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Pam Trask: University Supervisor Observations and Evaluations First Observation 9/17/2013 School Information District Name = IRON

MOUNTAIN District Name Other = Building Name = North Elementary Student Teacher First Name = Marybeth Last Name = Boogren Langin NMU IN = 00239601 Placement Information Term = Fall 2013 Grade Level = 3 Certification Level = Elementary Main Subject Taught = Mathematics Other Subject Taught = Other Subject Taught: University Supervisor First Name = Pamela Last Name = Trask Supervising Teacher First Name = Jodi Last Name = Maycunich Visitation Information Visitation Date = 9/17/13 Beginning-End Times = 8:45-10:30

Visitation Number = 1 Comments 1. Knowledge base. Marybeth demonstrates accurate and appropriate knowledge of the third grade curriculum. She plans for and engages students in relevant learning activities (in today's case, a review of shapes and figures) and does so in a skillful manner. 2. Communication skills. Marybeth expresses herself well. She is clear and direct when giving instruction to her students, and she and her supervising teacher, Mrs. Maycunich, have an open and honest collegial relationship. It is apparent that the collaboration between them is effective. During the student contact time, Marybeth was clear with instructions to the students with whom she worked. At first, she directed them to stand and prepare to sing and dance to the song reviewing the triangle shapes. She had them give a thumbs up to show they were listening and ready. Marybeth has a clear, strong voice and her students responded well to her directions and corrections. 3. Management of student's behavior. There are 29 students in this third grade classroom and the students are well-behaved, but energetic. If there is a student who is not focused on the review she is conducting, she may call that child by name, letting him know she knows he needs to refocus. If a student is off task or playing with something at his desk, she will discreetly remove the object and insist on a refocus upon the subject being reviewed. Due to the nature of the review, she allowed for students to shout out the answers on occasion. At other times, she directed them to raise their hands after a brief "partner discussion," where they would be allowed to answer. Tickets are giving to students as positive reinforcement for being "ready to go," for good behavior, and for a variety of other actions. Marybeth walks around the classroom and presents the tickets, either along with an announcement of the good behavior being rewarded or, at other times, in a more private manner. This seems effective and her students are always happy when they receive a ticket. Tickets can later be redeemed for a grab-bag prize or class party. 4. Management of learning progress.

There is a lot of variety in Marybeth's teaching style. It keeps the students engaged and focused on each activity during the review. Marybeth is aware the she needs to differentiate the instruction and she incorporated such accommodations into her lesson. She has smooth transitions from one activity to another and her students seem very comfortable with her expectations of them. We discussed that she should try to lengthen her wait time when giving students "partner discuss" time and not allow them to raise their hands right away. Giving them even a little more time to think through the answers can be useful. Also, having Marybeth direct when they may raise their hand to answer might cause students to give a more wellthought answer. 5. Lesson planning. The lesson was a chapter review dealing with shapes and figures. Marybeth linked the review to the math Common Core standard dealing with categories of shapes and shared attributes of some of these shapes. It was effective when she used common objects in the classroom to demonstrate the shapes (a globe, a tissue box, etc.). She planned for differentiated instruction and incorporated visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning activities into her review. All aspects of a good lesson plan were included: the stated goals and objectives, the anticipatory set, introduction, main concepts taught, questioning for understanding, and closure. 6. Lesson presentation. Marybeth began her lesson with an enthusiastic greeting to her students as they entered the classroom and immediately had them prepare for "The Triangle Song." When there was a slight glitch in the technology, Marybeth began an oral question review while she busied herself with getting the projector to work. Her presentation style is energetic and controlled. On occasion, she will use fun affirming phrases such as "Holy guacamole," "Pretty cool," or "Good job, girlfriend." She used appropriate repetition, questioning for understanding, and then brought the lesson to closure with students reading together the definitions of various quadrilaterals. Students were engaged at all times and seemed especially to enjoy the kinetic activity that was included--making the right triangle, acute triangle, and obtuse triangle with their arms. Marybeth mentioned to me that she believes the songs and kinetic activity really aid students in retaining some of the more difficult con cepts and help prepare them for their upcoming math test. She does walk around the room on occasion to check her students' progress on a worksheet, but it would be good to move away from always teaching from the front of the class. We discussed that there are times when it might be

