co%p-lsor ar*itrators, ta1i&+ i&to acco-&t the &at-re o! the case, the ti%e co&s-%e' i& heari&+ the case, the pro!essio&al sta&'i&+ o! the ar*itrators, the !i&a&cial capacit o! the parties, a&' the !ees pro)i'e' i& the R-les o! Co-rt.D #Repeale' * Sectio& 15, Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1$. Article. 221. *ec'nical rules not binding and prior resort to amicable settlement. - I& a& procee'i&+ *e!ore the Co%%issio& or a& o! the La*or Ar*iters, the r-les o! e)i'e&ce pre)aili&+ i& co-rts o! la0 or e2-it shall &ot *e co&trolli&+ a&' it is the spirit a&' i&te&tio& o! this Co'e that the Co%%issio& a&' its %e%*ers a&' the La*or Ar*iters shall -se e)er a&' all reaso&a*le %ea&s to ascertai& the !acts i& each case spee'il a&' o*/ecti)el a&' 0itho-t re+ar' to tech&icalities o! la0 or proce'-re, all i& the i&terest o! '-e process. I& a& procee'i&+ *e!ore the Co%%issio& or a& La*or Ar*iter, the parties %a *e represe&te' * le+al co-&sel *-t it shall *e the '-t o! the Chair%a&, a& Presi'i&+ Co%%issio&er or Co%%issio&er or a& La*or Ar*iter to e3ercise co%plete co&trol o! the procee'i&+s at all sta+es. A& pro)isio& o! la0 to the co&trar &ot0ithsta&'i&+, the La*or Ar*iter shall e3ert all e!!orts to0ar's the a%ica*le settle%e&t o! a la*or 'isp-te 0ithi& his /-ris'ictio& o& or *e!ore the !irst heari&+. The sa%e r-le shall appl to the Co%%issio& i& the e3ercise o! its ori+i&al /-ris'ictio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 11, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 222. !ppearances and +ees. - #a$ No&-la0 ers %a appear *e!ore the Co%%issio& or a& La*or Ar*iter o&l " 1. I! the represe&t the%sel)es. or 2. I! the represe&t their or+a&i(atio& or %e%*ers thereo!. #*$ No attor&e Hs !ees, &e+otiatio& !ees or si%ilar char+es o! a& 1i&' arisi&+ !ro% a& collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t shall *e i%pose' o& a& i&'i)i'-al %e%*er o! the co&tracti&+ -&io&" Pro)i'e', Eo0e)er, that attor&e Hs !ees %a *e char+e' a+ai&st -&io& !-&'s i& a& a%o-&t to *e a+ree' -po& * the parties. A& co&tract, a+ree%e&t or arra&+e%e&t o! a& sort to the co&trar shall *e &-ll a&' )oi'. #As a%e&'e' * Presi'e&tial Decree No. 1591, 8a 1, 19:C$.

Chapter III APPEAL Article. 224. !ppeal. - Decisio&s, a0ar's, or or'ers o! the La*or Ar*iter are !i&al a&' e3ec-tor -&less appeale' to the Co%%issio& * a& or *oth parties 0ithi& te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt o! s-ch 'ecisio&s, a0ar's, or or'ers. S-ch appeal %a *e e&tertai&e' o&l o& a& o! the !ollo0i&+ +ro-&'s" #a$ I! there is prima facie e)i'e&ce o! a*-se o! 'iscretio& o& the part o! the La*or Ar*iter. #*$ I! the 'ecisio&, or'er or a0ar' 0as sec-re' thro-+h !ra-' or coercio&, i&cl-'i&+ +ra!t a&' corr-ptio&. #c$ I! %a'e p-rel o& 2-estio&s o! la0. a&' #'$ I! serio-s errors i& the !i&'i&+s o! !acts are raise' 0hich 0o-l' ca-se +ra)e or irrepara*le 'a%a+e or i&/-r to the appella&t. I& case o! a /-'+%e&t i&)ol)i&+ a %o&etar a0ar', a& appeal * the e%plo er %a *e per!ecte' o&l -po& the posti&+ o! a cash or s-ret *o&' iss-e' * a rep-ta*le *o&'i&+

co%pa& '-l accre'ite' * the Co%%issio& i& the a%o-&t e2-i)ale&t to the %o&etar a0ar' i& the /-'+%e&t appeale' !ro%. I& a& e)e&t, the 'ecisio& o! the La*or Ar*iter rei&stati&+ a 'is%isse' or separate' e%plo ee, i&so!ar as the rei&state%e&t aspect is co&cer&e', shall i%%e'iatel *e e3ec-tor , e)e& pe&'i&+ appeal. The e%plo ee shall either *e a'%itte' *ac1 to 0or1 -&'er the sa%e ter%s a&' co&'itio&s pre)aili&+ prior to his 'is%issal or separatio& or, at the optio& o! the e%plo er, %erel rei&state' i& the pa roll. The posti&+ o! a *o&' * the e%plo er shall &ot sta the e3ec-tio& !or rei&state%e&t pro)i'e' herei&. To 'isco-ra+e !ri)olo-s or 'ilator appeals, the Co%%issio& or the La*or Ar*iter shall i%pose reaso&a*le pe&alt , i&cl-'i&+ !i&es or ce&s-res, -po& the erri&+ parties. I& all cases, the appella&t shall !-r&ish a cop o! the %e%ora&'-% o! appeal to the other part 0ho shall !ile a& a&s0er &ot later tha& te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt thereo!. The Co%%issio& shall 'eci'e all cases 0ithi& t0e&t #2C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt o! the a&s0er o! the appellee. The 'ecisio& o! the Co%%issio& shall *e !i&al a&' e3ec-tor a!ter te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt thereo! * the parties. A& la0 e&!orce%e&t a+e&c %a *e 'ep-ti(e' * the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or the Co%%issio& i& the e&!orce%e&t o! 'ecisio&s, a0ar's or or'ers. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 12, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 22=. E,ecution of decisions- orders or a(ards. - #a$ The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or a& Re+io&al Director, the Co%%issio& or a& La*or Ar*iter, or 8e'-Ar*iter or <ol-&tar Ar*itrator %a , motu proprio or o& %otio& o! a& i&tereste' part , iss-e a 0rit o! e3ec-tio& o& a /-'+%e&t 0ithi& !i)e #7$ ears !ro% the 'ate it *eco%es !i&al a&' e3ec-tor , re2-iri&+ a sheri!! or a '-l 'ep-ti(e' o!!icer to e3ec-te or e&!orce !i&al 'ecisio&s, or'ers or a0ar's o! the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or re+io&al 'irector, the Co%%issio&, the La*or Ar*iter or %e'-ar*iter, or )ol-&tar ar*itrators. I& a& case, it shall *e the '-t o! the respo&si*le o!!icer to separatel !-r&ish i%%e'iatel the co-&sels o! recor' a&' the parties 0ith copies o! sai' 'ecisio&s, or'ers or a0ar's. Fail-re to co%pl 0ith the '-t prescri*e' herei& shall s-*/ect s-ch respo&si*le o!!icer to appropriate a'%i&istrati)e sa&ctio&s. #*$ The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, a&' the Chair%a& o! the Co%%issio& %a 'esi+&ate special sheri!!s a&' ta1e a& %eas-re -&'er e3isti&+ la0s to e&s-re co%plia&ce 0ith their 'ecisio&s, or'ers or a0ar's a&' those o! the La*or Ar*iters a&' )ol-&tar ar*itrators, i&cl-'i&+ the i%positio& o! a'%i&istrati)e !i&es 0hich shall &ot *e less tha& P7CC.CC &or %ore tha& P1C,CCC.CC. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 14, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 227. Contempt po(ers of t'e "ecretary of Labor. - I& the e3ercise o! his po0ers -&'er this Co'e, the Secretar o! La*or %a hol' a& perso& i& 'irect or i&'irect co&te%pt a&' i%pose the appropriate pe&alties there!or.


Article. 225. Bureau of Labor .elations. - The B-rea- o! La*or Relatio&s a&' the La*or Relatio&s Di)isio&s i& the re+io&al o!!ices o! the Depart%e&t o! La*or, shall ha)e ori+i&al a&' e3cl-si)e a-thorit to act, at their o0& i&itiati)e or -po& re2-est o! either or *oth parties, o& all i&ter--&io& a&' i&tra--&io& co&!licts, a&' all 'isp-tes, +rie)a&ces or pro*le%s arisi&+ !ro% or a!!ecti&+ la*or-%a&a+e%e&t relatio&s i& all 0or1places, 0hether a+ric-lt-ral or &o&-

a+ric-lt-ral, e3cept those arisi&+ !ro% the i%ple%e&tatio& or i&terpretatio& o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&ts 0hich shall *e the s-*/ect o! +rie)a&ce proce'-re a&';or )ol-&tar ar*itratio&. The B-rea- shall ha)e !i!tee& #17$ 0or1i&+ 'a s to act o& la*or cases *e!ore it, s-*/ect to e3te&sio& * a+ree%e&t o! the parties. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 1=, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 226. Compromise agreements. - A& co%pro%ise settle%e&t, i&cl-'i&+ those i&)ol)i&+ la*or sta&'ar' la0s, )ol-&taril a+ree' -po& * the parties 0ith the assista&ce o! the B-rea- or the re+io&al o!!ice o! the Depart%e&t o! La*or, shall *e !i&al a&' *i&'i&+ -po& the parties. The Natio&al La*or Relatio&s Co%%issio& or a& co-rt, shall &ot ass-%e /-ris'ictio& o)er iss-es i&)ol)e' therei& e3cept i& case o! &o&-co%plia&ce thereo! or i! there is prima facie e)i'e&ce that the settle%e&t 0as o*tai&e' thro-+h !ra-', %isreprese&tatio&, or coercio&. AART. 22:. $ndorsement of cases to Labor !rbiters. % #a$ E3cept as pro)i'e' i& para+raph #*$ o! this Article, the La*or Ar*iter shall e&tertai& o&l cases e&'orse' to hi% !or co%p-lsor ar*itratio& * the B-rea- or * the Re+io&al Director 0ith a 0ritte& &otice o! s-ch i&'orse%e&t or &o&-i&'orse%e&t. The i&'orse%e&t or &o&-i&'orse%e&t o! the Re+io&al Director %a *e appeale' to the B-rea- 0ithi& te& #1C$ 0or1i&+ 'a s !ro% receipt o! the &otice. #*$ The parties %a , at a& ti%e, * %-t-al a+ree%e&t, 0ith'ra0 a case !ro% the Co&ciliatio& Sectio& a&' /oi&tl s-*%it it to a La*or Ar*iter, e3cept 'ea'loc1s i& collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+.D #Repeale' * Sectio& 15, Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1$. Article. 229. $ssuance of subpoenas. - The B-rea- shall ha)e the po0er to re2-ire the appeara&ce o! a& perso& or the pro'-ctio& o! a& paper, 'oc-%e&t or %atter rele)a&t to a la*or 'isp-te -&'er its /-ris'ictio&, either at the re2-est o! a& i&tereste' part or at its o0& i&itiati)e. Article. 24C. !ppointment of bureau personnel. - The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a appoi&t, i& a''itio& to the prese&t perso&&el o! the B-rea- a&' the I&'-strial Relatio&s Di)isio&s, s-ch &-%*er o! e3a%i&ers a&' other assista&ts as %a *e &ecessar to carr o-t the p-rpose o! the Co'e. AAs a%e&'e' * Sectio& 17, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9D. Article. 241. .egistry of unions and file of collective bargaining agreements. - The B-reashall 1eep a re+istr o! le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s. The B-rea- shall also %ai&tai& a !ile o! all collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&ts a&' other relate' a+ree%e&ts a&' recor's o! settle%e&t o! la*or 'isp-tes a&' copies o! or'ers a&' 'ecisio&s o! )ol-&tar ar*itrators. The !ile shall *e ope& a&' accessi*le to i&tereste' parties -&'er co&'itio&s prescri*e' * the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, pro)i'e' that &o speci!ic i&!or%atio& s-*%itte' i& co&!i'e&ce shall *e 'isclose' -&less a-thori(e' * the Secretar , or 0he& it is at iss-e i& a& /-'icial liti+atio&, or 0he& p-*lic i&terest or &atio&al sec-rit so re2-ires. ?ithi& thirt #4C$ 'a s !ro% the e3ec-tio& o! a Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, the parties shall s-*%it copies o! the sa%e 'irectl to the B-rea- or the Re+io&al O!!ices o! the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t !or re+istratio&, acco%pa&ie' 0ith )eri!ie' proo!s o! its posti&+ i& t0o co&spic-o-s places i& the place o! 0or1 a&' rati!icatio& * the %a/orit o! all the 0or1ers i& the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it. The B-rea- or Re+io&al O!!ices shall act -po& the applicatio& !or re+istratio& o! s-ch Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t 0ithi& !i)e #7$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt thereo!. The Re+io&al O!!ices shall !-r&ish the B-rea- 0ith a cop o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t 0ithi& !i)e #7$ 'a s !ro% its s-*%issio&. The B-rea- or Re+io&al O!!ice shall assess the e%plo er !or e)er Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t a re+istratio& !ee o! &ot less tha& o&e tho-sa&' pesos #P1,CCC.CC$ or i& a& other a%o-&t as %a *e 'ee%e' appropriate a&' &ecessar * the Secretar o! La*or a&'

