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Problem # 1 Risk for Inadequate Tissue Perfusion R/t polio OBJECTIVE: VS: Temp 97.

8, HR: 72, RR: 14, BP 110/70, Pain: 0. Patient is alert and oriented X4. Patients skin is pink and warm. Skin turgor is normal. Lung sounds are clear bilaterally. No cough present. Patient denies chest pain. Heart sounds are regular. No abnormalities noted. Capillary refill is brisk and less than 3 seconds. Pupils are PEERLA. Bowel sounds are present X4. +2 edema on right and left feet. SUBJECTIVE: Patient is unable to walk 50 ft without SOB,

I dont know how this fits

Patient states he was in World War 2.

Reason for Needing Health Care Medical Diagnosis/Surgical Procedure Polio Key Assessments: Cardiovascular, Respiratory

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