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This is to certify that Nihit Malsisaria,Yagnesh Contractor and Kashish Khivesara are the bonafide students of Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai. They have successfully carried out the pro ect titled !"ttack #etection $n Cloud Computing% in partial fulfillment of the re&uirement of '. E. #egree in $nformation Technology of (niversity of Mumbai during the academic year )*+), )*+-. The .ork has not been presented for the a.ard of any other degree or diploma prior to this.

Name : Mr./rashant 0a.ade (Internal guide)

Name : (Internal Examiner)

Name : (External Examiner)

#r. Kamal 1hah (HOD of IT Department)

#r '.K.Mishra (Prin ipal) Thakur College of Engineering and Technology Kandivali2E3, Mumbai,4**+*+. /5"CE6Mumbai #"TE6

7e are thankful to our pro ect guide Mr. /rashant 0a.ade for guiding us throughout the academic year and help us to achieve our goal. 7e are also thankful to the other faculties of the $T #ept. .hom .e have approached for certain &ueries related to our pro ect. 7e are thankful to our /rincipal #r. '.K. Mishra , 8.9.#. of $T department and :esearch dean of the institute #r. Kamal 1hah for helping us and giving us an opportunity to develop this .eb based portal for our institute.

1ignature and name of all the students in the group

Nihit Malsisaria

Yagnesh Contractor

Kashish Khivesara

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