E%plo %e&t !or the e!!ecti)e a&' e!!icie&t a'%i&istratio& o! the <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& Pro+ra%. A& a%o-&t collecte' -&'er this pro)isio& shall accr-e to the Special <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& F-&'. The B-rea- shall also %ai&tai& a !ile a&' shall -&'erta1e or assist i& the p-*licatio& o! all !i&al 'ecisio&s, or'ers a&' a0ar's o! the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, Re+io&al Directors a&' the Co%%issio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 17, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 242. Pro'ibition on certification election. - The B-rea- shall &ot e&tertai& a& petitio& !or certi!icatio& electio& or a& other actio& 0hich %a 'ist-r* the a'%i&istratio& o! '-l re+istere' e3isti&+ collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&ts a!!ecti&+ the parties e3cept -&'er Articles 274, 274-A a&' 275 o! this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 17, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 244. Privileged communication. - I&!or%atio& a&' state%e&ts %a'e at co&ciliatio& procee'i&+s shall *e treate' as pri)ile+e' co%%-&icatio& a&' shall &ot *e -se' as e)i'e&ce i& the Co%%issio&. Co&ciliators a&' si%ilar o!!icials shall &ot testi! i& a& co-rt or *o' re+ar'i&+ a& %atters ta1e& -p at co&ciliatio& procee'i&+s co&'-cte' * the%.


Article 24=. Re2-ire%e&ts o! re+istratio&. - A !e'eratio&, &atio&al -&io& or i&'-str or tra'e -&io& ce&ter or a& i&'epe&'e&t -&io& shall ac2-ire le+al perso&alit a&' shall *e e&title' to the ri+hts a&' pri)ile+es +ra&te' * la0 to le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s -po& iss-a&ce o! the certi!icate o! re+istratio& *ase' o& the !ollo0i&+ re2-ire%e&ts" #a$ Fi!t pesos #P7C.CC$ re+istratio& !ee.

#*$ The &a%es o! its o!!icers, their a''resses, the pri&cipal a''ress o! the la*or or+a&i(atio&, the %i&-tes o! the or+a&i(atio&al %eeti&+s a&' the list o! the 0or1ers 0ho participate' i& s-ch %eeti&+s. #c$ I& case the applica&t is a& i&'epe&'e&t -&io&, the &a%es o! all its %e%*ers co%prisi&+ at least t0e&t perce&t #2CJ$ o! all the e%plo ees i& the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it 0here it see1s to operate. #'$ I! the applica&t -&io& has *ee& i& e3iste&ce !or o&e or %ore ears, copies o! its a&&-al !i&a&cial reports. a&' #e$ Fo-r copies o! the co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s o! the applica&t -&io&, %i&-tes o! its a'optio& or rati!icatio&, a&' the list o! the %e%*ers 0ho participate' i& it. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1 a&' Sectio& 1, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 24=-A. Charteri&+ a&' creatio& o! a local chapter. - A '-l re+istere' !e'eratio& or &atio&al -&io& %a 'irectl create a local chapter * iss-i&+ a charter certi!icate i&'icati&+ the esta*lish%e&t o! the local chapter. The chapter shall ac2-ire le+al perso&alit o&l !or p-rposes o! !ili&+ a petitio& !or certi!icatio& electio& !ro% the 'ate it 0as iss-e' a charter certi!icate.

The chapter shall *e e&title' to all other ri+hts a&' pri)ile+es o! a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& o&l -po& the s-*%issio& o! the !ollo0i&+ 'oc-%e&ts i& a''itio& to its charter certi!icate" #a$ The &a%es o! the chapterHs o!!icers, their a''resses, a&' the pri&cipal o!!ice o! the chapter. a&' #*$ The chapterHs co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s" Pro)i'e', That 0here the chapterHs co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s are the sa%e as that o! the !e'eratio& or the &atio&al -&io&, this !act shall *e i&'icate' accor'i&+l . The a''itio&al s-pporti&+ re2-ire%e&ts shall *e certi!ie' -&'er oath * the secretar or treas-rer o! the chapter a&' atteste' * its presi'e&t. #As i&serte' * Sectio& 2, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 247. Actio& o& applicatio&. - The B-rea- shall act o& all applicatio&s !or re+istratio& 0ithi& thirt #4C$ 'a s !ro% !ili&+. All re2-isite 'oc-%e&ts a&' papers shall *e certi!ie' -&'er oath * the secretar or the treas-rer o! the or+a&i(atio&, as the case %a *e, a&' atteste' to * its presi'e&t. Article 245. De&ial o! re+istratio&. appeal. - The 'ecisio& o! the La*or Relatio&s Di)isio& i& the re+io&al o!!ice 'e& i&+ re+istratio& %a *e appeale' * the applica&t -&io& to the B-rea0ithi& te& #1C$ 'a s !ro% receipt o! &otice thereo!. Article 246. A''itio&al re2-ire%e&ts !or !e'eratio&s or &atio&al -&io&s. - S-*/ect to Article 24:, i! the applica&t !or re+istratio& is a !e'eratio& or a &atio&al -&io&, it shall, i& a''itio& to the re2-ire%e&ts o! the prece'i&+ Articles, s-*%it the !ollo0i&+" #a$ Proo! o! the a!!iliatio& o! at least te& #1C$ locals or chapters, each o! 0hich %-st *e a '-l reco+&i(e' collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t i& the esta*lish%e&t or i&'-str i& 0hich it operates, s-pporti&+ the re+istratio& o! s-ch applica&t !e'eratio& or &atio&al -&io&. a&' #*$ The &a%es a&' a''resses o! the co%pa&ies 0here the locals or chapters operate a&' the list o! all the %e%*ers i& each co%pa& i&)ol)e'. Article 24:. Ca&cellatio& o! re+istratio&. - The certi!icate o! re+istratio& o! a& le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&, 0hether &atio&al or local, %a *e ca&celle' * the B-rea-, a!ter '-e heari&+, o&l o& the +ro-&'s speci!ie' i& Article 249 hereo!. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 4, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 24:-A. E!!ect o! a petitio& !or ca&cellatio& o! re+istratio&. - A petitio& !or ca&cellatio& o! -&io& re+istratio& shall &ot s-spe&' the procee'i&+s !or certi!icatio& electio& &or shall it pre)e&t the !ili&+ o! a petitio& !or certi!icatio& electio&. I& case o! ca&cellatio&, &othi&+ herei& shall restrict the ri+ht o! the -&io& to see1 /-st a&' e2-ita*le re%e'ies i& the appropriate co-rts. #As i&serte' * Sectio& =, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 249. @ro-&'s !or ca&cellatio& o! -&io& re+istratio&.- The !ollo0i&+ %a +ro-&'s !or ca&cellatio& o! -&io& re+istratio&" co&stit-te

#a$ 8isreprese&tatio&, !alse state%e&t or !ra-' i& co&&ectio& 0ith the a'optio& or rati!icatio& o! the co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s or a%e&'%e&ts thereto, the %i&-tes o! rati!icatio&, a&' the list o! %e%*ers 0ho too1 part i& the rati!icatio&. #*$ 8isreprese&tatio&, !alse state%e&ts or !ra-' i& co&&ectio& 0ith the electio& o! o!!icers, %i&-tes o! the electio& o! o!!icers, a&' the list o! )oters.

#c$ <ol-&tar 'issol-tio& * the %e%*ers. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 7, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 249-A. <ol-&tar ca&cellatio& o! re+istratio&. - The re+istratio& o! a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& %a *e ca&celle' * the or+a&i(atio& itsel!" Pro)i'e', That at least t0o-thir's o! its +e&eral %e%*ership )otes, i& a %eeti&+ '-l calle' !or that p-rpose to 'issol)e the or+a&i(atio&" Pro)i'e', !-rther, That a& applicatio& to ca&cel re+istratio& is therea!ter s-*%itte' * the *oar' o! the or+a&i(atio&, atteste' to * the presi'e&t thereo!. #I&serte' as a &e0 pro)isio& * Sectio& 5, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 2=C. E2-it o! the i&c-%*e&t. G All e3isti&+ !e'eratio&s a&' &atio&al -&io&s 0hich %eet the 2-ali!icatio&s o! a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& a&' &o&e o! the +ro-&'s !or ca&cellatio& shall co&ti&-e to %ai&tai& their e3isti&+ a!!iliates re+ar'less o! the &at-re o! the i&'-str a&' the locatio& o! the a!!iliates. Chapter II RI@ETS AND CONDITIONS OF 8E8BERSEIP Article 2=1. Ri+hts a&' co&'itio&s o! %e%*ership i& a la*or or+a&i(atio&. G The !ollo0i&+ are the ri+hts a&' co&'itio&s o! %e%*ership i& a la*or or+a&i(atio&" #a$ No ar*itrar or e3cessi)e i&itiatio& !ees shall *e re2-ire' o! the %e%*ers o! a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& &or shall ar*itrar , e3cessi)e or oppressi)e !i&e a&' !or!eit-re *e i%pose'. #*$ The %e%*ers shall *e e&title' to !-ll a&' 'etaile' reports !ro% their o!!icers a&' represe&tati)es o! all !i&a&cial tra&sactio&s as pro)i'e' !or i& the co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s o! the or+a&i(atio&. #c$ The %e%*ers shall 'irectl elect their o!!icers, i&cl-'i&+ those o! the &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio& to 0hich the or their -&io& is a!!iliate', * secret *allot at i&ter)als o! !i)e #7$ ears. No 2-ali!icatio& re2-ire%e&ts !or ca&'i'ac to a& positio& shall *e i%pose' other tha& %e%*ership i& +oo' sta&'i&+ i& s-*/ect la*or or+a&i(atio&. The secretar or a& other respo&si*le -&io& o!!icer shall !-r&ish the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t 0ith a list o! the &e0l -electe' o!!icers, to+ether 0ith the appoi&ti)e o!!icers or a+e&ts 0ho are e&tr-ste' 0ith the ha&'li&+ o! !-&'s, 0ithi& thirt #4C$ cale&'ar 'a s a!ter the electio& o! o!!icers or !ro% the occ-rre&ce o! a& cha&+e i& the list o! o!!icers o! the la*or or+a&i(atio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 15, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #'$ The %e%*ers shall 'eter%i&e * secret *allot, a!ter '-e 'eli*eratio&, a& 2-estio& o! %a/or polic a!!ecti&+ the e&tire %e%*ership o! the or+a&i(atio&, -&less the &at-re o! the or+a&i(atio& or !orce %a/e-re re&'ers s-ch secret *allot i%practical, i& 0hich case, the *oar' o! 'irectors o! the or+a&i(atio& %a %a1e the 'ecisio& i& *ehal! o! the +e&eral %e%*ership. #e$ No la*or or+a&i(atio& shall 1&o0i&+l a'%it as %e%*ers or co&ti&-e i& %e%*ership a& i&'i)i'-al 0ho *elo&+s to a s-*)ersi)e or+a&i(atio& or 0ho is e&+a+e' 'irectl or i&'irectl i& a& s-*)ersi)e acti)it . #!$ No perso& 0ho has *ee& co&)icte' o! a cri%e i&)ol)i&+ %oral t-rpit-'e shall *e eli+i*le !or electio& as a -&io& o!!icer or !or appoi&t%e&t to a& positio& i& the -&io&. #+$ No o!!icer, a+e&t or %e%*er o! a la*or or+a&i(atio& shall collect a& !ees, '-es, or other co&tri*-tio&s i& its *ehal! or %a1e a& 'is*-rse%e&t o! its %o&e or !-&'s -&less he is '-l a-thori(e' p-rs-a&t to its co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s. #h$ E)er pa %e&t o! !ees, '-es or other co&tri*-tio&s * a %e%*er shall *e e)i'e&ce' * a receipt si+&e' * the o!!icer or a+e&t %a1i&+ the collectio& a&' e&tere' i&to the recor' o! the or+a&i(atio& to *e 1ept a&' %ai&tai&e' !or the p-rpose.

