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Cluj-Napoca 2020, Capital Cultural European - ora candidat Cluj-Napoca 2020, European Capital of Culture - Candidate city

Primria municipiului Cluj-Napoca Strada Moilor, nr. 3, Cluj-Napoca Telefon: 0264 452 244 Fax: 0264 450 090 E-mail:

Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Turismului Autoritatea de Management pentru Programul Operaional Regional 2007-2013 Strada Apolodor, nr. 17, sector 5, Bucureti Telefon: 0372 111 409 E-mail:

Direcia Gestionare Fonduri Comunitare pentru Turism Organismul Intermediar pentru Turism Bd. Dinicu Golescu, nr.38, sector 1, Bucureti Telefon: 0372 144 000 Fax: 0372 144 001

Palatul Teleki (str. Mihail Koglniceanu, nr. 7) Construit n perioada 1790-1795 dup planurile arhitectului vienez Joseph Leder (care a colaborat i la construcia Castelului Bnffy de la Bonida), palatul aparine barocului trziu, cu elemente de clasicism. Succesiunea de pilatri prevzui cu capiteluri lucrate cu mare miestrie i confer unicitate n peisajul arhitectural clujean. Deinut iniial de familia contelui Teleki, intelectual rafinat i important demnitar local, comisar regal i comite de Dbca, palatul a fost ulterior preluat de Biserica romanocatolic, urmnd ca n perioada comunist s fie naionalizat i s gzduiasc un internat. n prezent adpostete Sala de lectur a Bibliotecii Judeene Octavian Goga. Teleki Palace, 7 Mihail Koglniceanu Street Built between 1790-1795, by the Viennese architect Joseph Leder (who also contributed to the designing of The Bonida Bnffy Castle), the palace belongs to the late Baroque, with elements of Classicism. It is the succession of pilasters and capitals crafted with great skill that gives its uniqueness in the Cluj architectural landscape. Originally owned by Count Telekis family, a refined intellectual and important statesman, royal commissioner of Dabaca, the palace was later taken over by the Roman Catholic Church. It was nationalized during the communist era and later it hosted a boarding school. Currently it houses the Octavian Goga Library reading room.

Palatul Toldalagy-Korda (str. I.C. Brtianu, nr. 14) Construit ntre anii 1803-1809 dup planurile arhitectului italian Carlo Justi, palatul reprezint una din cele mai frumoase cldiri ale oraului din perioada de trecere de la baroc la clasicism. Deasupra balconului susinut de dou coloane ionice se afl blazoanele nobiliare ale comanditarilor, contele Lszl Toldalagy i soia sa, Anna Korda. ntruct cei doi soi nu au avut urmai, prin cstoria motenitoarei, Kata Bethlen, palatul a trecut n proprietatea familiei Bnffy. ntre anii 1919-1925 a locuit aici compozitorul Gheorghe Dima, iar n prezent aici funcioneaz direcia administrativ a Universitaii Babe-Bolyai. Toldalagy-Korda Palace, 14 I.C. Brtianu Street Built between 1803-1809 by the Italian architect Carlo Justice, the palace is one of the most beautiful buildings of the city belonging to the transition period between baroque and classicism. Above the balcony which is sustained by two Ionic columns, the coat of arms of Count Ladislaus Toldalagy and his wife, Anna Korda can be seen. Since the couple had no offspring, the palace was turned over to the Bnffy family after the marriage of the heiress, Kata Bethlen. Between the years 1919-1925, this was the residence of the composer Gheorghe Dima. Today, the Toldalagy-Korda Palace represents the headquarters of the administrative direction of Babes-Bolyai University.

