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More details on the gasification process

The main aspect of gasification, whether it is plasma-arc plasma gasification or traditional gasification is to raise carbonrich materials or waste to a high temperature in an oxygendeficient reactor, where the materials break down thermochemically versus combustion. This process is more efficient than incineration, has a significantly lower environmental footprint, while the syngas can be transformed into a number of end products li!uid fuels, power, chemicals, etc.". The feedstocks for traditional gasification processes range from coal, the organic components of municipal waste and biomass while the range is even greater for plasma-arc plasma gasification processes, which can handle #ust about any waste stream with the exception of radioactive materials. $ue to the fact that gasification occurs pre-combustion assuming the syngas would be burned to generate electricity", it supports easier carbon capture than incineration where the chemistry can be more complex. %lasma-arc plasma gasification is #ust one type of gasification. &ther common forms include '" updraft, (" downdraft, )" fixed bed and *" fluidi+ed bed. The first two are !uick similar with exception of the gas flow. ,ore on the differences in the next posting.

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