#i$ The !-&'s o! the or+a&i(atio& shall &ot *e applie' !or a& p-rpose or o*/ect other tha& those e3pressl pro)i'e' * its co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s or those e3pressl a-thori(e' * 0ritte& resol-tio& a'opte' * the %a/orit o! the %e%*ers at a +e&eral %eeti&+ '-l calle' !or the p-rpose. #/$ E)er i&co%e or re)e&-e o! the or+a&i(atio& shall *e e)i'e&ce' * a recor' sho0i&+ its so-rce, a&' e)er e3pe&'it-re o! its !-&'s shall *e e)i'e&ce' * a receipt !ro% the perso& to 0ho% the pa %e&t is %a'e, 0hich shall state the 'ate, place a&' p-rpose o! s-ch pa %e&t. S-ch recor' or receipt shall !or% part o! the !i&a&cial recor's o! the or+a&i(atio&. A& actio& i&)ol)i&+ the !-&'s o! the or+a&i(atio& shall prescri*e a!ter three #4$ ears !ro% the 'ate o! s-*%issio& o! the a&&-al !i&a&cial report to the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or !ro% the 'ate the sa%e sho-l' ha)e *ee& s-*%itte' as re2-ire' * la0, 0hiche)er co%es earlier" Pro)i'e', That this pro)isio& shall appl o&l to a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& 0hich has s-*%itte' the !i&a&cial report re2-ire%e&ts -&'er this Co'e" Pro)i'e', !-rther, that !ail-re o! a& la*or or+a&i(atio& to co%pl 0ith the perio'ic !i&a&cial reports re2-ire' * la0 a&' s-ch r-les a&' re+-latio&s pro%-l+ate' there-&'er si3 #5$ %o&ths a!ter the e!!ecti)it o! this Act shall a-to%aticall res-lt i& the ca&cellatio& o! -&io& re+istratio& o! s-ch la*or or+a&i(atio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 15, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #1$ The o!!icers o! a& la*or or+a&i(atio& shall &ot *e pai' a& co%pe&satio& other tha& the salaries a&' e3pe&ses '-e to their positio&s as speci!icall pro)i'e' !or i& its co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s, or i& a 0ritte& resol-tio& '-l a-thori(e' * a %a/orit o! all the %e%*ers at a +e&eral %e%*ership %eeti&+ '-l calle' !or the p-rpose. The %i&-tes o! the %eeti&+ a&' the list o! participa&ts a&' *allots cast shall *e s-*/ect to i&spectio& * the Secretar o! La*or or his '-l a-thori(e' represe&tati)es. A& irre+-larities i& the appro)al o! the resol-tio&s shall *e a +ro-&' !or i%peach%e&t or e3p-lsio& !ro% the or+a&i(atio&. #l$ The treas-rer o! a& la*or or+a&i(atio& a&' e)er o!!icer thereo! 0ho is respo&si*le !or the acco-&t o! s-ch or+a&i(atio& or !or the collectio&, %a&a+e%e&t, 'is*-rse%e&t, c-sto' or co&trol o! the !-&'s, %o&e s a&' other properties o! the or+a&i(atio&, shall re&'er to the or+a&i(atio& a&' to its %e%*ers a tr-e a&' correct acco-&t o! all %o&e s recei)e' a&' pai' * hi% si&ce he ass-%e' o!!ice or si&ce the last 'a o& 0hich he re&'ere' s-ch acco-&t, a&' o! all *o&'s, sec-rities a&' other properties o! the or+a&i(atio& e&tr-ste' to his c-sto' or -&'er his co&trol. The re&'eri&+ o! s-ch acco-&t shall *e %a'e" #1$ At least o&ce a ear 0ithi& thirt #4C$ 'a s a!ter the close o! its !iscal ear. #2$ At s-ch other ti%es as %a *e re2-ire' * a resol-tio& o! the %a/orit o! the %e%*ers o! the or+a&i(atio&. a&' #4$ >po& )acati&+ his o!!ice. The acco-&t shall *e '-l a-'ite' a&' )eri!ie' * !-r&ishe' the Secretar o! La*or. a!!i'a)it a&' a cop thereo! shall *e

#%$ The *oo1s o! acco-&ts a&' other recor's o! the !i&a&cial acti)ities o! a& la*or or+a&i(atio& shall *e ope& to i&spectio& * a& o!!icer or %e%*er thereo! '-ri&+ o!!ice ho-rs. #&$ No special assess%e&t or other e3traor'i&ar !ees %a *e le)ie' -po& the %e%*ers o! a la*or or+a&i(atio& -&less a-thori(e' * a 0ritte& resol-tio& o! a %a/orit o! all the %e%*ers i& a +e&eral %e%*ership %eeti&+ '-l calle' !or the p-rpose. The secretar o! the or+a&i(atio& shall recor' the %i&-tes o! the %eeti&+ i&cl-'i&+ the list o! all %e%*ers prese&t, the )otes cast, the p-rpose o! the special assess%e&t or !ees a&' the recipie&t o! s-ch assess%e&t or !ees. The recor' shall *e atteste' to * the presi'e&t. #o$ Other tha& !or %a&'ator acti)ities -&'er the Co'e, &o special assess%e&ts, attor&e Hs !ees, &e+otiatio& !ees or a& other e3traor'i&ar !ees %a *e chec1e' o!! !ro% a& a%o-&t

'-e to a& e%plo ee 0itho-t a& i&'i)i'-al 0ritte& a-thori(atio& '-l si+&e' * the e%plo ee. The a-thori(atio& sho-l' speci!icall state the a%o-&t, p-rpose a&' *e&e!iciar o! the 'e'-ctio&. a&' #p$ It shall *e the '-t o! a& la*or or+a&i(atio& a&' its o!!icers to i&!or% its %e%*ers o& the pro)isio&s o! its co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s, collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t, the pre)aili&+ la*or relatio&s s ste% a&' all their ri+hts a&' o*li+atio&s -&'er e3isti&+ la*or la0s. For this p-rpose, re+istere' la*or or+a&i(atio&s %a assess reaso&a*le '-es to !i&a&ce la*or relatio&s se%i&ars a&' other la*or e'-catio& acti)ities. A& )iolatio& o! the a*o)e ri+hts a&' co&'itio&s o! %e%*ership shall *e a +ro-&' !or ca&cellatio& o! -&io& re+istratio& or e3p-lsio& o! o!!icers !ro% o!!ice, 0hiche)er is appropriate. At least thirt perce&t #4CJ$ o! the %e%*ers o! a -&io& or a& %e%*er or %e%*ers speciall co&cer&e' %a report s-ch )iolatio& to the B-rea-. The B-rea- shall ha)e the po0er to hear a&' 'eci'e a& reporte' )iolatio& to %ete the appropriate pe&alt . Cri%i&al a&' ci)il lia*ilities arisi&+ !ro% )iolatio&s o! a*o)e ri+hts a&' co&'itio&s o! %e%*ership shall co&ti&-e to *e -&'er the /-ris'ictio& o! or'i&ar co-rts.


Article 2=2. Ri+hts o! le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s. G A le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& shall ha)e the ri+ht" #a$ To act as the represe&tati)e o! its %e%*ers !or the p-rpose o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+. #*$ To *e certi!ie' as the e3cl-si)e represe&tati)e o! all the e%plo ees i& a& appropriate *ar+ai&i&+ -&it !or p-rposes o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+. #c$ To *e !-r&ishe' * the e%plo er, -po& 0ritte& re2-est, 0ith its a&&-al a-'ite' !i&a&cial state%e&ts, i&cl-'i&+ the *ala&ce sheet a&' the pro!it a&' loss state%e&t, 0ithi& thirt #4C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% the 'ate o! receipt o! the re2-est, a!ter the -&io& has *ee& '-l reco+&i(e' * the e%plo er or certi!ie' as the sole a&' e3cl-si)e *ar+ai&i&+ represe&tati)e o! the e%plo ees i& the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it, or 0ithi& si3t #5C$ cale&'ar 'a s *e!ore the e3piratio& o! the e3isti&+ collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t, or '-ri&+ the collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ &e+otiatio&. #'$ To o0& propert , real or perso&al, !or the -se a&' *e&e!it o! the la*or or+a&i(atio& a&' its %e%*ers. #e$ To s-e a&' *e s-e' i& its re+istere' &a%e. a&' #!$ To -&'erta1e all other acti)ities 'esi+&e' to *e&e!it the or+a&i(atio& a&' its %e%*ers, i&cl-'i&+ cooperati)e, ho-si&+, 0el!are a&' other pro/ects &ot co&trar to la0. Not0ithsta&'i&+ a& pro)isio& o! a +e&eral or special la0 to the co&trar , the i&co%e a&' the properties o! le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s, i&cl-'i&+ +ra&ts, e&'o0%e&ts, +i!ts, 'o&atio&s a&' co&tri*-tio&s the %a recei)e !ro% !rater&al a&' si%ilar or+a&i(atio&s, local or !orei+&, 0hich are act-all , 'irectl a&' e3cl-si)el -se' !or their la0!-l p-rposes, shall *e !ree !ro% ta3es, '-ties a&' other assess%e&ts. The e3e%ptio&s pro)i'e' herei& %a *e 0ith'ra0& o&l * a special la0 e3pressl repeali&+ this pro)isio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 16, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$.

Article 2=2-A. Reportorial re2-ire%e&ts. - The !ollo0i&+ are 'oc-%e&ts re2-ire' to *e s-*%itte' to the B-rea- * the le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& co&cer&e'" #a$ Its co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s, or a%e&'%e&ts thereto, the %i&-tes o! rati!icatio&, a&' the list o! %e%*ers 0ho too1 part i& the rati!icatio& o! the co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s 0ithi& thirt #4C$ 'a s !ro% a'optio& or rati!icatio& o! the co&stit-tio& a&' * -la% or a%e&'%e&ts thereto. #*$ Its list o! o!!icers, %i&-tes o! the electio& o! o!!icers, a&' list o! )oters 0ithi& thirt #4C$ 'a s !ro% electio&. #c$ Its a&&-al !i&a&cial report 0ithi& thirt #4C$ 'a s a!ter the close o! e)er !iscal ear. a&' #'$ Its list o! %e%*ers at least o&ce a ear or 0he&e)er re2-ire' * the B-rea-. Fail-re to co%pl 0ith the a*o)e re2-ire%e&ts shall &ot *e a +ro-&' !or ca&cellatio& o! -&io& re+istratio& *-t shall s-*/ect the erri&+ o!!icers or %e%*ers to s-spe&sio&, e3p-lsio& !ro% %e%*ership, or a& appropriate pe&alt . #As i&serte' * Sectio& 6, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Title < CO<ERA@E

Article 2=4. Co)era+e a&' e%plo eesH ri+ht to sel!-or+a&i(atio&. G All perso&s e%plo e' i& co%%ercial, i&'-strial a&' a+ric-lt-ral e&terprises a&' i& reli+io-s, charita*le, %e'ical, or e'-catio&al i&stit-tio&s, 0hether operati&+ !or pro!it or &ot, shall ha)e the ri+ht to sel!or+a&i(atio& a&' to !or%, /oi&, or assist la*or or+a&i(atio&s o! their o0& choosi&+ !or p-rposes o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+. A%*-la&t, i&ter%itte&t a&' iti&era&t 0or1ers, sel!-e%plo e' people, r-ral 0or1ers a&' those 0itho-t a& 'e!i&ite e%plo ers %a !or% la*or or+a&i(atio&s !or their %-t-al ai' a&' protectio&. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 6C, 8a 1, 19:C$. Article 2==. Ri+ht o! e%plo ees i& the p-*lic ser)ice. G E%plo ees o! +o)er&%e&t corporatio&s esta*lishe' -&'er the Corporatio& Co'e shall ha)e the ri+ht to or+a&i(e a&' to *ar+ai& collecti)el 0ith their respecti)e e%plo ers. All other e%plo ees i& the ci)il ser)ice shall ha)e the ri+ht to !or% associatio&s !or p-rposes &ot co&trar to la0. #As a%e&'e' * E3ec-ti)e Or'er No. 111, Dece%*er 2=, 19:5$. Article 2=7. I&eli+i*ilit o! %a&a+erial e%plo ees to /oi& a& la*or or+a&i(atio&. Ri+ht o! S-per)isor E%plo ees. - 8a&a+erial e%plo ees are &ot eli+i*le to /oi&, assist or !or% a& la*or or+a&i(atio&. S-per)isor e%plo ees shall &ot *e eli+i*le !or %e%*ership i& the collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ -&it o! the ra&1-a&'-!ile e%plo ees *-t %a /oi&, assist or !or% separate collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ -&its a&';or le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s o! their o0&. The ra&1-a&'-!ile -&io& a&' the s-per)isorsH -&io& operati&+ 0ithi& the sa%e esta*lish%e&t %a /oi& the sa%e !e'eratio& or &atio&al -&io&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 1:, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9 a&' Sectio& :, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 2=7-A. E!!ect o! i&cl-sio& as %e%*ers o! e%plo ees o-tsi'e the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it. - The i&cl-sio& as -&io& %e%*ers o! e%plo ees o-tsi'e the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it shall &ot *e a +ro-&' !or the ca&cellatio& o! the re+istratio& o! the -&io&. Sai' e%plo ees are a-to%aticall 'ee%e' re%o)e' !ro% the list o! %e%*ership o! sai' -&io&. #I&tro'-ce' as &e0 pro)isio& * Sectio& 9, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 2=5. No&-a*ri'+%e&t o! ri+ht to sel!-or+a&i(atio&. G It shall *e -&la0!-l !or a& perso& to restrai&, coerce, 'iscri%i&ate a+ai&st or -&'-l i&ter!ere 0ith e%plo ees a&' 0or1ers i& their e3ercise o! the ri+ht to sel!-or+a&i(atio&. S-ch ri+ht shall i&cl-'e the ri+ht to !or%, /oi&, or assist la*or or+a&i(atio&s !or the p-rpose o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ thro-+h represe&tati)es o!

their o0& choosi&+ a&' to e&+a+e i& la0!-l co&certe' acti)ities !or the sa%e p-rpose or !or their %-t-al ai' a&' protectio&, s-*/ect to the pro)isio&s o! Article 25= o! this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 6C, 8a 1, 19:C$.