Palatul Sebestyen (str. Universitii, nr. 3) Numit dup comanditarul su, un important antreprenor local, este o cldire monumental, construit n anii 1900, n stil secession. Dup electrificarea centrului oraului, n 1906, la parter a fost inaugurat primul cinematograf cu sediu propriu din Cluj, numit Apollo (astzi Cinematograful Arta). Ansamblul arhitectural realizat odat cu dezvoltarea i sistematizarea oraului include i Palatul Prima (sediul primei societi de asigurare i ulterior librria universitii) i Hotelul New-York (ulterior Continental). Opera arhitectului urbanist al oraului, Pkei Lajos, hotelul construit n stil eclectic, bogat ornamentat i cu interioare luxoase, a gzduit numeroase personaliti, iar cafeneaua de la parter a fost timp de un secol centrul literar i artistic al oraului. Sebestyen Palace, 3 Universitii Street Named after its first owner, a leading local entrepreneur, the palace is a monumental building, constructed during the 1900s in secession style. After the city center was electrified in 1906, is opened at the ground floor the first cinema based in Cluj, with the name Apollo (nowadays called Arta). The architectural ensemble built following the development and systematization plans of the city also includes Prima Palace (headquarters of the first insurance company and later, the library of the university) and New-York Hotel (nowadays, Continental). The hotel, built in eclectic style, was the work of the urbanist architect of the city, Pkei Lajos. It had rich ornate and luxurious interiors, hosting several personalities over the time. The ground floor caf was, for a century, the literary and artistic center of the city.

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Legend fotograi: imaginile au fost realizate n Cluj-Napoca Investim n viitorul tu! Proiect selectat n cadrul Programului Operaional Regional i co-nanat de Uniunea European prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regional. LA PAS PRIN ORAUL COMOAR, CLUJ-NAPOCA Primria municipiului Cluj-Napoca, Ianuarie 2012 Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod obligatoriu poziia ocial a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romniei.

1. Palatul Wass/Wass Palace 2. Palatul Bnffy/Bnffy Palace 3. Palatele Statusului romano-catolic 4. Palatul vechii Primrii/Old City Hall Palace 5. Palatul Prima/Prima Palace 6. Palatul Sebestyen/ Sebestyen Palace 7. Palatul Bornemisza/ Bornemisza Palace 8. Palatul Rhdey/Rhdey Palace 9. Palatul Jsika/Jsika Palace 10. Palatul Reduta/Reduta Palace 11. Palatul Primriei/ City Hall Palace 12. Palatul Mikes/Mikes Palace 13. Palatul Telefoanelor/ Telephone Palace

14. Palatul Potei/Post Palace 15. Palatul Szki/Szki Palace 16. Palatul Berde/Berde Palace 17. Palatul Urania/Urania Palace 18. Palatul Elian/Elian Palace 19. Palatul Babos/Babos Palace 20. Palatul Prefecturii/ Prefecture Palace 21. Palatul Regionalei Cilor Ferate/ Regional Railways Palace 22. Palatul Mitropoliei Ortodoxe/ Orthodox Metropolitan Palace 23. Palatul de Finane/Finance Palace 24. Palatul de Justiie/Justice Palace 25. Palatul Beldi/Beldi Palace 26. Palatul Toldalagy-Korda/ Toldalagy-Korda Palace 27. Palatul Teleki/Teleki Palace


