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Riley Porter Module 4 Test 1. Energy Balance I hypothesized that I maintained a positive state of energy balance.

My energy intake was less than my energy needed. My DRI for calories is 2105. My average intake according to the Energy Balance page is 2288 calories. My average calorie expenditure is 2672 calories. My calorie difference was -384. My theoretical weight change, which I got by dividing my calorie difference by 3,500 pounds is: - 0.12 pounds. I burned more calories than I consumed; therefore I had a negative energy balance, which results in weight loss. I weigh 135 pounds and am 5 feet 2, which is a healthy body weight for a 16 year old female based off my height and weight. I play soccer 4 days and sometimes even 5 days a week for at least 90 minutes each time. On the days I dont have soccer I try to moderately exercise at least once a week, to stay in shape and help maintain my weight. Because I play on a comp team and play at such a high level I would say I get vigorous exercise from my soccer practices and games, and would consider myself active. Thats why I had a negative energy balance. Therefore my data refutes the hypothesis. 2. Protein I hypothesized that my intake of protein was adequate and in range. After recording my diet for two days and looking at my Macronutrient Ranges data I learned my average protein intake was 66.85 grams per day, which was 133% of the DRI. My percent of calories from protein was 12%, so it was in the AMDR range, which is 1035 % for protein. My personalized DRI for protein is 50.12 grams and my intake was 66.85 grams, so I did meet my DRI. When I consumed my protein I did not practice protein complementation. Protein complementation is combining different protein foods to get all the essential acids. Examples include rice and black beans, wholewheat bread and peanut butter, and soy milk and cereal. I consumed a lot of protein rich foods, like beef, turkey, cheese and chicken; which all have high biological values and are complete proteins. Some low biological proteins I consumed were pasta, bread, and some leafy greens. Low biological proteins are low in quality, which makes them incomplete proteins. Because I am an athlete, I have lots of muscle mass, and in order to maintain and build that muscle, I need to consume adequate amounts of protein with both high and low biological values. Protein is vital for organ maintenance, growth and repair of lean body mass; it can also be used for energy. Consuming proteins high in saturated fat and cholesterol may increase the risk for heart disease. My hypothesis was correct because my protein intake was adequate and in range.

3. Carbohydrates Because Im an athlete and I consume a lot of carbs, I hypothesized that my intake of total carboydrates was inadequate and out of range. I dont think I consumed enough fiber though, because I dont eat a lot of vegetables. Im not too good at watching my sugar intake, so that may be excessive. My average total carbohydrate intake was 341 grams. I exceeded the minimum DRI of 130 grams per day The ADMR for carbohydrates is 45-65% mine was 58% which indeed met the AMDR. Some of the carbohydrate rich food consumed was white bread, and pasta. I need more wholegrains in my carbohydrate diet. I also need to consume more simple carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables, given that most of my carbohydrates came from animal sources making them complex carbohydrates. My average total sugar intake was 173.33 grams. My calculated % calories from sugar was 59 %, and the AMDR for sugar is less than or equal to 25%. So I exceeded that by quite a lot, and to assure health I should try to consume less sugar. My average dietary fiber intake was 12.25 grams, so I did not meet my DRI for Fiber which was 26 grams. 47% was my DRI intake for fiber. Instead of consuming most of my carbohydrates from sugar, I should try and balance it by consuming more fiber. Fiber has many benefits such as stool softener, improves the tone of the GI tract, decreases transit time, and helps prevent diverticular disease and even prevents some cancers. Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel of the body, and since I play soccer I should make sure I meet the ADMR. They can reduce blood pressure and eart disease, some cancers, type 2 diabets, and other health related problems. My hypothesis was correct because I exceeded the DRI for carbohydrate and sugar intake, and I didnt consume enough fiber. So I need to probably consume more whole-grains, more fruits and vegetables so I can get my fiber, and less sugar. 4. Fat I hypothesized that my total fat, fatty acids, and cholesterol intakes were healthy. My total fat intake provided 31% of calories. So I just barely met the AMDR which is 2035%. My intakes of fatty acid triglycerides were: 13% saturated fat, 7% monounsaturated, and 4% polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated is the healthiest out of the three. Too much polyunsaturated fat can promote cancer. Saturated is the least healthy, and the recommended intake is less than 7% of total calories. So I consumed just the right amount, but still need to be careful and watch my intake of tropical oils like palm and coconut, because too much can increase the risk for heart disease. There are two essential fatty acids that we need, linoelic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. My average linoleic acid intake was 8.89 grams, and the DRI is 11 grams; so I didnt meet it. My average for linolenic acid intake was 1.11 grams and the DRI is 1.1 so I

