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Statistics for knife crime

According to:

Knives are used in 4 out of 10 murders of young people in the UK. Nearly a third of children in the UK have been affected by gun and knife crime. Knives are the most common weapon used in killings of young people. More than one in 10 hospital admissions for assault in the UK involved use of knife or sharp implement. By carrying a knife you are more likely to get stabbed yourself. Since 2008, 4,509 young people have been arrested for involvement in knife or gun crime. Police have the power to stop and search you if they believe you are carrying a weapon. It is illegal to carry knives or guns. Possession of a knife can carry a prison sentence of up to 4 years even if its not used. Theres a minimum 5-year sentence for carrying a gun if youre over 18. If youre under 18, you could still go to prison. If someone is injured or killed by a knife or gun in your presence, even if youre not the one using the weapon, you too could be prosecuted. You could be sent to prison for murder in what is referred to as joint enterprise. Its illegal for a shop to sell any kind of knife to someone under 18. This includes kitchen knives and even cutlery. The word gang means different thing to different people.

It is not illegal to belong to a gang, but if you commit a crime or an act of violence you might be arrested or sent to prison. If you have a criminal record you might not be accepted into a college or university, or get a job or even be allowed be allowed to travel to some countries, like the USA. Members of a gang are more likely to be victims of crime than those who are not.

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