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Project Directions In this course you will practice creating assessments for learning targets outlined in your states

education standards. Ideally, you will select goals, which must scaffold for optimal learning. Three sections will comprise the final project. The first part will include a formal assessment and should identify the students content mastery. This assessment can be any format you choose as long as you can support its use and evidence that it measures the students mastery of the curriculum. The second assessment should be a performance assessment or project to be graded by a rubric. This project should clearly align with the goals and demonstrate the students ability to apply the learning to a realistic task. The rubric should be clearly stated and involve at least 4 aspects to be evaluated. The third section will include mini-assessments to be executed throughout the unit of study to measure benchmark goals. These assessments outcomes will determine the students mastery of content via a scale score chart. You will need to create the chart that accompanies the mini-assessment tasks. Please use the CBA Performance Task Description to see full details on the alignment of the project to standards, the textbook, and the course. This assignment will contain the following parts. Parts will be due throughout the course and they are intended to build upon each other, so completing them in order with feedback from me is very important. The CBA template should be used, but you can alter it as needed. The Parts are: Part 1: Selection of NCSCOS goal(s) and objectives Identify an appropriate NCSCOS goal and its subsequent objectives that you will translate into classroom assessments.

Part 2: Articulation of Learning Targets Deconstruct the selected goal and objectives into benchmark targets. Classify those learning targets by type and select which learning targets are best assessed using a content-based test and which are best assessed using performance. Part 3: Analysis of Content Provide an outline or chart of the content in the format provided in class. This should include vocabulary, facts, relationships among facts and concepts, principles and generalizations related to the content. Create a time line for how and when the content should be delivered to provide maximum learning, remediation and review.

Part 4: Assessment Blueprint Create an assessment plan that outlines specific goals/objectives and the format for which they will be tested. You should include the stated purpose for what the test measures and the rationale for choosing a specific format (written, auditory, visual). You should also give an overview of the different sections of the test and describe what kinds of things the students will be asked to do in these sections. All of these components can be included in the test blueprint model given to you in class. Create the plan to assess the mini goals to be placed into the content time line. Part 5: Content-Based Assessment Create an assessment based on goals/objectives drawn from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (ie. your standards document). This assessment should measure content knowledge and include the learning targets that are being assessed. The test should include an outline or summary of essential content (This should be a paragraph or two that lists the essential contenthit the highlights from your Taxonomy of Content Chart). The test should include: (a) the directions to students, (b) test items appropriate for the state purpose being measured, and (c) a scoring key for selected response and/or written response items. Part 6: Mini Assessments and Scale Rubric Create a short assessment for each of the benchmark skills to be taught. This assessment score should be on the scale score chart. Create the scale score chart that identifies the students abilities with each of the skills. Part 7: Assessment of Skills and Products (ex: Performance Assessment) Template Create a performance assessment template using the Task Development Template, RAFTS, or GRASPS format. This template should outline specific goals/objectives that will be assessed using the performance task. Specific details for the performance task will be addressed using the selected template.

Part 8: Assessment of Skills and Products (ex: Performance Assessment) Task Create a performance assessment that challenges students to demonstrate performance in an authentic, meaningful way similar to an activity one might experience in the real world. This type of assessment is designed to inform and improve student learning. The main goals of performance assessment are to gather data on students that focus on growth over time rather than comparing them with each other; to focus on what they know rather than on what they don't; and to meet the needs of diverse learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and proficiency levels. Your

performance assessment should include the following components in studentfriendly language. You can use this task description as a guide. 1. Significant student outcomes: What do you want students to learn? i. Reference the North Carolina Standard Course of Study goals and objectives as you describe the learning outcomes that this assessment will measure. 2. Performance task & directions: What do you want students to do? 3. Briefly describe the task that students will complete to demonstrate whether they have met the learning outcome(s). 4. Provide clear directions for the students. Think of this part section as the handout you would give students. Anything addressing a teacher (or me) should be written in brackets, so that I will know that this information is not being written for the students. Be sure to include the taxonomic levels being reached here. 5. Connections between performance tasks and learning outcomes: 6. Identify the prerequisite skills (the knowledge and/or skills students need prior to undertaking the task to be successful). Think about the activities we did to unpack content when you complete this section. 7. Briefly describe the content the students need to have mastered to complete the performance tasks(s). Refer to your Taxonomy of Content chart and make connections to Blooms Taxonomy.