just barely met it. I got a good source of these fatty acids in the oils that I consume, but could eat more fish to help me with my intake. Consuming linolenic acid can help reduce blood clotting and blood pressure. My cholesterol intake was 189.5 mg, and according to the American Heart Association and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, you should consume 300 milligrams or less for optimal health, and less than 200 milligrams to promote heart health; so I met the recommendation. Cholesterol is sterol found in both plant and animal foods, and is responsible for the making of bile, and the building of a variety of chemical structures. Too much cholesterol however can cause plaque build-up in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. Most of my cholesterol came from beef and other meats. My hypothesis for total fat and cholesterol were indeed correct. I need to make sure I keep my total fat intake at a low level along with my cholesterol. My hypothesis for fatty acids was also correct, considering that I met all the recommendations. 5. Vitamins I hypothesized that my diet was not adequate in all the essential vitamins. I discovered that I did meet the DRI for most of the vitamins. My intake of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin C were all adequate; meaning that I consumed between 100% of the DRI and 100% of the UL. I consumed 175% of thiamin, 179% of riboflavin, 124% of niacin, 114% of vitamin B12, 109% of folate, and 282% of vitamin C; making them all adequate. Thiamin, also known as B1 helps support normal appetite and as well as nervous system function. Niacin (vitamin B3) plays a role in energy metabolism, supports steroid synthesis and health of skin, nervous system, and digestive system. Vitamin B12 is also a very important vitamin, its used for nerve cell maintenance; and it also synergizes with folate, which can help prevent spina-bifida in infants. I need to increase my vitamin D, vitamin A and E intake, for they were are all deficient. To be considered deficient, one must consume less than 66% of the DRI. I consumed 47% of vitamin A, 32% of vitamin E, and only 24% of vitamin D . In order to increase my intake of vitamin D and A, I need to consume more butter, egg yolk and milk. I also need to eat more oils, seeds, and green leafy vegetables, in order to get the right amount of vitamin E that I need. Vitamin E helps reduce blood clotting and improve the dilation of blood vessels. Vitamin A is also important because it functions in vision, and is required for growth, and reproduction. The only vitamin that I was inadequate with was vitamin B6, I consumed 74%. Inadequate means you consumed 66-100% of the DRI. My hypothesis was correct because I was deficient in Vitamin D, A, E and inadequate in vitamin B6. I need to consume more fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds in order to incorporate the vitamins I am deficient in. Overall, I need to make sure I consume adequate amounts of all the essential vitamins.