Palaces Palate Palate Palaces Palate Palate Palaces



Copyright Primria municipiului Cluj-Napoca

Palatul Bnffy (P-a Unirii, nr. 30) Construit n perioada 1774-1785, la comanda contelui Gyrgy Bnffy, viitorul guvernator al Transilvaniei, este primul i cel mai frumos edificiu laic baroc din Transilvania, ultima lucrare a arhitectului german J.E. Blaumann. Un efect vizual unic este dat de scenografia irului de statuete cu subiect mitologic de pe frontispiciu, ntre care, situat central, se afl blazonul familiei Bnffy. Palatul a avut numeroi oaspei de seam, de la mpratul Francisc I i mprteasa Carolina pn la penultimul mprat al imperiului austro-ungar, Franz Josef, i mprteasa Sissi. De asemenea, compozitorul Franz Liszt a susinut o serie de concerte n slile palatului. De o jumtate de secol, aici este sediul Muzeului de Art din Cluj. Bnffy Palace, 30 Unirii Square Built between 1774-1785, at the order of Count Bnffy, future governor of Transylvania, Bnffy Palace is the first and most beautiful Baroque edifice in Transylvania, the creation of German Architect named J.E. Blaumann. A unique visual effect is created by the mythological statues placed on the frontispiece, beside the Bnffy coat of arms. The palace hosted numerous prominent guests, including the penultimate emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Josef and empress Sissi. Moreover, composer Franz Liszt gave a series of concerts in the palace halls. This building has housed the Cluj Museum of Art the last fifty years.

Palatele Statusului romano-catolic (str. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1-6) Construite n perioada sistematizrii oraului i a reamenajrii pieei centrale, cldirile gemene marcheaz accesul nspre actuala strad Iuliu Maniu, supranumit strada n oglind, datorit simetriei aproape perfecte. Finalizate n 1899, avndu-l ca arhitect pe Alpr Ignc, cele dou palate aveau la parter cele mai luxoase spaii comerciale din ora, ncadrate ntre Palatul Bnffy i casa WolphardKakas, cele mai de seam monumente de arhitectur laic ale renaterii i barocului transilvnean. Faadele de influen neo-baroc marcheaz silueta oraului prin impuntoarele cupole, decorate cu mti groteti i ghirlande florale. Palatul Szki (str. Regele Ferdinand, nr. 37) Construit n 1893 dup planurile arhitectului Pecz Samu, maestrul neogoticului maghiar, a aparinut profesorului Szki Tibor, rector al universitii maghiare n anii 1933-1934 i cel mai important farmacist al vremii, care a studiat la Berlin cu elevul lui Adolf von Baeyer, ctigtorul premiului Nobel pentru chimie n anul 1905. Silueta inconfundabil a cldirii ridicate pe malul Someului ntrun stil eclectic neogotic, sobru, echilibrat i elegant, adpostea pe col farmacia numit Matia Corvinul, al crei laborator era legat direct de apartamentul proprietarului printr-o scar metalic n spiral. Farmacia care nc funcioneaz la parter pstreaz mobilierul neogotic i decoraiuni din vechea spierie. The Roman Catholic Palaces, 1-6 Iuliu Maniu Street Built during the systematization of the city and the refurbishing of the central square, the twin buildings mark the access to the current Iuliu Maniu street, also known as The Mirror Street because of its symmetrical display. Completed in 1899 and designed by Alpr Ignace, the two palaces hosted the most luxurious ground floor commercial spaces in the city, surrounded by The Bnffy Palace and the Wolphard-Kakas household, the most significant laic architectural monuments of the Renaissance and Baroque period in Transylvania. The Neo-Baroque facades highlight the outline of the city with impressive cupolas decorated with grotesque masks and floral garlands. Szki Palace, 37 Regele Ferdinand Street Built in 1893 by architect Samu Pecz, the master of the Hungarian Neo Gothic, it belonged to Professor Tibor Szki , rector of Hungarian University in the years 1933-1934 and one of the most important pharmacists of the time, who studied in Berlin with Adolf von Baeyers student, winner of the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1905. The astonishing silhouette of the construction erected on the shore of Somes river in an eclectic Gothic style, austere, balanced and elegant, sheltered Matthias Corvinus Pharmacy, whose laboratory was directly linked to the apartment of the owner by a spiral metal staircase.