Article 2=6. Co&cept o! -&!air la*or practice a&' proce'-re !or prosec-tio& thereo!. G >&!air la*or practices )iolate the co&stit-tio&al ri+ht o! 0or1ers a&' e%plo ees to sel!-or+a&i(atio&, are i&i%ical to the le+iti%ate i&terests o! *oth la*or a&' %a&a+e%e&t, i&cl-'i&+ their ri+ht to *ar+ai& collecti)el a&' other0ise 'eal 0ith each other i& a& at%osphere o! !ree'o% a&' %-t-al respect, 'isr-pt i&'-strial peace a&' hi&'er the pro%otio& o! health a&' sta*le la*or%a&a+e%e&t relatio&s. Co&se2-e&tl , -&!air la*or practices are &ot o&l )iolatio&s o! the ci)il ri+hts o! *oth la*or a&' %a&a+e%e&t *-t are also cri%i&al o!!e&ses a+ai&st the State 0hich shall *e s-*/ect to prosec-tio& a&' p-&ish%e&t as herei& pro)i'e'. S-*/ect to the e3ercise * the Presi'e&t or * the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t o! the po0ers )este' i& the% * Articles 254 a&' 25= o! this Co'e, the ci)il aspects o! all cases i&)ol)i&+ -&!air la*or practices, 0hich %a i&cl-'e clai%s !or act-al, %oral, e3e%plar a&' other !or%s o! 'a%a+es, attor&e Hs !ees a&' other a!!ir%ati)e relie!, shall *e -&'er the /-ris'ictio& o! the La*or Ar*iters. The La*or Ar*iters shall +i)e -t%ost priorit to the heari&+ a&' resol-tio& o! all cases i&)ol)i&+ -&!air la*or practices. The shall resol)e s-ch cases 0ithi& thirt #4C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% the ti%e the are s-*%itte' !or 'ecisio&. Reco)er o! ci)il lia*ilit i& the a'%i&istrati)e procee'i&+s shall *ar reco)er -&'er the Ci)il Co'e. No cri%i&al prosec-tio& -&'er this Title %a *e i&stit-te' 0itho-t a !i&al /-'+%e&t !i&'i&+ that a& -&!air la*or practice 0as co%%itte', ha)i&+ *ee& !irst o*tai&e' i& the prece'i&+ para+raph. D-ri&+ the pe&'e&c o! s-ch a'%i&istrati)e procee'i&+, the r-&&i&+ o! the perio' o! prescriptio& o! the cri%i&al o!!e&se herei& pe&ali(e' shall *e co&si'ere' i&terr-pte'" Pro)i'e', ho0e)er, that the !i&al /-'+%e&t i& the a'%i&istrati)e procee'i&+s shall &ot *e *i&'i&+ i& the cri%i&al case &or *e co&si'ere' as e)i'e&ce o! +-ilt *-t %erel as proo! o! co%plia&ce o! the re2-ire%e&ts therei& set !orth. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 6C, 8a 1, 19:C a&' later !-rther a%e&'e' * Sectio& 19, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Chapter II >NFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF E8PLOYERS

Article 2=:. >&!air la*or practices o! e%plo ers. G It shall *e -&la0!-l !or a& e%plo er to co%%it a& o! the !ollo0i&+ -&!air la*or practice" #a$ To i&ter!ere 0ith, restrai& or coerce e%plo ees i& the e3ercise o! their ri+ht to sel!or+a&i(atio&. #*$ To re2-ire as a co&'itio& o! e%plo %e&t that a perso& or a& e%plo ee shall &ot /oi& a la*or or+a&i(atio& or shall 0ith-'ra0 !ro% o&e to 0hich he *elo&+s. #c$ To co&tract o-t ser)ices or !-&ctio&s *ei&+ per!or%e' * -&io& %e%*ers 0he& s-ch 0ill i&ter!ere 0ith, restrai& or coerce e%plo ees i& the e3ercise o! their ri+hts to sel!-or+a&i(atio&.

#'$ To i&itiate, 'o%i&ate, assist or other0ise i&ter!ere 0ith the !or%atio& or a'%i&istratio& o! a& la*or or+a&i(atio&, i&cl-'i&+ the +i)i&+ o! !i&a&cial or other s-pport to it or its or+a&i(ers or s-pporters. #e$ To 'iscri%i&ate i& re+ar' to 0a+es, ho-rs o! 0or1 a&' other ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t i& or'er to e&co-ra+e or 'isco-ra+e %e%*ership i& a& la*or or+a&i(atio&. Nothi&+ i& this Co'e or i& a& other la0 shall stop the parties !ro% re2-iri&+ %e%*ership i& a reco+&i(e' collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t as a co&'itio& !or e%plo %e&t, e3cept those e%plo ees 0ho are alrea' %e%*ers o! a&other -&io& at the ti%e o! the si+&i&+ o! the collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t. E%plo ees o! a& appropriate *ar+ai&i&+ -&it 0ho are &ot %e%*ers o! the reco+&i(e' collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t %a *e assesse' a reaso&a*le !ee e2-i)ale&t to the '-es a&' other !ees pai' * %e%*ers o! the reco+&i(e' collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t, i! s-ch &o&--&io& %e%*ers accept the *e&e!its -&'er the collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t" Pro)i'e', that the i&'i)i'-al a-thori(atio& re2-ire' -&'er Article 2=2, para+raph #o$ o! this Co'e shall &ot appl to the &o&-%e%*ers o! the reco+&i(e' collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t. #!$ To 'is%iss, 'ischar+e or other0ise pre/-'ice or 'iscri%i&ate a+ai&st a& e%plo ee !or ha)i&+ +i)e& or *ei&+ a*o-t to +i)e testi%o& -&'er this Co'e. #+$ To )iolate the '-t to *ar+ai& collecti)el as prescri*e' * this Co'e. #h$ To pa &e+otiatio& or attor&e Hs !ees to the -&io& or its o!!icers or a+e&ts as part o! the settle%e&t o! a& iss-e i& collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ or a& other 'isp-te. or #i$ To )iolate a collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t. The pro)isio&s o! the prece'i&+ para+raph &ot0ithsta&'i&+, o&l the o!!icers a&' a+e&ts o! corporatio&s, associatio&s or part&erships 0ho ha)e act-all participate' i&, a-thori(e' or rati!ie' -&!air la*or practices shall *e hel' cri%i&all lia*le. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1$.


Article 2=9. >&!air la*or practices o! la*or or+a&i(atio&s. - It shall *e -&!air la*or practice !or a la*or or+a&i(atio&, its o!!icers, a+e&ts or represe&tati)es" #a$ To restrai& or coerce e%plo ees i& the e3ercise o! their ri+ht to sel!-or+a&i(atio&. Eo0e)er, a la*or or+a&i(atio& shall ha)e the ri+ht to prescri*e its o0& r-les 0ith respect to the ac2-isitio& or rete&tio& o! %e%*ership. #*$ To ca-se or atte%pt to ca-se a& e%plo er to 'iscri%i&ate a+ai&st a& e%plo ee, i&cl-'i&+ 'iscri%i&atio& a+ai&st a& e%plo ee 0ith respect to 0ho% %e%*ership i& s-ch or+a&i(atio& has *ee& 'e&ie' or to ter%i&ate a& e%plo ee o& a& +ro-&' other tha& the -s-al ter%s a&' co&'itio&s -&'er 0hich %e%*ership or co&ti&-atio& o! %e%*ership is %a'e a)aila*le to other %e%*ers. #c$ To )iolate the '-t , or re!-se to *ar+ai& collecti)el 0ith the e%plo er, pro)i'e' it is the represe&tati)e o! the e%plo ees. #'$ To ca-se or atte%pt to ca-se a& e%plo er to pa or 'eli)er or a+ree to pa or 'eli)er a& %o&e or other thi&+s o! )al-e, i& the &at-re o! a& e3actio&, !or ser)ices 0hich are &ot per!or%e' or &ot to *e per!or%e', i&cl-'i&+ the 'e%a&' !or !ee !or -&io& &e+otiatio&s.

#e$ To as1 !or or accept &e+otiatio& or attor&e Hs !ees !ro% e%plo ers as part o! the settle%e&t o! a& iss-e i& collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ or a& other 'isp-te. or #!$ To )iolate a collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t. The pro)isio&s o! the prece'i&+ para+raph &ot0ithsta&'i&+, o&l the o!!icers, %e%*ers o! +o)er&i&+ *oar's, represe&tati)es or a+e&ts or %e%*ers o! la*or associatio&s or or+a&i(atio&s 0ho ha)e act-all participate' i&, a-thori(e' or rati!ie' -&!air la*or practices shall *e hel' cri%i&all lia*le. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1$. Title <II COLLECTI<E BAR@AININ@ AND AD8INISTRATION OF A@REE8ENTS

Article 27C. Proce'-re i& collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+. G The !ollo0i&+ proce'-res shall *e o*ser)e' i& collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+" #a$ ?he& a part 'esires to &e+otiate a& a+ree%e&t, it shall ser)e a 0ritte& &otice -po& the other part 0ith a state%e&t o! its proposals. The other part shall %a1e a repl thereto &ot later tha& te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt o! s-ch &otice. #*$ Sho-l' 'i!!ere&ces arise o& the *asis o! s-ch &otice a&' repl , either part %a re2-est !or a co&!ere&ce 0hich shall *e+i& &ot later tha& te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% the 'ate o! re2-est. #c$ I! the 'isp-te is &ot settle', the Boar' shall i&ter)e&e -po& re2-est o! either or *oth parties or at its o0& i&itiati)e a&' i%%e'iatel call the parties to co&ciliatio& %eeti&+s. The Boar' shall ha)e the po0er to iss-e s-*poe&as re2-iri&+ the atte&'a&ce o! the parties to s-ch %eeti&+s. It shall *e the '-t o! the parties to participate !-ll a&' pro%ptl i& the co&ciliatio& %eeti&+s the Boar' %a call. #'$ D-ri&+ the co&ciliatio& procee'i&+s i& the Boar', the parties are prohi*ite' !ro% 'oi&+ a& act 0hich %a 'isr-pt or i%pe'e the earl settle%e&t o! the 'isp-tes. a&' #e$ The Boar' shall e3ert all e!!orts to settle 'isp-tes a%ica*l a&' e&co-ra+e the parties to s-*%it their case to a )ol-&tar ar*itrator. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 2C, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article 271. D-t to *ar+ai& collecti)el i& the a*se&ce o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&ts. G I& the a*se&ce o! a& a+ree%e&t or other )ol-&tar arra&+e%e&t pro)i'i&+ !or a %ore e3pe'itio-s %a&&er o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+, it shall *e the '-t o! e%plo er a&' the represe&tati)es o! the e%plo ees to *ar+ai& collecti)el i& accor'a&ce 0ith the pro)isio&s o! this Co'e. Article 272. 8ea&i&+ o! '-t to *ar+ai& collecti)el . G The '-t to *ar+ai& collecti)el %ea&s the per!or%a&ce o! a %-t-al o*li+atio& to %eet a&' co&)e&e pro%ptl a&' e3pe'itio-sl i& +oo' !aith !or the p-rpose o! &e+otiati&+ a& a+ree%e&t 0ith respect to 0a+es, ho-rs o! 0or1 a&' all other ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t i&cl-'i&+ proposals !or a'/-sti&+ a& +rie)a&ces or 2-estio&s arisi&+ -&'er s-ch a+ree%e&t a&' e3ec-ti&+ a co&tract i&corporati&+ s-ch a+ree%e&ts i! re2-este' * either part *-t s-ch '-t 'oes &ot co%pel a& part to a+ree to a proposal or to %a1e a& co&cessio&. Article 274. D-t to *ar+ai& collecti)el 0he& there e3ists a collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t. G ?he& there is a collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t, the '-t to *ar+ai& collecti)el shall also %ea& that &either part shall ter%i&ate &or %o'i! s-ch a+ree%e&t '-ri&+ its li!eti%e. Eo0e)er, either part ca& ser)e a 0ritte& &otice to ter%i&ate or %o'i! the a+ree%e&t at least si3t #5C$ 'a s prior to its e3piratio& 'ate. It shall *e the '-t o! *oth parties to 1eep the stat-s