more effective for Marybeth to teach from the back of the class, directing her students to focus up front (the board, a particular poster). She will make an effort to try this in subsequent lessons. 7. Use of materials and resources. While conducting the "Chapter 10 Review" today, Marybeth used a variety of materials and resources. The transition between using the computer, the board, and various shapes and posters around the room was very smooth. From the review game, she moved the students into a review of quadrilaterals and then a worksheet which they did as a partner activity with a buddy. Afterward, she had the whole class correct the worksheet in class, as she discussed and repeated names and attributes of the shapes. 8. Evaluation of self, students, and teaching. It is crucial for an educator to constantly assess herself and her students. Marybeth, according to her supervising teacher, does this naturally. In her reflection of the days lesson, she stated that she made sure to have a variety of teaching tools and strategies to prevent the students from boredom, and distraction, during the review. Her perception was that the students were fully engaged, and that she was able to sustain positive participation from them. Through her assessments, during the review, she was able to verify what they retained from the chapter. Marybeth used partnered activities, which allowed her the opportunity to walk around the classroom and determine what the students truly knew. She came away from that believing that they had come to understand the content well. Marybeth sees that there is room for improvement in her conducting of the lesson. She might have incorporated an independent assessment into the review and she could have moved to t he back of the room to teach for a time, where she could better asses each students level of participation. Marybeth is very capable of evaluating her teaching style and substance. 9. Professionalism. Marybeth dresses and acts professionally. She interacts with staff and students in an appropriate manner. She understands that, although she can be friendly with students, she is their teacher, not their friend. Because of this, her students seem very respectful of her. 10. Human relations skills. Maturity and life experiences have made Marybeth confident and comfortable to be around. She speaks

freely with her supervising teacher and is eager to learn from her. It is wonderful to see her strong desire to be a good teacher and to develop an effective teaching style, which she said is surprisingly similar to Mrs. Maycunich's style. According to her supervisor, she has already established good relationships with the office staff and the custodial staff, which is always important. It was also noted that she has collaborated with the other third grade teacher in the school and has developed a good working relationship with her. Marybeth's personality is warm and her demeanor is delightful. Those attributes along with a solid knowledge base will take her far in the teaching profession. Student teacher's progress to this point is: More Than Satisfactory Additional Comments: Marybeth is a charming person whose energy and enthusiasm for the teaching and learning process is obvious. She and her supervising teacher, Mrs. Maycunich, have a positive working relationship and a mutual high regard for each other which is lovely to see in a mentor/student teacher relationship. Marybeth has no problems with her classroom management of behavior. She is a bit older than other student teachers, grew up in a military family, was herself in the military, has children of her own, and has a husband who also teaches third grade. All of these things contribute to a comfortable confidence in her abilities and performance in the classroom. I look forward to seeing her as she progresses through her practicum this semester. School Supervisor email address Student Teacher email address University Supervisor email address On Nov 26, 2013, at 9:21 AM, wrote: Second Observation 10/27/2013 School Information District Name = IRON MOUNTAIN

District Name Other = Building Name = North Elementary Student Teacher First Name = Marybeth Last Name = Boogren Langin NMU IN = 00239601 Placement Information Term = Fall 2013 Grade Level = 3 Certification Level = Elementary Main Subject Taught = ELEMENTARY Other Subject Taught = Social Studies University Supervisor First Name = Pamela Last Name = Trask Supervising Teacher First Name = Jodi Last Name = Maycunich Visitation Information Visitation Date = 10/28/13 Beginning-End Times = 12:00-2:00 Visitation Number = 2 Comments 1. Knowledge base. Marybeth taught a language arts lesson, focusing on a variety of aspects including vocabulary acquisition, phonics, nouns, and writing. She has a good understanding of the subject matter and demonstrates flexibility in teaching what she knows and adapting the lesson to various learning styles. 2. Communication skills. For the most part, Marybeth communicated clearly her expectations of her students' behavior and has no problem in that regard. Going forward, she will be working to regularly communicate the purpose of her lessons to the student, answering the "why" for what they are learning and clearly explaining the objective of the lesson before she begins. It's not a bad idea for her to re-state the objective at the end of the lesson-"what we have learned. . . .: 3. Management of student's behavior.