Palatul Elian (str. Horea, nr. 2) Construit n anul 1891, la comanda unui important negustor de vinuri clujean, Viktor Elian, palatul este situat pe malul Someului i are un discret aer parizian, eclectic, cu elemente de inspiraie renascentist i baroc. Alturi va fi ridicat n 1910 Palatul Urania, n acelai stil care poart amprenta secessionului austriac. Se spune c a fost construit de unul din realizatorii de filme care s-a afirmat n acea perioad, Udvari Andrs, pentru a face un capriciu amantei sale. Cortina filmului mut a fost ns ridicat la Cluj de Jen Janovics, directorul Teatrului Maghiar de Stat, odat cu deschiderea n 1906 a unui studio de film i teatru numit Cercul Teatral, unde se proiectau filme aduse de la Societatea Teatral Urania din Budapesta. Elian Palace, 2 Horea Street Built in 1891, at the demand of an important wine merchant in Cluj, Viktor Elian, the palace is situated on the shore of Somes River and has a discreet Parisian air, being inspired by Renaissance and Baroque elements. In 1910, next to the Elian Palace was built The Urania Palace, in the same style that bears the imprint of the Austrian Secession. It is said that the palace was built by one of the popular filmmakers of the time, Andrs Udvari, as a whim of his mistress. However, the silent film curtain was raised in Cluj by Jen Janovics, the director of the Hungarian State Theatre, along with the 1906 inauguration of a movie and theatre studio called the Theatrical Club where screenings of movies brought from The Urania Theatre Society in Budapest took place.

Palatul Berde (str. Horea, nr. 1) Era numit i Palatul Benig, dup numele comanditarului su, Benigni Samuel, vicepreedintele Camerei de Comer i Industrie Cluj, un respectat mcelar al urbei. Cldirea impuntoare, cu turle zvelte i aspect eclectic, cu influene neoclasice i baroce, completeaz i echilibreaz peisajul urban de excepie constituit prin ridicarea a patru palate, aproape simultan, la sfritul sec. al XIX-lea, n stil secession. Alturi va fi construit Hotelul Astoria, unul din cele mai renumite hoteluri ale oraului, n prezent sediul Camerei de Comer i Industrie Cluj. Berde Palace, 1 Horea Street It was also called The Benign Palace, after Samuel Benigni, Vice-president of the Cluj Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a respected butcher in the city. The imposing building with slender towers and an eclectic appearance, having Neo-Classical and Baroque influences, complements and balances the outstanding urban landscape by the almost simultaneous construction of four palaces, at the end of nineteenth century. Next to the Berde Palace was built The Astoria Hotel, one of the most prestigious hotels in the city, now the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cluj.

Palatul Babos (P-a Mihai Viteazul, nr. 1) Construit n anii 1890, edificiul face parte din complexul arhitectural de pe malul Someului, care include i palatele Szki, Berde i Elian. Numit dup primul su proprietar, Babos Sandor, palatul atrage privirile trectorilor prin statura sa impozant care domin Piaa Mihai Viteazu de mai bine de un secol. Stilul su eclectic cu accente neobaroce amintete de cldirea hotelului New York (ulterior Continental), proiectat de Pakei Lajos, singurul architect clujean ce a putut concura cu arhitecii vienezi i budapestani ai vremii. Dup inaugurare, spaiile comerciale de la parter au fost ocupate de primul mare magazin i depozit de maini de cusut i biciclete, iar la etajul doi al palatului a funcionat pn n 1944 o breasl artistic ardelean. Babos Palace, 1 Mihai Viteazul Square Built in the 1890s, the building is part of the architectural complex located on the Shore of Somes River, which includes the Szky, Berde and Elian palaces. Named after its first owner, Sandor Babos, the palace catches the eye of the passersby with its imposing stature dominating the Michael the Brave Square for more than a century. Its eclectic style with Neo Baroque accents resembles the New York Hotel (later Continental Hotel), designed by Lajos Pakei, the only architect who could compete with the Vienna and Budapest architects of the time. After the inauguration, the ground floor commercial spaces were occupied by the first large store and warehouse of sewing machines and bicycles and on the second floor a Transylvanian art guild had its headquarters until 1944.

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