6. Minerals I hypothesized that my diet was adequate in the essential minerals. After determining my DRI percents for minerals I discovered that I was deficient in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. I consumed 64% of calcium, 51% magnesium and 44% for potassium. Calcium is an essential mineral and is very important because it mineralizes bone and teeth. Calcium also helps blood clotting, muscle contraction and nerve conduction. Good sources of calcium are milk and other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. I should try to drink of glass of milk every day especially because Im an athlete. Like calcium, magnesium also helps build bones and teeth. In order to make sure I get an adequate amount, I can consume more plant foods such as legumes, nuts, whole-grains, and chocolate. Because I play soccer so much, I often get muscle cramps; so I need to eat more fruits which are high in potassium, which will help prevent them. I did not consume enough iron or zinc; I was inadequate I had 96% for iron and 87% for zinc; so I was close but not quite. I need to make sure I consume more meats which are high in iron, because too little can cause anemia. In order to raise my intake of zinc, I can consume more shellfish and meat. The DRI for sodium is 1500 milligrams per day and I consumed 3,372.46 milligrams; so I was excessive. We as a Americans really have to watch our sodium intake, because its in practically everything we eat, especially processed and fast foods. I can help reduce my sodium intake by not adding salt to my food, and not eating out so much. Too much sodium can increase blood pressure which leads to hypertension. My hypothesis was refuted because I was not adequate in all my essential minerals. I need to consume more calcium and fruits and vegetables. 7. Water Considering that Im an athlete, I hypothesized that my fluid intake was adequate since I drink so much water. The DRI for women is 2.7 liters a day. My average intake was 1.08, so I was deficient. I dont consume enough fluids or water, and I need to make sure Im drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day to prevent dehydration. Being that Im and athlete and play soccer 3-4 times a week, I really need to make sure Im consuming enough fluids; I should be urinating every 2-3 hours. My urine should be almost clear every time. I can do this by taking a water bottle to school. My hypothesis was incorrect; I did not consume an adequate amount of fluids, and my data supported this. Water is the most essential nutrient; it makes up 60% of your body, so its vital that we consume the right amounts. 8. Grains

I hypothesized that my diet met my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan for grains. My need was 7 ounces, and half of those are supposed to be whole grains. My intake was 7.2, so I reached my goal but I did not make half my grains whole. . Whole plant foods provide the best source of fiber and nutrients compared to refined food products. Whole grain products are more nutritious than enriched products because not all the nutrients are lost. Whole grains can help reduce the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Refined grains can reduce some cancers neural tube defects, and obesity. Instead of consuming white bread, white rice and pasta, I could improve my grain intake by consuming more whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and whole-grain pasta. By consuming more whole grains I could also improve my intake of several B vitamins, minerals like magnesium, selenium and iron, carbohydrate and fiber. Grains provide a good source of energy which would benefit me since I play soccer. My hypothesis was semi correct, I consumed the recommended amount for grains, but I did not consume enough whole grains. I need to eat more wheat flour, oats and whole grain cereals to maintain a healthy diet. 9. Vegetables I hypothesized that my diet did not meet my personalized MyPlate food quidance plan for vegetables. Vegetables arent my favorite; Im very picky with which ones I eat and I know without even looking at my MyPlate analysis that I probably didnt consume enough. My intake was 0.8 cups and I needed 3 cups; so I didnt even meet half that. Vegetable are important because they help reduce heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes , some cancers and many other things. There are 5 main vegetable subgroups: dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, starchy vegetables, and other vegetables. I probably consume dark green and dry beans and peas the most out of any. You should aim for 2 cups of dark green vegetables, 1.5 cups of orange vegetables, 2.5 cups of dry beans and peas, 2.5 cups of starchy vegetables, and 5.5 cups of other vegetables every week. You should also make half your plate fruits and vegetables. I definitely need to make sure I consume more vegetables, for they are a very important part of my diet, and can give me other nutrients I need like potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate and fiber. Also eating vegetables that are low in calories instead of higher calorie foods may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake. My hypothesis was correct, because I did not consume an adequate amount of vegetables.