It is obvious that Marybeth has good classroom management and high expectations of her students. She uses proximity and clear directions to control student behavior. She also uses a clever "clap" to get students' attention. They respond with the same clap and this helps them to quiet down and refocus. She also begins, "Three-two-one," whereupon her students respond, "talking's done!" I believe the students respond quickly to this gentle reminder to be quiet and refocus (even during the intensity and excitement of Halloween week!). 4. Management of learning progress. The lesson was well-organized and flowed smoothly from each subject. There were a couple of instances where Marybeth had to monitor and adjust her lesson when she found that half of her class was struggling with her phonics lesson. Instead of using the front blackboard as she has planned, she had them take out individual white boards and work on three specific words with short and long vowel sounds. She did a nice job of transitioning into this alternate "Plan B," and it seemed effective. 5. Lesson planning. There was good content in today's lesson. As Marybeth continues into the second part of her practicum, she will need to clearly articulate the learning objectives: What is the topic of the lesson? What do I want students to learn? What do I want them to understand and be able to do at the end of class? What do I want them to take away from this particular lesson? What are the most important concepts, ideas, or skills I want students to be able to grasp and apply? Why are they important? Having answers to these questions and letting students know what they will be learning and doing in class will help keep them more engaged and on track. Marybeth is aware of the need to develop a lesson that addresses the state benchmarks and common core curriculum. 6. Lesson presentation. Marybeth is an energetic presenter and her students seem to appreciate her for that. She also understands that good preparation of a lesson will aid in good presentation. Marybeth often incorporated think-pair-share into her lessons, which was useful. Perhaps a little longer on the "think" part of the activity would be even more effective. Her PowerPoint presentation on the difference between common and proper nouns seemed the highlight of the class. She is very comfortable with this technology and uses it well. Students were focused and engaged in the discussion and Marybeth led them from guided practice to independent practice. 7. Use of materials and resources. There were a variety of materials and resources used. Students gathered at the back of the classroom to begin their lesson on vocabulary. They then returned to their seats for phonics work and using individual white boards. From there, Marybeth used an overhead projector with a copy of the same worksheet she had given her students to use during the "main topic" and paragraph work. Finally, she used the computer projector and PowerPoint. 8. Evaluation of self, students, and teaching.

Marybeth is eager to learn the art of teaching. She has a fine mentor teacher with whom she shares an enthusiasm and desire to see students learn and perform well. Marybeth is confident and, even if a lesson doesn't go quite as well as planned, she is not discouraged. She uses it as a learning experience and seems determined to improve. She monitored her students especially during the phonics portion of the lesson and realized they were not grasping the pronunciation and syllabication of words. She adjusted her method and was more successful. 9. Professionalism. Today was "red & black" day and Marybeth was professionally dressed accordingly and behaved in an appropriate manner. Marybeth is mature and professional. We discussed that when a teacher addresses her students, it is more suitable to say "boys and girls" or "everyone" or "children" rather than "you guys." She clearly understands the need to speak to her students in a professional manner and seems eager to try to break this all-to-common habit that many teachers have. 10. Human relations skills. Marybeth has a very pleasant demeanor and she gets along well with others. Her supervising teacher, Mrs. Maycunich, and she have an excellent working relationship, with open dialog about what goes on in the classroom and assessment of her performance thus far. It is fortunate that they have high regard, each for the other, and that Marybeth is intent on being the best she can be. Student teacher's progress to this point is: Satisfactory Additional Comments: I very much enjoyed our second observation. Marybeth is progressing well and is looking forward to expanding her teaching responsibilities in the second half of her student teaching experience. She has some creative ideas and a good delivery. Also, I am pleased that Marybeth is so open to constructive criticism and honest evaluation. The collaboration between Marybeth and her supervising teacher is commendable and I am pleased that Mrs. Maycunich is available to help her hone her skills and help her become an excellent teacher. Keep up the good work! School Supervisor email address Student Teacher email address University Supervisor email address Final Observation 11/25/2013 School Information District Name = IRON MOUNTAIN District Name Other =

Building Name = North Elementary Student Teacher First Name = Marybeth Last Name = Boogren Langin NMU IN = 00239601 Placement Information Term = Fall 2013 Grade Level = 3 Certification Level = Certification Level: Main Subject Taught = ELEMENTARY Other Subject Taught = Social Studies Supervising Teacher First Name = Jodi Last Name = Maycunich University Supervisor First Name = Last Name = Select the competency level of your student teacher according to the following scale and briefly comment on your ratings. P - Proficient; consistent, appropriate application, a solid performance I - Improving; moving towards becoming proficient B - Basic; minimal achievement, appropriate to situations NC - No Comment A. KNOWLEDGE BASE Content areas. - Level P - Understands the subject matter and current research. P - Demonstrates accurate, appropriate, and comprehensive knowledge about the subjects taught to the degree needed to effectively teach the curriculum. P - Engages students in practical activities that demonstrate the relevance, purpose and function of the subject matter. I - Integrates and transfers knowledge across subject areas. Comments: Marybeth believes she has made significant improvement in content area knowledge from the beginning of her student teaching experience to the end. I have seen this as well.

