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Antonio vs. Reyes GR No.

155800 March 10, 2006 FACTS: Leonilo Antonio and Marie Ivonne Reyes met in 1989 and got married barely a year thereafter After their !h"r!h #edding in 199$% they begot a !hild b"t died after & months Reyes 'ersistently lied abo"t herself% the 'eo'le aro"nd her% her o!!"'ation% in!ome% ed"!ational attainment and other events or things She even !on!ealed bearing an illegitimate !hild% #hi!h she re'resented to her h"sband as ado'ted !hild of their family Antonio left her #ife for good and !onse("ently filed a 'etition to have his marriage #ith Reyes de!lared n"ll and void an!hored on Arti!le )* of the Family Code ISS+,: -hether the marriage bet#een .etitioner and Res'ondent may be ann"lled on the gro"nd of 'sy!hologi!al in!a'a!ity "nder Art )* of the Family Code /,L0: The S"'reme Co"rt "'held the n"llity of the marriage bet#een herein 'arties "nder Art )* of the Family Code The 'sy!hiatrist and !lini!al 'sy!hologist attested that !onstant lying and e1treme 2ealo"sy of Reyes is abnormal and 'athologi!al% #hi!h amo"nts to 'sy!hologi!al in!a'a!ity Res'ondent3s ability to invent% fabri!ate stories and letters of fi!titio"s !hara!ters enabled her to live in a ma4e5believe #orld that made her 'sy!hologi!ally in!a'a!itated rendering her in!a'able of giving meaning and signifi!an!e to her marriage The gravity of res'ondent3s 'sy!hologi!al in!a'a!ity #as !onsidered so grave that a restri!tive !la"se #as a''ended to the senten!e of n"llity 'rohibited by the 6ational A''ellate Matrimonial Trib"nal from !ontra!ting marriage #itho"t their !onsent It #o"ld be diffi!"lt for an inveterate 'athologi!al liar to !ommit the basi! tenets of relationshi' bet#een s'o"ses based on love% tr"st and res'e!t F"rthermore% Reyes3 !ase is in!"rable !onsidering that 'etitioner tried to re!on!ile #ith her b"t her behavior remain "n!hanged

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