10. Fruits

I hypothesized that my diet met my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan for fruits. To my surprise however, I did not; my intake was 1 cup and need at least 2 cups. As I mentioned earlier we should all strive to make half our plate fruits and vegetables, and choose a variety of whole and fresh fruit. Fruits provide many health benefits such as reducing heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity. They also provide many nutrients, including potassium, vitamin C, folate, and a good source of fiber. Most are low in fat and have no cholesterol. . My hypothesis was wrong. I did not meet my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan for fruit. I need to consume more fruit, especially fruit that is a good source of vitamin A and C. Berries, kiwis, honey dew, Crenshaw, grapefruit, organs, cantaloupe tangerines, strawberries and fruit juice are all good sources of vitamin C. Cantaloupe and apricots are all good sources of vitamin A, beta-carotene. Consuming more fruit would improve my health. 11. Dairy I hypothesized that my diet did meet my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan for dairy. When choosing dairy one should choose fat free or low fat (1%) milk. I drink a lot of 2% milk and chocolate milk, but I should consider low fat or fat free milk instead. My need for dairy was 3 cups and I only only 1.3 cups, which really surprised me because I have a glass of milk with almost every meal. I cant just drink milk; I need to vary my dairy intake by consuming more cheeses, and low-fat yogurts. Milk helps build strong bones, and prevents osteoporosis. Because my diet was low in vitamin D, itd be very smart to consume more dairy products which contain a lot of vitamin D. Dairy products are also rich in potassium, calcium and protein. High biological protein can also be found in dairy products. High biological protein comes from animal products. Foods like poultry, meat, eggs and fish all have high biological value. My hypothesis was incorrect because I didnt consume enough dairy. I need to drink more fat free milk and could eat more low fat ice cream and cheese. Being a female, its important that I consume adequate amounts of dairy because they are at a great risk for osteoporosis. 12. Protein I hypothesized that my diet met my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan for protein. When consuming protein, its recommended you choose lean or low fat meats; (8 ounces per week), nuts, and seeds frequently instead of meat or poultry. Protein was the only MyPlate group that I consumed enough of. My intake was 6.8 oz, and I needed 6 ounces. One serving of meat should be 1 ounce which is equivalent to the size of your fist. Foods in the protein foods group provide nutrients that are vital for health and body maintenance. However, choosing foods from this group that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol may increase the risk for heart disease. Protein provide many nutrients including B vitamins (niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and B6) vitamin

E, iron, zinc and magnesium. As I proved, my hypothesis was correct. I need to make sure I keep consuming adequate amounts of protein, but be careful and not to eat too much fatty meats. I could eat more meat, eggs, fish, and poultry; which are all high-biological proteins. I need to consume more high biological protein, along with plain protein. If I were a vegetarian I would need to consume a lot of beans, nuts and seeds. 13.Oils I hypothesized that my diet did not meet my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan. Oils are essential in our diet and provide many nutrients such as vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated acids. Its recommended that we consume healthy amounts of liquid fats. Both plan and fish oils promote hearth health, but over consuming linoleic acid (which is dominant in most plant oils) can increase cancer risk. Oils include vegetable oils, salad dressings, margarine, and mayonnaise. My diet consists of margarine, mayonnaise, and salad dressing; all together I had about 7 tablespoons of oils. I should aim for 5 teaspoons of oil a day; I exceeded my need, and should consume the adequate amount of oils daily. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids should be consumed adequately. The AMDR for linoleic acid is 5%-10% of your total calories, 0.6%-1.2% of alpha-linolenic acid. I met my omega-6 but exceeded my omega-3. My saturated fat should have been less than 7% but it was 9%. I need to consume less saturated fat and an adequate amount of omega-3. The rest of my fatty acids were all accurate (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and trans fat). I can improve my diet by reducing the amount of oils I consume. My hypothesis was correct; I did not meet my requirements for oils. 13.Empty Calories I hypothesized that my diet did not meet my personalized MyPlate food guidance plan for empty calories. My need was 290 calories, and I consumed 1,102 calories; so I exceeded my goal by quite a lot. I learned that you should limit foods and beverages with solid fat and added sugars. Empty calorie foods can promote malnutrition. Too many empty calories can be very unhealthy. Some of the empty calories I consumed were: ice-cream, fruit snacks, 2% milk, white bread, soda, and a candy bar. Empty calories can promote obesity which is associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In order to stay healthy I need to consume more fruits and vegetables, rather empty calories. Being and athlete I need to make smart decisions with what I fuel my body with, so I need to make sure I dont consume excess amounts of empty calories and added sugars. I consumed 1% of trans fat, and 0% of alcohol, which is very healthy. I need to continue this. I should consume low amounts of solid fats (margarine), tropical oils (coconut oil), hydrogenated fats (oils), and saturated fats. Solid fats are fats solid at room temperature, like butter. Tropical oils are recommended not to consume by the American Heart Association. Hydrogenated fats are artificial and extremely healthy. Hydrogenated fats can clog up the arteries and cause heart disease. My hypothesis was incorrect, I over exceeded my intake of empty calories, and to reduce them.

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