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Footing Design

By S. Ali Mirza1 and William Brant2

5.1 Introduction

Reinforced concrete foundations or footings transmit loads from a structure to t!e su""orting soil. Footings are designed #ased on t!e nature of t!e loading t!e "ro"erties of t!e footing and t!e "ro"erties of t!e soil.

Design of a footing ty"ically consists of t!e follo$ing ste"s%

1. Determine t!e re&uirements for t!e footing including t!e loading and t!e nature of t!e su""orted structure.

2. Select o"tions for t!e footing and determine t!e necessary soils "arameters. '!is ste" is often com"leted #y consulting $it! a (eotec!nical )ngineer.

*. '!e geometry of t!e foundation is selected so t!at any minimum re&uirements #ased on soils "arameters are met. Follo$ing are ty"ical re&uirements%

+ '!e calculated #earing "ressures need to #e less t!an t!e allo$a#le #earing "ressures. Bearing "ressures are t!e "ressures t!at t!e footing e,erts on t!e su""orting soil. Bearing "ressures are measured in units of force "er unit area suc! as "ounds "er s&uare foot. + '!e calculated settlement of t!e footing due to a""lied loads needs to #e less t!an t!e allo$a#le settlement. + '!e footing needs to !a-e sufficient ca"acity to resist sliding caused #y any !orizontal loads. + '!e footing needs to #e sufficiently sta#le to resist o-erturning loads. .-erturning loads are commonly caused #y !orizontal loads a""lied a#o-e t!e #ase of t!e footing. + /ocal conditions. + Building code re&uirements. 1 0rofessor )meritus of 1i-il )ngineering /a2e!ead 3ni-ersity '!under Bay .4 1anada. 2 Structural )ngineer Blac2 5 6eatc! 7ansas 1ity 7S.

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