General knowledge. P - Proficient - Level P - Has an understanding and appreciation of the humanities, social sciences, arts, mathematical and natural sciences and technology. I - Communicates the value of liberal arts knowledge to their students, including the appreciation of the interrelationships among subjects. NC - Demonstrates a global and multicultural perspective. P - Accesses and uses updated information and procedures. Comments: B. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE Communication skills. P - Proficient - Level P - Communicates what is to be learned so that students understand and value the learning. P - Demonstrates effective speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. P - Uses appropriate and grammatically correct language. P - Has congruent verbal and nonverbal communication. Comments: As Marybeth introduces a lesson, she most often will refer to what was learned previously. She expresses herself clearly and well. Her instructions are easy to understand. Periodically, Marybeth checks for understanding and is quick to repeat or clarify instructions. Management of students' behavior. P - Proficient - Level P - Controls classroom behavior in an effective and fair manner. P - Organizes and manages classroom to maximize learning. P - Establishes and carries out effective classroom rules, procedures and routines. P - Provides a positive learning environment. P - Encourages individual responsibility. P - Respects individual rights. Comments: Consistency is Marybeth's strength. She will often halt the instruction to insist on proper student behavior. It is effective and her students, if they have lost focus or misbehaved, are reminded of her expectations and will then act more appropriately. Because Marybeth is firm yet fair in her management of student behavior, it is obvious that her students love and appreciate her and she has very view instances of inappropriate student behavior. She, along with the expert help of her co-operating teacher, have established a classroom that is well-organized and is a safe place to learn and grow. Management of learning progress. P - Proficient - Level

P - Manages learning progress so that the curriculum is covered appropriately and efficiently. P - Makes smooth transitions and is able to handle varying ability levels and activities. I - Manages assignments and time efficiently. I - Ensures quality time on learning tasks and accomplishes what has to be done. P - Demonstrates knowledge about instructional management resources. P - Uses high expectations for optimal achievement. Comments: Marybeth has a mature demeanor and is able to handle a variety of activities while presenting a lesson. She is also in complete control of the classroom, even if something unexpected happens (like a child's nose bleed). But it is regular practice for her to have students take responsibility for helping each other as they think-pair-share. She also makes it a habit to help her students understand that they need to learn to problem solve. Management of contingencies/ emergencies. P - Proficient - Level P - Applies district and building policies. P - Reasonably and responsibly copes with the frequent contingencies and occasional emergencies of classroom teaching. P - Demonstrates critical and creative thinking abilities through effective decision making under pressure. P - Ensures a safe and orderly environment conducive to learning. Comments: This is her strong suit. Marybeth is a very caring teacher and she models this regularly. Her students are well-behaved and want to please her. When a student had a spontaneous nose bleed, Marybeth took care of it instantly, without missing a beat. She also continued to teach the lesson with amazing alacrity, in a very professional manner. Lesson/unit planning. P - Proficient - Level P - Develops effective lessons and units within the contexts of the curriculum and assessment. P - Uses curricular frameworks as a means to developing student's inquiry and thinking skills. NC - Applies knowledge of human growth, development and learning theory. P - Plans instruction to accommodate diversity. P - Uses a variety of methodologies, technologies, and techniques. Comments: The lessons that Marybeth plans are properly aligned with the CCSS and GLCEs. She also has had experience in writing lesson plans for a substitute teacher to use when she was out of the classroom. Lesson/unit presentation. P - Proficient - Level P - Presents lessons and units so that the instructional objectives are efficiently realized. I - Creates meaningful learning experiences that help all students understand the subject matter based on

each student's abilities, attitudes, effort, culture, and achievement. I - Expands cognitive, affective, physical and social capabilities of students. P - Uses a variety of teaching methodologies, technologies, and techniques. Comments: It seems Marybeth does quite well at using a variety of classroom learning experiences to accomplish a learning objective. She has her students applying what they have learned by doing worksheets or doing think-pair-share activities. Marybeth is good at reviewing instructions and pre-viewing the upcoming lesson. Use of materials and resources. P - Proficient - Level P - Is familiar with and able to use a variety of literacies, materials and resources. P - Selects, creates and incorporates appropriate instructional techniques, technology, and materials needed for instruction. I - Demonstrates current knowledge about instruction, resources and technology. NC - Helps students access and use information technology and other resources to become independent learners and problem solvers. Comments: C. ASSESSMENT COMPETENCE Selection, creation, and use of student assessments. P - Proficient - Level I - Understands evaluation and assessment, including test construction and administration. P - Knows and uses multiple approaches to assess student abilities and the merit of a student's work. NC - Values and develops a variety of reliable and valid assessment measures. Comments: This is a difficult area for most student teachers. I cannot comment on her understanding or valuing of test construction and assessment. However, I have seen Marybeth assess her students' work and classroom efforts throughout the course a lesson. Formal assessments will come in the future and Marybeth should have no problem, with time and practice, developing robust assessment tools. Grading and reporting student achievement. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands and appreciates and grading/ranking/scoring process and how to report achievement. I - Grades and reports fairly, honestly, clearly, consistently, efficiently, and helpfully. P - Uses technology to organize, manage, evaluate and communicate information about student performance. Comments: After a recent intense period of grading a variety of assignments and quizzes, Marybeth was able to demonstrate that she can be accurate and fair in her assessments. She has discovered that, for her, she needs a quiet time and an area void of distractions in order to do her grading in a careful and accurate manner. This was an important discovery for her and will ensure her success in the future. I was very