Part 9: Rubric for the Assessment of Skills and Products Create a scoring rubric for your performance task. This should be written in student friendly terms. Typically this includes two parts: (a) Levels of performance- the levels at which students perform this task (e.g. Developing Meets StandardGoal) and (b) Criteria- the specific behaviors, products, or qualities we look for in judging student work at each level. What specific things determine excellence? What specific things not present determine poor quality?) You should chose either a holistic rubric or an analytic-trait rubric based on the task and the content area. Part 10: Professional Development Plan Create an outline to provide teachers support for creating their own assessment plans for units of study. How would you explain the importance of planning the assessments? How can you sell this idea to teachers and enroll them in the process? What kind of additional support would teachers need to implement this practice successfully? Are there templates you could provide to make the process easier? Be creative in your planning and anticipate road blocks. Part 11: List of References Provide a bibliography of books and other source materials used in completing the project. You will find that there are places where you state your rationale for including various items or for decisions you have made. You should be able to provide a rationale that your decisions were based on information gained from

various sources. This will include the resources that you used to unpack the content. Be sure to cite those resources and include a references page.

CBA Project Rubric Student Name:_____________________________ Part Accomplishe d Selection of goals clearly articulated. Clear evidence for the choice of goals and their importance Identified benchmark goals with rational for choosing the skills as benchmark goals. Articulated the assessment types and provides evidence for choosing that format. Outline/chart identifies concepts, materials needed, vocabulary and relationships in the unit of study. Plan allows Proficient Below Standard Selections of goals unclear or no evidence provided. Well Below Standard No goals or evidence provided. Points: Total=10 0 5 Points

Selection of NCSCOS goal(s) and objectives

Part 2: Part 2: Articulation of Learning Targets

Selections of goals articulated. Some evidence for the choice of goals and their importance. Some benchmark goals and skills identified. Assessment types selected without clear evidence for choosing the format.

More benchmarks could have been identified or assessments do not complement the goals or objectives. No evidence provided.

No understandin g of how to identify benchmark goals or how to align assessments with goals.

5 Points

Part 3: Analysis of Content

Outline/chart identifies some concepts, materials, vocabulary or relationships within the unit. Timeline

Outline/chart does not demonstrate understandin g of planning unit for mastery of vocabulary, concepts or relationships. Timeline not

No outline/chart provided. No timeline created.

10 Points

sufficient time for mastery of the learning targets.

Part 4: Assessment Blueprint

Part 5: ContentBased Assessment

Part 6: Mini Assessments and Scale Rubric

incomplete or does not allow sufficient time for all learning targets. Assessment Assessment blueprint blueprint aligns with somewhat the aligns with outline/chart mastery and mastery goals. Some goals. Mini mini assessments assessments align with present or do benchmark not measure goals. targets goals. Assessment Assessments measures somewhat mastery of measures unit goals. unit goals. Directions for Directions students are are mostly clear and clear. Most concise. items are Items are appropriate appropriate for for measuring measuring state goals. goals. Assessment Assessment answer key is key is included. included. MiniMini assessments assessments align with somewhat benchmark align with goals benchmarks. throughout Some items the unit. not Items are appropriate appropriate to measure and answer objectives. key is Scale rubric provided. does not Scale score identify all

realistic to the learning targets.

Assessment No blueprint assessment unclear or blueprint. does not align with mastery goals. Mini assessments not present.

10 Points

Assessment does not measure the unit goals. Directions are unclear. Items do not measure goals. Partial or incomplete assessment key.

No assessment or key is present.

15 Points

Mini assessments incomplete or do not align with benchmarks. Test items do no measure objectives. Scale rubric does not identify mastery

No miniassessments or scale rubric present.

15 Points

Part 7: Assessment of Skills and Products (ex: Performanc e Assessment) Template

rubric identifies the students mastery for each miniassessment. Template aligns mastery goals with the task. Goals aligned with the pieces of the performance task, which will be used to measure application mastery. Assessment represents a real life scenario for students to resolve. Aligns with state goals for mastery and students ability to demonstrate the use of goals. Clear directions for students are provided. Scoring rubric clearly identifies at least 4 areas of evaluation aligned with learning targets. At least 4

mastery targets.


Part 8: Assessment of Skills and Products (ex: Performanc e Assessment) Task

Template somewhat aligns with mastery goals. Somewhat aligns with pieces of the performance task which will be used to measure application mastery. Assessment somewhat imitates a real life scenario. Somewhat aligns with mastery goals. Directions could be clearer.

Template No template does not align present. with performance task or mastery goals.

15 Points

Assessment does not align with goals, does not imitate a real life scenario. Directions are unclear.

Assessment task not present or does not align with the unit of study.

10 Points

Part 9: Rubric for the Assessment of Skills and Products

Scoring rubric could be clearer in areas of evaluation aligned with learning targets. Does not

Scoring rubric does not align learning targets. Measurement s do not align with unit objectives.

No scoring rubric is present.

5 Points

performance levels are present.

Part 10: Professional Developmen t Plan

Professional Development outlined clearly with goals for sustainability and survey for teacher results.

Part 11: List References follow APA of format. References

have required number levels or evaluations. Professional development somewhat aligns with goals. Sustainabilit y unclear. Survey for teachers does not align with objectives. Most references follow APA format.

Professional development incomplete or does not align with desired outcomes.

No professional Development present.

5 Points

References not consistent with APA format.

No references listed.

5 Points

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