2-o a&' to co&ti&-e i& !-ll !orce a&' e!!ect the ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! the e3isti&+ a+ree%e&t '-ri&+ the 5C-'a perio' a&';or -&til a &e0 a+ree%e&t is reache' * the parties. Article 274-A. Ter%s o! a collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t. G A& Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t that the parties %a e&ter i&to shall, i&so!ar as the represe&tatio& aspect is co&cer&e', *e !or a ter% o! !i)e #7$ ears. No petitio& 2-estio&i&+ the %a/orit stat-s o! the i&c-%*e&t *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t shall *e e&tertai&e' a&' &o certi!icatio& electio& shall *e co&'-cte' * the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t o-tsi'e o! the si3t -'a perio' i%%e'iatel *e!ore the 'ate o! e3pir o! s-ch !i)e- ear ter% o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t. All other pro)isio&s o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t shall *e re&e+otiate' &ot later tha& three #4$ ears a!ter its e3ec-tio&. A& a+ree%e&t o& s-ch other pro)isio&s o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t e&tere' i&to 0ithi& si3 #5$ %o&ths !ro% the 'ate o! e3pir o! the ter% o! s-ch other pro)isio&s as !i3e' i& s-ch Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, shall retroact to the 'a i%%e'iatel !ollo0i&+ s-ch 'ate. I! a& s-ch a+ree%e&t is e&tere' i&to *e o&' si3 %o&ths, the parties shall a+ree o& the '-ratio& o! retroacti)it thereo!. I& case o! a 'ea'loc1 i& the re&e+otiatio& o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, the parties %a e3ercise their ri+hts -&'er this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 21, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article 27=. I&/-&ctio& prohi*ite'. G No te%porar or per%a&e&t i&/-&ctio& or restrai&i&+ or'er i& a& case i&)ol)i&+ or +ro0i&+ o-t o! la*or 'isp-tes shall *e iss-e' * a& co-rt or other e&tit , e3cept as other0ise pro)i'e' i& Articles 21: a&' 25= o! this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 226, B-&e 1, 19:2$. Article 277. E3cl-si)e *ar+ai&i&+ represe&tatio& a&' 0or1ersH participatio& i& polic a&' 'ecisio&-%a1i&+. G The la*or or+a&i(atio& 'esi+&ate' or selecte' * the %a/orit o! the e%plo ees i& a& appropriate collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ -&it shall *e the e3cl-si)e represe&tati)e o! the e%plo ees i& s-ch -&it !or the p-rpose o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+. Eo0e)er, a& i&'i)i'-al e%plo ee or +ro-p o! e%plo ees shall ha)e the ri+ht at a& ti%e to prese&t +rie)a&ces to their e%plo er. A& pro)isio& o! la0 to the co&trar &ot0ithsta&'i&+, 0or1ers shall ha)e the ri+ht, s-*/ect to s-ch r-les a&' re+-latio&s as the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a pro%-l+ate, to participate i& polic a&' 'ecisio&-%a1i&+ processes o! the esta*lish%e&t 0here the are e%plo e' i&so!ar as sai' processes 0ill 'irectl a!!ect their ri+hts, *e&e!its a&' 0el!are. For this p-rpose, 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers %a !or% la*or-%a&a+e%e&t co-&cils" Pro)i'e', That the represe&tati)es o! the 0or1ers i& s-ch la*or-%a&a+e%e&t co-&cils shall *e electe' * at least the %a/orit o! all e%plo ees i& sai' esta*lish%e&t. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 22, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article 275. Represe&tatio& Iss-e i& Or+a&i(e' Esta*lish%e&ts. - I& or+a&i(e' esta*lish%e&ts, 0he& a )eri!ie' petitio& 2-estio&i&+ the %a/orit stat-s o! the i&c-%*e&t *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t is !ile' * a& le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& i&cl-'i&+ a &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio& 0hich has alrea' iss-e' a charter certi!icate to its local chapter participati&+ i& the certi!icatio& electio& or a local chapter 0hich has *ee& iss-e' a charter certi!icate * the &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio& *e!ore the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t 0ithi& the si3t #5C$-'a perio' *e!ore the e3piratio& o! the collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t, the 8e'-Ar*iter shall a-to%aticall or'er a& electio& * secret *allot 0he& the )eri!ie' petitio& is s-pporte' * the 0ritte& co&se&t o! at least t0e&t -!i)e perce&t #27J$ o! all the e%plo ees i& the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it to ascertai& the 0ill o! the e%plo ees i& the appropriate *ar+ai&i&+ -&it. To ha)e a )ali' electio&, at least a %a/orit o! all eli+i*le )oters i& the -&it %-st ha)e cast their )otes. The la*or -&io& recei)i&+ the %a/orit o! the )ali' )otes cast shall *e certi!ie' as the e3cl-si)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t o! all the 0or1ers i& the -&it. ?he& a& electio& 0hich pro)i'es !or three or %ore choices res-lts i& &o choice recei)i&+ a %a/orit o! the )ali' )otes cast, a r-&-o!! electio& shall *e co&'-cte' *et0ee& the la*or -&io&s recei)i&+ the t0o hi+hest &-%*er o! )otes" Pro)i'e', That the total &-%*er o! )otes !or all co&te&'i&+ -&io&s is at least !i!t perce&t #7CJ$ o! the &-%*er o! )otes cast. I& cases 0here the petitio& 0as !ile' * a &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio&, it shall &ot *e re2-ire' to 'isclose the &a%es o! the local chapterHs o!!icers a&' %e%*ers.

At the e3piratio& o! the !ree'o% perio', the e%plo er shall co&ti&-e to reco+&i(e the %a/orit stat-s o! the i&c-%*e&t *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t 0here &o petitio& !or certi!icatio& electio& is !ile'. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 24, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9 a&' Sectio& 1C, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 276. Petitio&s i& >&or+a&i(e' Esta*lish%e&ts. - I& a& esta*lish%e&t 0here there is &o certi!ie' *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t, a certi!icatio& electio& shall a-to%aticall *e co&'-cte' * the 8e'-Ar*iter -po& the !ili&+ o! a petitio& * a& le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&, i&cl-'i&+ a &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio& 0hich has alrea' iss-e' a charter certi!icate to its 1ocal;chapter participati&+ i& the certi!icatio& electio& or a local;chapter 0hich has *ee& iss-e' a charter certi!icate * the &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio&. I& cases 0here the petitio& 0as !ile' * a &atio&al -&io& or !e'eratio&, it shall &ot *e re2-ire' to 'isclose the &a%es o! the local chapterHs o!!icers a&' %e%*ers. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 2=, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9 a&' Sectio& 11, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 27:. ?he& a& e%plo er %a !ile petitio&. G ?he& re2-este' to *ar+ai& collecti)el , a& e%plo er %a petitio& the B-rea- !or a& electio&. I! there is &o e3isti&+ certi!ie' collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&t i& the -&it, the B-rea- shall, a!ter heari&+, or'er a certi!icatio& electio&. All certi!icatio& cases shall *e 'eci'e' 0ithi& t0e&t #2C$ 0or1i&+ 'a s. The B-rea- shall co&'-ct a certi!icatio& electio& 0ithi& t0e&t #2C$ 'a s i& accor'a&ce 0ith the r-les a&' re+-latio&s prescri*e' * the Secretar o! La*or. Article 27:-A. E%plo er as B sta&'er. - I& all cases, 0hether the petitio& !or certi!icatio& electio& is !ile' * a& e%plo er or a le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&, the e%plo er shall &ot *e co&si'ere' a part thereto 0ith a co&co%ita&t ri+ht to oppose a petitio& !or certi!icatio& electio&. The e%plo erHs participatio& i& s-ch procee'i&+s shall *e li%ite' to" #1$ *ei&+ &oti!ie' or i&!or%e' o! petitio&s o! s-ch &at-re. a&' #2$ s-*%itti&+ the list o! e%plo ees '-ri&+ the pre-electio& co&!ere&ce sho-l' the 8e'-Ar*iter act !a)ora*l o& the petitio&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 12, Rep-*lic Act No. 9=:1 0hich lapse' i&to la0 o& 8a 27, 2CC6 a&' *eca%e e!!ecti)e o& B-&e 1=, 2CC6$. Article 279. Appeal !ro% certi!icatio& electio& or'ers. G A& part to a& electio& %a appeal the or'er or res-lts o! the electio& as 'eter%i&e' * the 8e'-Ar*iter 'irectl to the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t o& the +ro-&' that the r-les a&' re+-latio&s or parts thereo! esta*lishe' * the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t !or the co&'-ct o! the electio& ha)e *ee& )iolate'. S-ch appeal shall *e 'eci'e' 0ithi& !i!tee& #17$ cale&'ar 'a s. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 27, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Title <II-A @RIE<ANCE 8ACEINERY AND <OL>NTARY ARBITRATION

Article. 25C. /rievance mac'inery and voluntary arbitration. - The parties to a Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t shall i&cl-'e therei& pro)isio&s that 0ill e&s-re the %-t-al o*ser)a&ce o! its ter%s a&' co&'itio&s. The shall esta*lish a %achi&er !or the a'/-st%e&t a&' resol-tio& o! +rie)a&ces arisi&+ !ro% the i&terpretatio& or i%ple%e&tatio& o! their Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t a&' those arisi&+ !ro% the i&terpretatio& or e&!orce%e&t o! co%pa& perso&&el policies.