pleased with her performance in this regard and for her rising to our expectations. Evaluation of teaching, materials, and curriculum. P - Proficient - Level P - Assesses instructional, assessment, and professional competence of themselves and others. P - Self-evaluates and reflects on the course, materials, and curriculum and makes improvements. P - Uses assessments to inform instruction. Comments: Marybeth puts a great deal of effort into her teaching. It appears that she self-evaluates regularly and adjusts her teaching style in order to be most effective. D. PROFESSIONALISM Professional ethics. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands the value of education and the role of intellectual and ethical values. P - Models moral standards that are expected in the profession, such as confidentiality, fairness, honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity. P - Models a commitment to intellectual, moral and professional virtues. Comments: Marybeth has set high ethical standards for herself and for her students. She has especially mentioned that she wants to help teach them to be responsible and to problem solve. She models this regularly. Professional attitude. P - Proficient - Level NC - Collaborates with all stakeholders in education. P - Values learning, students, teaching, and schooling. P - Demonstrates openness, courtesy, conscientiousness, reliability, caring and compassion. P - Identifies with professional educators. P - Dresses and behaves professionally. P - Discerns the extent to which personal belief systems and values may affect the instructional process. Comments: The students seem to really love having Marybeth as their teacher during this practicum. She dresses and acts professionally and she has an appropriate sense of humor, yet remains compassionate. I cannot comment on the collaboration she has with all stakeholders in education (parents, administration, other teachers in the building), but she has a very collegial relationship with her co-operating teacher. I am sure that such collaboration will become comfortable and natural for Marybeth in the future. Professional development/service. P - Proficient - Level NC - Is involved in professional development and service activities. P - Performs non-teaching duties required of a teacher such as administrative tasks (attendance, out-of-

class supervision) and school or community services (committee work, participation in events). P - Accepts teaching as a lifelong learning process and continues efforts to develop and improve. NC - Uses community and home resources to enhance school programs. Comments: Knowledge and execution of duties. P - Proficient - Level I - Understands and effectively deals with issues of professional policy and practice at local, state, national, and international levels. P - Understands responsibilities associated with being a competent professional, including following law, regulations, policies, requirements and procedures. NC - Involves and works effectively with all support personnel. P - Exercises good judgment in planning and managing time and other resources. Comments: Knowledge of the school and its context. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands the evolution of education and the teacher's role in a changing society. P - Understands the special characteristics and circumstances related to the students, staff, school and community. P - Develops practices to promote collaborative, supportive interaction in the classroom, school and community. NC - Demonstrates an understanding of the economic, social, political, legal and organizational foundations and functions of schools. Comments: Human relations. P - Proficient - Level P - Establishes positive and effective relationships with students, parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members. NC - Demonstrates appreciation of cultural diversity, individual differences and exceptionalities of students. P - Discourages prejudice and unfair discrimination in their classrooms. P - Understands and respects varying points of view and the influence of one's own on others. Comments: Marybeth's personality is such that she should be able to establish safe and positive professional relationships inside and outside of the classroom. She seems to have a depth of character that is attractive and aims to bring out the best in herself and others. She is certainly a hard worker and desires to do her best. Final Evaluation P-Proficient; consistent, appropriate application, a solid performance

Additional Comments: Marybeth's willingness to learn and make improvements in her teaching style and overall knowledge of effective practices tells me she will be a fine educator. She has the necessary work ethic and humility to reach her full potential. She has obviously had good mentoring from her supervising teacher, Ms. Maycunich. Together they have worked hard to overcome any shortcomings as they were discovered. This, coupled with an already well-developed sense of what is involved in the teaching/learning process, has set the stage for success in the field of education. Marybeth has performed well throughout her practicum and has accepted correction and suggestions for improvement with grace and humility. I have been very pleased with the consistent progress she has made this semester and with her solid performance in this final observation. School Supervisor email address Student Teacher email address University Supervisor email address

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