All +rie)a&ces s-*%itte' to the +rie)a&ce %achi&er 0hich are &ot settle' 0ithi& se)e& #6$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% the 'ate o! its s-*%issio& shall a-to%aticall *e re!erre' to )ol-&tar ar*itratio& prescri*e' i& the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t. For this p-rpose, parties to a Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t shall &a%e a&' 'esi+&ate i& a')a&ce a <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, or i&cl-'e i& the a+ree%e&t a proce'-re !or the selectio& o! s-ch <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, pre!era*l !ro% the listi&+ o! 2-ali!ie' <ol-&tar Ar*itrators '-l accre'ite' * the Boar'. I& case the parties !ail to select a <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, the Boar' shall 'esi+&ate the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, as %a *e &ecessar , p-rs-a&t to the selectio& proce'-re a+ree' -po& i& the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, 0hich shall act 0ith the sa%e !orce a&' e!!ect as i! the Ar*itrator or pa&el o! Ar*itrators has *ee& selecte' * the parties as 'escri*e' a*o)e. Article. 251. &urisdiction of oluntary !rbitrators or panel of oluntary !rbitrators. - The <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators shall ha)e ori+i&al a&' e3cl-si)e /-ris'ictio& to hear a&' 'eci'e all -&resol)e' +rie)a&ces arisi&+ !ro% the i&terpretatio& or i%ple%e&tatio& o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t a&' those arisi&+ !ro% the i&terpretatio& or e&!orce%e&t o! co%pa& perso&&el policies re!erre' to i& the i%%e'iatel prece'i&+ article. Accor'i&+l , )iolatio&s o! a Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, e3cept those 0hich are +ross i& character, shall &o lo&+er *e treate' as -&!air la*or practice a&' shall *e resol)e' as +rie)a&ces -&'er the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t. For p-rposes o! this article, +ross )iolatio&s o! Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t shall %ea& !la+ra&t a&';or %alicio-s re!-sal to co%pl 0ith the eco&o%ic pro)isio&s o! s-ch a+ree%e&t. The Co%%issio&, its Re+io&al O!!ices a&' the Re+io&al Directors o! the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t shall &ot e&tertai& 'isp-tes, +rie)a&ces or %atters -&'er the e3cl-si)e a&' ori+i&al /-ris'ictio& o! the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators a&' shall i%%e'iatel 'ispose a&' re!er the sa%e to the @rie)a&ce 8achi&er or <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& pro)i'e' i& the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t. Article. 252. &urisdiction over ot'er labor disputes. - The <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, -po& a+ree%e&t o! the parties, shall also hear a&' 'eci'e all other la*or 'isp-tes i&cl-'i&+ -&!air la*or practices a&' *ar+ai&i&+ 'ea'loc1s. Article. 252-A. Procedures. - The <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators shall ha)e the po0er to hol' heari&+s, recei)e e)i'e&ces a&' ta1e 0hate)er actio& is &ecessar to resol)e the iss-e or iss-es s-*/ect o! the 'isp-te, i&cl-'i&+ e!!orts to e!!ect a )ol-&tar settle%e&t *et0ee& parties. All parties to the 'isp-te shall *e e&title' to atte&' the ar*itratio& procee'i&+s. The atte&'a&ce o! a& thir' part or the e3cl-sio& o! a& 0it&ess !ro% the procee'i&+s shall *e 'eter%i&e' * the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators. Eeari&+ %a *e a'/o-r&e' !or ca-se or -po& a+ree%e&t * the parties. >&less the parties a+ree other0ise, it shall *e %a&'ator !or the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators to re&'er a& a0ar' or 'ecisio& 0ithi& t0e&t #2C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% the 'ate o! s-*%issio& o! the 'isp-te to )ol-&tar ar*itratio&. The a0ar' or 'ecisio& o! the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators shall co&tai& the !acts a&' the la0 o& 0hich it is *ase'. It shall *e !i&al a&' e3ec-tor a!ter te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s !ro% receipt o! the cop o! the a0ar' or 'ecisio& * the parties. >po& %otio& o! a& i&tereste' part , the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators or the La*or Ar*iter i& the re+io& 0here the %o)a&t resi'es, i& case o! the a*se&ce or i&capacit o! the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator or pa&el o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, !or a& reaso&, %a iss-e a 0rit o! e3ec-tio& re2-iri&+ either the sheri!! o! the Co%%issio& or re+-lar co-rts or a&

p-*lic o!!icial 0ho% the parties %a 'esi+&ate i& the s-*%issio& a+ree%e&t to e3ec-te the !i&al 'ecisio&, or'er or a0ar'. Article. 252-B. Cost of voluntary arbitration and oluntary !rbitrator0s fee. - The parties to a Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t shall pro)i'e therei& a proportio&ate shari&+ sche%e o& the cost o! )ol-&tar ar*itratio& i&cl-'i&+ the <ol-&tar Ar*itratorHs !ee. The !i3i&+ o! !ee o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, 0hether sho-l'ere' 0holl * the parties or s-*si'i(e' * the Special <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& F-&', shall ta1e i&to acco-&t the !ollo0i&+ !actors" #a$ Nat-re o! the case. #*$ Ti%e co&s-%e' i& heari&+ the case. #c$ Pro!essio&al sta&'i&+ o! the <ol-&tar Ar*itrator. #'$ Capacit to pa o! the parties. a&' #e$ Fees pro)i'e' !or i& the Re)ise' R-les o! Co-rt.

Title <III STRIKES AND LOCKO>TS AND FOREI@N IN<OL<E8ENT IN TRADE >NION ACTI<ITIES Chapter I STRIKES AND LOCKO>TS Article. 254. "tri#es- pic#eting and loc#outs. - #a$ It is the polic o! the State to e&co-ra+e !ree tra'e -&io&is% a&' !ree collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+. #*$ ?or1ers shall ha)e the ri+ht to e&+a+e i& co&certe' acti)ities !or p-rposes o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ or !or their %-t-al *e&e!it a&' protectio&. The ri+ht o! le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s to stri1e a&' pic1et a&' o! e%plo ers to loc1o-t, co&siste&t 0ith the &atio&al i&terest, shall co&ti&-e to *e reco+&i(e' a&' respecte'. Eo0e)er, &o la*or -&io& %a stri1e a&' &o e%plo er %a 'eclare a loc1o-t o& +ro-&'s i&)ol)i&+ i&ter--&io& a&' i&tra--&io& 'isp-tes. #c$ I& case o! *ar+ai&i&+ 'ea'loc1s, the '-l certi!ie' or reco+&i(e' *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t %a !ile a &otice o! stri1e or the e%plo er %a !ile a &otice o! loc1o-t 0ith the 8i&istr at least 4C 'a *e!ore the i&te&'e' 'ate thereo!. I& cases o! -&!air la*or practice, the perio' o! &otice shall *e 17 'a s a&' i& the a*se&ce o! a '-l certi!ie' or reco+&i(e' *ar+ai&i&+ a+e&t, the &otice o! stri1e %a *e !ile' * a& le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& i& *ehal! o! its %e%*ers. Eo0e)er, i& case o! 'is%issal !ro% e%plo %e&t o! -&io& o!!icers '-l electe' i& accor'a&ce 0ith the -&io& co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s, 0hich %a co&stit-te -&io& *-sti&+, 0here the e3iste&ce o! the -&io& is threate&e', the 17-'a cooli&+-o!! perio' shall &ot appl a&' the -&io& %a ta1e actio& i%%e'iatel . #As a%e&'e' * E3ec-ti)e Or'er No. 111, Dece%*er 2=, 19:5$. #'$ The &otice %-st *e i& accor'a&ce 0ith s-ch i%ple%e&ti&+ r-les a&' re+-latio&s as the 8i&ister o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a pro%-l+ate. #e$ D-ri&+ the cooli&+-o!! perio', it shall *e the '-t o! the 8i&istr to e3ert all e!!orts at %e'iatio& a&' co&ciliatio& to e!!ect a )ol-&tar settle%e&t. Sho-l' the 'isp-te re%ai& -&settle' -&til the lapse o! the re2-isite &-%*er o! 'a s !ro% the %a&'ator !ili&+ o! the &otice, the la*or -&io& %a stri1e or the e%plo er %a 'eclare a loc1o-t. #!$ A 'ecisio& to 'eclare a stri1e %-st *e appro)e' * a %a/orit o! the total -&io& %e%*ership i& the *ar+ai&i&+ -&it co&cer&e', o*tai&e' * secret *allot i& %eeti&+s or re!ere&'a calle' !or that p-rpose. A 'ecisio& to 'eclare a loc1o-t %-st *e appro)e' * a

%a/orit o! the *oar' o! 'irectors o! the corporatio& or associatio& or o! the part&ers i& a part&ership, o*tai&e' * secret *allot i& a %eeti&+ calle' !or that p-rpose. The 'ecisio& shall *e )ali' !or the '-ratio& o! the 'isp-te *ase' o& s-*sta&tiall the sa%e +ro-&'s co&si'ere' 0he& the stri1e or loc1o-t )ote 0as ta1e&. The 8i&istr %a , at its o0& i&itiati)e or -po& the re2-est o! a& a!!ecte' part , s-per)ise the co&'-ct o! the secret *alloti&+. I& e)er case, the -&io& or the e%plo er shall !-r&ish the 8i&istr the res-lts o! the )oti&+ at least se)e& 'a s *e!ore the i&te&'e' stri1e or loc1o-t, s-*/ect to the cooli&+-o!! perio' herei& pro)i'e'. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1 a&' !-rther a%e&'e' * E3ec-ti)e Or'er No. 111, Dece%*er 2=, 19:5$. #+$ ?he&, i& his opi&io&, there e3ists a la*or 'isp-te ca-si&+ or li1el to ca-se a stri1e or loc1o-t i& a& i&'-str i&'ispe&sa*le to the &atio&al i&terest, the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a ass-%e /-ris'ictio& o)er the 'isp-te a&' 'eci'e it or certi! the sa%e to the Co%%issio& !or co%p-lsor ar*itratio&. S-ch ass-%ptio& or certi!icatio& shall ha)e the e!!ect o! a-to%aticall e&/oi&i&+ the i&te&'e' or i%pe&'i&+ stri1e or loc1o-t as speci!ie' i& the ass-%ptio& or certi!icatio& or'er. I! o&e has alrea' ta1e& place at the ti%e o! ass-%ptio& or certi!icatio&, all stri1i&+ or loc1e' o-t e%plo ees shall i%%e'iatel ret-r&-to-0or1 a&' the e%plo er shall i%%e'iatel res-%e operatio&s a&' rea'%it all 0or1ers -&'er the sa%e ter%s a&' co&'itio&s pre)aili&+ *e!ore the stri1e or loc1o-t. The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or the Co%%issio& %a see1 the assista&ce o! la0 e&!orce%e&t a+e&cies to e&s-re co%plia&ce 0ith this pro)isio& as 0ell as 0ith s-ch or'ers as he %a iss-e to e&!orce the sa%e. I& li&e 0ith the &atio&al co&cer& !or a&' the hi+hest respect accor'e' to the ri+ht o! patie&ts to li!e a&' health, stri1es a&' loc1o-ts i& hospitals, cli&ics a&' si%ilar %e'ical i&stit-tio&s shall, to e)er e3te&t possi*le, *e a)oi'e', a&' all serio-s e!!orts, &ot o&l * la*or a&' %a&a+e%e&t *-t +o)er&%e&t as 0ell, *e e3ha-ste' to s-*sta&tiall %i&i%i(e, i! &ot pre)e&t, their a')erse e!!ects o& s-ch li!e a&' health, thro-+h the e3ercise, ho0e)er le+iti%ate, * la*or o! its ri+ht to stri1e a&' * %a&a+e%e&t to loc1o-t. I& la*or 'isp-tes a')ersel a!!ecti&+ the co&ti&-e' operatio& o! s-ch hospitals, cli&ics or %e'ical i&stit-tio&s, it shall *e the '-t o! the stri1i&+ -&io& or loc1i&+-o-t e%plo er to pro)i'e a&' %ai&tai& a& e!!ecti)e s1eletal 0or1!orce o! %e'ical a&' other health perso&&el, 0hose %o)e%e&t a&' ser)ices shall *e -&ha%pere' a&' -&restricte', as are &ecessar to i&s-re the proper a&' a'e2-ate protectio& o! the li!e a&' health o! its patie&ts, %ost especiall e%er+e&c cases, !or the '-ratio& o! the stri1e or loc1o-t. I& s-ch cases, there!ore, the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a i%%e'iatel ass-%e, 0ithi& t0e&t !o-r #2=$ ho-rs !ro% 1&o0le'+e o! the occ-rre&ce o! s-ch a stri1e or loc1o-t, /-ris'ictio& o)er the sa%e or certi! it to the Co%%issio& !or co%p-lsor ar*itratio&. For this p-rpose, the co&te&'i&+ parties are strictl e&/oi&e' to co%pl 0ith s-ch or'ers, prohi*itio&s a&';or i&/-&ctio&s as are iss-e' * the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or the Co%%issio&, -&'er pai& o! i%%e'iate 'iscipli&ar actio&, i&cl-'i&+ 'is%issal or loss o! e%plo %e&t stat-s or pa %e&t * the loc1i&+-o-t e%plo er o! *ac10a+es, 'a%a+es a&' other a!!ir%ati)e relie!, e)e& cri%i&al prosec-tio& a+ai&st either or *oth o! the%. The !ore+oi&+ &ot0ithsta&'i&+, the Presi'e&t o! the Philippi&es shall &ot *e precl-'e' !ro% 'eter%i&i&+ the i&'-stries that, i& his opi&io&, are i&'ispe&sa*le to the &atio&al i&terest, a&' !ro% i&ter)e&i&+ at a& ti%e a&' ass-%i&+ /-ris'ictio& o)er a& s-ch la*or 'isp-te i& or'er to settle or ter%i&ate the sa%e. #h$ Be!ore or at a& sta+e o! the co%p-lsor ar*itratio& process, the parties %a opt to s-*%it their 'isp-te to )ol-&tar ar*itratio&. #i$ The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, the Co%%issio& or the )ol-&tar ar*itrator shall 'eci'e or resol)e the 'isp-te, as the case %a *e. The 'ecisio& o! the Presi'e&t, the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, the Co%%issio& or the )ol-&tar ar*itrator shall *e !i&al a&' e3ec-tor te& #1C$ cale&'ar 'a s a!ter receipt thereo! * the parties. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 26, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$.

Article. 25=. Pro'ibited activities. - #a$ No la*or or+a&i(atio& or e%plo er shall 'eclare a stri1e or loc1o-t 0itho-t !irst ha)i&+ *ar+ai&e' collecti)el i& accor'a&ce 0ith Title <II o! this Boo1 or 0itho-t !irst ha)i&+ !ile' the &otice re2-ire' i& the prece'i&+ Article or 0itho-t the &ecessar stri1e or loc1o-t )ote !irst ha)i&+ *ee& o*tai&e' a&' reporte' to the 8i&istr . No stri1e or loc1o-t shall *e 'eclare' a!ter ass-%ptio& o! /-ris'ictio& * the Presi'e&t or the 8i&ister or a!ter certi!icatio& or s-*%issio& o! the 'isp-te to co%p-lsor or )ol-&tar ar*itratio& or '-ri&+ the pe&'e&c o! cases i&)ol)i&+ the sa%e +ro-&'s !or the stri1e or loc1o-t. A& 0or1er 0hose e%plo %e&t has *ee& ter%i&ate' as a co&se2-e&ce o! a& -&la0!-l loc1o-t shall *e e&title' to rei&state%e&t 0ith !-ll *ac10a+es. A& -&io& o!!icer 0ho 1&o0i&+l participates i& a& ille+al stri1e a&' a& 0or1er or -&io& o!!icer 0ho 1&o0i&+l participates i& the co%%issio& o! ille+al acts '-ri&+ a stri1e %a *e 'eclare' to ha)e lost his e%plo %e&t stat-s" Pro)i'e', That %ere participatio& o! a 0or1er i& a la0!-l stri1e shall &ot co&stit-te s-!!icie&t +ro-&' !or ter%i&atio& o! his e%plo %e&t, e)e& i! a replace%e&t ha' *ee& hire' * the e%plo er '-ri&+ s-ch la0!-l stri1e. #*$ No perso& shall o*str-ct, i%pe'e, or i&ter!ere 0ith, * !orce, )iole&ce, coercio&, threats or i&ti%i'atio&, a& peace!-l pic1eti&+ * e%plo ees '-ri&+ a& la*or co&tro)ers or i& the e3ercise o! the ri+ht to sel!-or+a&i(atio& or collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+, or shall ai' or a*et s-ch o*str-ctio& or i&ter!ere&ce. #c$ No e%plo er shall -se or e%plo a& stri1e-*rea1er, &or shall a& perso& *e e%plo e' as a stri1e-*rea1er. #'$ No p-*lic o!!icial or e%plo ee, i&cl-'i&+ o!!icers a&' perso&&el o! the Ne0 Ar%e' Forces o! the Philippi&es or the I&te+rate' Natio&al Police, or ar%e' perso&, shall *ri&+ i&, i&tro'-ce or escort i& a& %a&&er, a& i&'i)i'-al 0ho see1s to replace stri1ers i& e&teri&+ or lea)i&+ the pre%ises o! a stri1e area, or 0or1 i& place o! the stri1ers. The police !orce shall 1eep o-t o! the pic1et li&es -&less act-al )iole&ce or other cri%i&al acts occ-r therei&" Pro)i'e', That &othi&+ herei& shall *e i&terprete' to pre)e&t a& p-*lic o!!icer !ro% ta1i&+ a& %eas-re &ecessar to %ai&tai& peace a&' or'er, protect li!e a&' propert , a&';or e&!orce the la0 a&' le+al or'er. #As a%e&'e' * E3ec-ti)e Or'er No. 111, Dece%*er 2=, 19:5$. #e$ No perso& e&+a+e' i& pic1eti&+ shall co%%it a& act o! )iole&ce, coercio& or i&ti%i'atio& or o*str-ct the !ree i&+ress to or e+ress !ro% the e%plo erHs pre%ises !or la0!-l p-rposes, or o*str-ct p-*lic thoro-+h!ares. #As a%e&'e' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 226, B-&e 1, 19:2$. Article. 257. $mproved offer balloting. - I& a& e!!ort to settle a stri1e, the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t shall co&'-ct a re!ere&'-% * secret *allot o& the i%pro)e' o!!er o! the e%plo er o& or *e!ore the 4Cth 'a o! the stri1e. ?he& at least a %a/orit o! the -&io& %e%*ers )ote to accept the i%pro)e' o!!er the stri1i&+ 0or1ers shall i%%e'iatel ret-r& to 0or1 a&' the e%plo er shall there-po& rea'%it the% -po& the si+&i&+ o! the a+ree%e&t. I& case o! a loc1o-t, the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t shall also co&'-ct a re!ere&'-% * secret *alloti&+ o& the re'-ce' o!!er o! the -&io& o& or *e!ore the 4Cth 'a o! the loc1o-t. ?he& at least a %a/orit o! the *oar' o! 'irectors or tr-stees or the part&ers hol'i&+ the co&trolli&+ i&terest i& the case o! a part&ership )ote to accept the re'-ce' o!!er, the 0or1ers shall i%%e'iatel ret-r& to 0or1 a&' the e%plo er shall there-po& rea'%it the% -po& the si+&i&+ o! the a+ree%e&t. #I&corporate' * Sectio& 2:, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 255. .e1uirement for arrest and detention. - E3cept o& +ro-&'s o! &atio&al sec-rit a&' p-*lic peace or i& case o! co%%issio& o! a cri%e, &o -&io& %e%*ers or -&io& or+a&i(ers %a *e arreste' or 'etai&e' !or -&io& acti)ities 0itho-t pre)io-s co&s-ltatio&s 0ith the Secretar o! La*or.

Chapter II ASSISTANCE TO LABOR OR@ANIIATIONS Article. 256. !ssistance by t'e Department of Labor. - The Depart%e&t o! La*or, at the i&itiati)e o! the Secretar o! La*or, shall e3te&' special assista&ce to the or+a&i(atio&, !or p-rposes o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+, o! the %ost -&'erpri)ile+e' 0or1ers 0ho, !or reaso&s o! occ-patio&, or+a&i(atio&al str-ct-re or i&s-!!icie&t i&co%es, are &ot &or%all co)ere' * %a/or la*or or+a&i(atio&s or !e'eratio&s. Article. 25:. !ssistance by t'e $nstitute of Labor and Manpo(er "tudies. - The I&stit-te o! La*or a&' 8a&po0er St-'ies shall re&'er tech&ical a&' other !or%s o! assista&ce to la*or or+a&i(atio&s a&' e%plo er or+a&i(atio&s i& the !iel' o! la*or e'-catio&, especiall pertai&i&+ to collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+, ar*itratio&, la*or sta&'ar's a&' the La*or Co'e o! the Philippi&es i& +e&eral.

Chapter III FOREI@N ACTI<ITIES Article. 259. Pro'ibition against aliens2 e,ceptions. - All alie&s, &at-ral or /-ri'ical, as 0ell as !orei+& or+a&i(atio&s are strictl prohi*ite' !ro% e&+a+i&+ 'irectl or i&'irectl i& all !or%s o! tra'e -&io& acti)ities 0itho-t pre/-'ice to &or%al co&tacts *et0ee& Philippi&e la*or -&io&s a&' reco+&i(e' i&ter&atio&al la*or ce&ters" Pro)i'e', ho0e)er, That alie&s 0or1i&+ i& the co-&tr 0ith )ali' per%its iss-e' * the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t, %a e3ercise the ri+ht to sel!-or+a&i(atio& a&' /oi& or assist la*or or+a&i(atio&s o! their o0& choosi&+ !or p-rposes o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+" Pro)i'e', !-rther, That sai' alie&s are &atio&als o! a co-&tr 0hich +ra&ts the sa%e or si%ilar ri+hts to Filipi&o 0or1ers. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 29, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 26C. .egulation of foreign assistance. - #a$ No !orei+& i&'i)i'-al, or+a&i(atio& or e&tit %a +i)e a& 'o&atio&s, +ra&ts or other !or%s o! assista&ce, i& cash or i& 1i&', 'irectl or i&'irectl , to a& la*or or+a&i(atio&, +ro-p o! 0or1ers or a& a-3iliar thereo!, s-ch as cooperati)es, cre'it -&io&s a&' i&stit-tio&s e&+a+e' i& research, e'-catio& or co%%-&icatio&, i& relatio& to tra'e -&io& acti)ities, 0itho-t prior per%issio& * the Secretar o! La*or. "*rade union activities" shall %ea&" #1$ or+a&i(atio&, !or%atio& a&' a'%i&istratio& o! la*or or+a&i(atio&. #2$ &e+otiatio& a&' a'%i&istratio& o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a+ree%e&ts. #4$ all !or%s o! co&certe' -&io& actio&. #=$ or+a&i(i&+, %a&a+i&+, or assisti&+ -&io& co&)e&tio&s, %eeti&+s, rallies, re!ere&'a, teachi&s, se%i&ars, co&!ere&ces a&' i&stit-tes. #7$ a& !or% o! participatio& or i&)ol)e%e&t i& represe&tatio& procee'i&+s, represe&tatio& electio&s, co&se&t electio&s, -&io& electio&s. a&' #5$ other acti)ities or actio&s a&alo+o-s to the !ore+oi&+. #*$ This prohi*itio& shall e2-all appl to !orei+& 'o&atio&s, +ra&ts or other !or%s o! assista&ce, i& cash or i& 1i&', +i)e& 'irectl or i&'irectl to a& e%plo er or e%plo erHs or+a&i(atio& to s-pport a& acti)it or acti)ities a!!ecti&+ tra'e -&io&s.

#c$ The Secretar o! La*or shall pro%-l+ate r-les a&' re+-latio&s to re+-late a&' co&trol the +i)i&+ a&' recei)i&+ o! s-ch 'o&atio&s, +ra&ts, or other !or%s o! assista&ce, i&cl-'i&+ the %a&'ator reporti&+ o! the a%o-&ts o! the 'o&atio&s or +ra&ts, the speci!ic recipie&ts thereo!, the pro/ects or acti)ities propose' to *e s-pporte', a&' their '-ratio&. Article. 261. !pplicability to farm tenants and rural (or#ers. - The pro)isio&s o! this Title pertai&i&+ to !orei+& or+a&i(atio&s a&' acti)ities shall *e 'ee%e' applica*le li1e0ise to all or+a&i(atio&s o! !ar% te&a&ts, r-ral 0or1ers, a&' the li1e" Pro)i'e', That i& appropriate cases, the Secretar o! A+raria& Re!or% shall e3ercise the po0ers a&' respo&si*ilities )este' * this Title i& the Secretar o! La*or.

Chapter I< PENALTIES FOR <IOLATION Article. 262. Penalties. - #a$ A& perso& )iolati&+ a& o! the pro)isio&s o! Article 25= o! this Co'e shall *e p-&ishe' * a !i&e o! &ot less tha& o&e tho-sa&' pesos #P1,CCC.CC$ &or %ore tha& te& tho-sa&' pesos #P1C,CCC.CC$ a&';or i%priso&%e&t !or &ot less tha& three %o&ths &or %ore tha& three #4$ ears, or *oth s-ch !i&e a&' i%priso&%e&t, at the 'iscretio& o! the co-rt. Prosec-tio& -&'er this pro)isio& shall precl-'e prosec-tio& !or the sa%e act -&'er the Re)ise' Pe&al Co'e, a&' vice versa. #*$ >po& the reco%%e&'atio& o! the 8i&ister o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t a&' the 8i&ister o! Natio&al De!e&se, !orei+&ers 0ho )iolate the pro)isio&s o! this Title shall *e s-*/ect to i%%e'iate a&' s-%%ar 'eportatio& * the Co%%issio& o& I%%i+ratio& a&' Deportatio& a&' shall *e per%a&e&tl *arre' !ro% re-e&teri&+ the co-&tr 0itho-t the special per%issio& o! the Presi'e&t o! the Philippi&es. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 15, Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C a&' Sectio& 6, Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 226$.

Title IL SPECIAL PRO<ISIONS Article. 264. "tudy of labor%management relations. - The Secretar o! La*or shall ha)e the po0er a&' it shall *e his '-t to i&2-ire i&to" #a$ the e3isti&+ relatio&s *et0ee& e%plo ers a&' e%plo ees i& the Philippi&es. #*$ the +ro0th o! associatio&s o! e%plo ees a&' the e!!ect o! s-ch associatio&s -po& e%plo er-e%plo ee relatio&s. #c$ the e3te&t a&' res-lts o! the %etho's o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ i& the 'eter%i&atio& o! ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t. #'$ the %etho's 0hich ha)e *ee& trie' * %ai&tai&i&+ %-t-all satis!actor relatio&s. e%plo ers a&' associatio&s o! e%plo ees !or

#e$ 'esira*le i&'-strial practices 0hich ha)e *ee& 'e)elope' thro-+h collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ a&' other )ol-&tar arra&+e%e&ts. #!$ the possi*le 0a s o! i&creasi&+ the -se!-l&ess a&' e!!icie&c o! collecti)e *ar+ai&i&+ !or settli&+ 'i!!ere&ces. #+$ the possi*ilities !or the a'optio& o! practical a&' e!!ecti)e %etho's o! la*or-%a&a+e%e&t cooperatio&.

#h$ a& other aspects o! e%plo er-e%plo ee relatio&s co&cer&i&+ the pro%otio& o! har%o& a&' -&'ersta&'i&+ *et0ee& the parties. #i$ the rele)a&ce o! la*or la0s a&' la*or relatio&s to &atio&al 'e)elop%e&t. The Secretar o! La*or shall also i&2-ire i&to the ca-ses o! i&'-strial -&rest a&' ta1e all the &ecessar steps 0ithi& his po0er as %a *e prescri*e' * la0 to alle)iate the sa%e, a&' shall !ro% ti%e to ti%e reco%%e&' the e&act%e&t o! s-ch re%e'ial le+islatio& as i& his /-'+%e&t %a *e 'esira*le !or the %ai&te&a&ce a&' pro%otio& o! i&'-strial peace. Article. 26=. isitorial po(er. - The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or his '-l a-thori(e' represe&tati)e is here* e%po0ere' to i&2-ire i&to the !i&a&cial acti)ities o! le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio&s -po& the !ili&+ o! a co%plai&t -&'er oath a&' '-l s-pporte' * the 0ritte& co&se&t o! at least t0e&t perce&t #2CJ$ o! the total %e%*ership o! the la*or or+a&i(atio& co&cer&e' a&' to e3a%i&e their *oo1s o! acco-&ts a&' other recor's to 'eter%i&e co%plia&ce or &o&-co%plia&ce 0ith the la0 a&' to prosec-te a& )iolatio&s o! the la0 a&' the -&io& co&stit-tio& a&' * -la0s" Pro)i'e', That s-ch i&2-ir or e3a%i&atio& shall &ot *e co&'-cte' '-ri&+ the si3t #5C$-'a !ree'o% perio' &or 0ithi& the thirt #4C$ 'a s i%%e'iatel prece'i&+ the 'ate o! electio& o! -&io& o!!icials. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 41, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 267. *ripartism and tripartite conferences. - #a$ Tripartis% i& la*or relatio&s is here* 'eclare' a State polic . To0ar's this e&', 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers shall, as !ar as practica*le, *e represe&te' i& 'ecisio& a&' polic -%a1i&+ *o'ies o! the +o)er&%e&t. #*$ The Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t or his '-l a-thori(e' represe&tati)es %a , !ro% ti%e to ti%e, call a &atio&al, re+io&al, or i&'-strial tripartite co&!ere&ce o! represe&tati)es o! +o)er&%e&t, 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers !or the co&si'eratio& a&' a'optio& o! )ol-&tar co'es o! pri&ciples 'esi+&e' to pro%ote i&'-strial peace *ase' o& social /-stice or to ali+& la*or %o)e%e&t relatio&s 0ith esta*lishe' priorities i& eco&o%ic a&' social 'e)elop%e&t. I& calli&+ s-ch co&!ere&ce, the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a co&s-lt 0ith accre'ite' represe&tati)es o! 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 42, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. Article. 265. /overnment employees. - The ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t o! all +o)er&%e&t e%plo ees, i&cl-'i&+ e%plo ees o! +o)er&%e&t-o0&e' a&' co&trolle' corporatio&s, shall *e +o)er&e' * the Ci)il Ser)ice La0, r-les a&' re+-latio&s. Their salaries shall *e sta&'ar'i(e' * the Natio&al Asse%*l as pro)i'e' !or i& the Ne0 Co&stit-tio&. Eo0e)er, there shall *e &o re'-ctio& o! e3isti&+ 0a+es, *e&e!its a&' other ter%s a&' co&'itio&s o! e%plo %e&t *ei&+ e&/o e' * the% at the ti%e o! the a'optio& o! this Co'e. Article. 266. Miscellaneous provisions. - #a$ All -&io&s are a-thori(e' to collect reaso&a*le %e%*ership !ees, -&io& '-es, assess%e&ts a&' !i&es a&' other co&tri*-tio&s !or la*or e'-catio& a&' research, %-t-al 'eath a&' hospitali(atio& *e&e!its, 0el!are !-&', stri1e !-&' a&' cre'it a&' cooperati)e -&'erta1i&+s. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 44, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #*$ S-*/ect to the co&stit-tio&al ri+ht o! 0or1ers to sec-rit o! te&-re a&' their ri+ht to *e protecte' a+ai&st 'is%issal e3cept !or a /-st a&' a-thori(e' ca-se a&' 0itho-t pre/-'ice to the re2-ire%e&t o! &otice -&'er Article 2:4 o! this Co'e, the e%plo er shall !-r&ish the 0or1er 0hose e%plo %e&t is so-+ht to *e ter%i&ate' a 0ritte& &otice co&tai&i&+ a state%e&t o! the ca-ses !or ter%i&atio& a&' shall a!!or' the latter a%ple opport-&it to *e hear' a&' to 'e!e&' hi%sel! 0ith the assista&ce o! his represe&tati)e i! he so 'esires i& accor'a&ce 0ith co%pa& r-les a&' re+-latio&s pro%-l+ate' p-rs-a&t to +-i'eli&es set * the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t. A& 'ecisio& ta1e& * the e%plo er shall *e 0itho-t pre/-'ice to the ri+ht o! the 0or1er to co&test the )ali'it or le+alit o! his 'is%issal * !ili&+ a co%plai&t 0ith the re+io&al *ra&ch o! the Natio&al La*or Relatio&s Co%%issio&. The *-r'e& o! pro)i&+ that the ter%i&atio& 0as !or a )ali' or a-thori(e' ca-se shall rest o& the e%plo er. The Secretar o!

the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t %a s-spe&' the e!!ects o! the ter%i&atio& pe&'i&+ resol-tio& o! the 'isp-te i& the e)e&t o! a prima facie !i&'i&+ * the appropriate o!!icial o! the Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t *e!ore 0ho% s-ch 'isp-te is pe&'i&+ that the ter%i&atio& %a ca-se a serio-s la*or 'isp-te or is i& i%ple%e&tatio& o! a %ass la o!!. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 44, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #c$ A& e%plo ee, 0hether e%plo e' !or a 'e!i&ite perio' or &ot, shall, *e+i&&i&+ o& his !irst 'a o! ser)ice, *e co&si'ere' as a& e%plo ee !or p-rposes o! %e%*ership i& a& la*or -&io&. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 44, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617$. #'$ No 'oc1et !ee shall *e assesse' i& la*or sta&'ar's 'isp-tes. I& all other 'isp-tes, 'oc1et !ees %a *e assesse' a+ai&st the !ili&+ part , pro)i'e' that i& *ar+ai&i&+ 'ea'loc1, s-ch !ees shall *e share' e2-all * the &e+otiati&+ parties. #e$ The 8i&ister o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t a&' the 8i&ister o! the B-'+et shall ca-se to *e create' or reclassi!ie' i& accor'a&ce 0ith la0 s-ch positio&s as %a *e &ecessar to carr o-t the o*/ecti)es o! this Co'e a&' ca-se the -p+ra'i&+ o! the salaries o! the perso&&el i&)ol)e' i& the La*or Relatio&s S ste% o! the 8i&istr . F-&'s &ee'e' !or this p-rpose shall *e pro)i'e' o-t o! the Special Acti)ities F-&' appropriate' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bl+. :C a&' !ro% a&&-al appropriatio&s therea!ter. #I&corporate' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1$. #!$ A special <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& F-&' is here* esta*lishe' i& the Boar' to s-*si'i(e the cost o! )ol-&tar ar*itratio& i& cases i&)ol)i&+ the i&terpretatio& a&' i%ple%e&tatio& o! the Collecti)e Bar+ai&i&+ A+ree%e&t, i&cl-'i&+ the Ar*itratorHs !ees, a&' !or s-ch other relate' p-rposes to pro%ote a&' 'e)elop )ol-&tar ar*itratio&. The Boar' shall a'%i&ister the Special <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& F-&' i& accor'a&ce 0ith the +-i'eli&es it %a a'opt -po& the reco%%e&'atio& o! the Co-&cil, 0hich +-i'eli&es shall *e s-*/ect to the appro)al o! the Secretar o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t. Co&ti&-i&+ !-&'s &ee'e' !or this p-rpose i& the i&itial earl a%o-&t o! !i!tee& %illio& pesos #P17,CCC,CCC.CC$ shall *e pro)i'e' i& the 19:9 a&&-al +e&eral appropriatio&s acts. The a%o-&t o! s-*si' i& appropriate cases shall *e 'eter%i&e' * the Boar' i& accor'a&ce 0ith esta*lishe' +-i'eli&es iss-e' * it -po& the reco%%e&'atio& o! the Co-&cil. The F-&' shall also *e -tili(e' !or the operatio& o! the Co-&cil, the trai&i&+ a&' e'-catio& o! <ol-&tar Ar*itrators, a&' the <ol-&tar Ar*itratio& Pro+ra%. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 44, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #+$ The 8i&istr shall help pro%ote a&' +ra'-all 'e)elop, 0ith the a+ree%e&t o! la*or or+a&i(atio&s a&' e%plo ers, la*or-%a&a+e%e&t cooperatio& pro+ra%s at appropriate le)els o! the e&terprise *ase' o& the share' respo&si*ilit a&' %-t-al respect i& or'er to e&s-re i&'-strial peace a&' i%pro)e%e&t i& pro'-cti)it , 0or1i&+ co&'itio&s a&' the 2-alit o! 0or1i&+ li!e. #I&corporate' * Batas Pa%*a&sa Bila&+ 14C, A-+-st 21, 19:1$. #h$ I& esta*lish%e&ts 0here &o le+iti%ate la*or or+a&i(atio& e3ists, la*or-%a&a+e%e&t co%%ittees %a *e !or%e' )ol-&taril * 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers !or the p-rpose o! pro%oti&+ i&'-strial peace. The Depart%e&t o! La*or a&' E%plo %e&t shall e&'ea)or to e&li+hte& a&' e'-cate the 0or1ers a&' e%plo ers o& their ri+hts a&' respo&si*ilities thro-+h la*or e'-catio& 0ith e%phasis o& the polic thr-sts o! this Co'e. #As a%e&'e' * Sectio& 44, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$. #i$ To e&s-re spee' la*or /-stice, the perio's pro)i'e' i& this Co'e 0ithi& 0hich 'ecisio&s or resol-tio&s o! la*or relatio&s cases or %atters sho-l' *e re&'ere' shall *e %a&'ator . For this p-rpose, a case or %atter shall *e 'ee%e' s-*%itte' !or 'ecisio& or resol-tio& -po& the !ili&+ o! the last plea'i&+ or %e%ora&'-% re2-ire' * the r-les o! the Co%%issio& or * the Co%%issio& itsel!, or the La*or Ar*iter, or the Director o! the B-rea- o! La*or Relatio&s or 8e'-Ar*iter, or the Re+io&al Director.

>po& e3piratio& o! the correspo&'i&+ perio', a certi!icatio& stati&+ 0h a 'ecisio& or resol-tio& has &ot *ee& re&'ere' 0ithi& the sai' perio' shall *e iss-e' !orth0ith * the Chair%a& o! the Co%%issio&, the E3ec-ti)e La*or Ar*iter, or the Director o! the B-rea- o! La*or Relatio&s or 8e'-Ar*iter, or the Re+io&al Director, as the case %a *e, a&' a cop thereo! ser)e' -po& the parties. Despite the e3piratio& o! the applica*le %a&'ator perio', the a!oresai' o!!icials shall, 0itho-t pre/-'ice to a& lia*ilit 0hich %a ha)e *ee& i&c-rre' as a co&se2-e&ce thereo!, see to it that the case or %atter shall *e 'eci'e' or resol)e' 0itho-t a& !-rther 'ela . #I&corporate' * Sectio& 44, Rep-*lic Act No. 5617, 8arch 21, 19:9$.

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