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Amber Avila English 1311 Annotated Bibliography

Bullying Statistics - Teen Violence, Anger, Bullying, Treatment Options !n d " Bullying Statistics - Teen Violence, Anger, Bullying, Treatment Options #etrieved October $1, $%13, &rom http'(())) bullyingstatistics org( This )ebpage, Bullying Statistics, is an in&ormational )ebpage that incorporates statistics &or di&&erent &orms o& bullying as )ell as sho) )here they are getting their in&ormation &rom under these numbers The )ebpage ranges &rom school bullying statistics to cyberbullying Statistics, to the people a&&ected by bullying such as children and adults, and also labels and de&ines the di&&erent &orms o& bullying !)or*place, cyber, school, etc " This page also includes di&&erent &acts and stories o& those have e+perienced bullying &irst hand and tips on ho) to prevent bullying This )ebpage )ould be bene&icial to my )ritten paper because numbers are a use&ul medium to in&orm an audience and community as )ell as give a visual about bullying ,loud, - !$%1$" The myths o& bullying Time, 179!1%", .%-.3 ,loud/s article &rom Time maga0ine suggests that bullying, once a dismissed passage o& childhood, has become an e+aggerated 1epidemic2 due to the presentation o& high-pro&ile cases such as a school shootings and suicides )hich are believed to be connected to bullying 3n his article, ,loud suggests that the statistics regarding bullying are very biased4 anti-bullying la)s and policies that not only ta*e a toll on school &unding are not even proven to )or*4 and the )orld is not divided into bullies and victims but suggests an overlap o& both ,loud also proposes the solution to &i+ing the bullying problem is not

to con&ront bullies and victims but rather the third party4 bystanders This article )ould be very bene&icial to)ards my )ritten paper because o& ,loud/s unli*e opinion to)ards bullying 5umbrecht, - !$%13, October 6" Are )e too 7uic* to cry 8bully89 - ,:: com Breaking Ne s, !.S., "orl#, "eat$er, %ntertainment & Vi#eo Ne s #etrieved October $%, $%13, &rom http'(())) cnn com($%13(1%(%.(living(schools-bullying-de&initionoveruse(inde+ html9iid;article<sidebar As the month o& October continues bully a)areness campaigns around America are in &ull &ire Everyone is trying to raise a)areness in bullying that the )ord may be even losing its meaning, at least that/s )hat ,:: =ournalist -amie 5umbrecht has &ound The )ord bullying she believes needs to be used more precisely rather than be abused as a )ay to categori0e little con&licts E+perts say that bullying is a repetitive action that is intentional to cause harm &rom someone in po)er to someone less in po)er 5umbrecht intervie)s Eli0abeth Englander, author o& 1Bullying and ,yberbullying2 and pro&essor o& psychology, about the abuse o& the )ord 1bully2 Englander claims that labeling small con&licts )ith the )ord bullying doesn/t allo) those children to cope )ith their o)n con&licts and those )ho are actually being bullied may be overloo*ed because o& 1bully related2 reported cases This article )ould be bene&icial to my paper because the author believes that the )ord 1bully2 has been overused and may even be preventing the problem >angos, , !$%1$" ,yberbullying' the challenge to de&ine Cy'erpsyc$ology, Be$a(ior & Social Net orking, 1)!?", $6@-$6A doi'1% 1%6A(cyber $%11 %@66

The article, )ritten by ,olette >angos, attempts to de&ine the )ord cyber bullying and )hat cyber bullying really entails 3n order to de&ine cyber bullying the article de&ines the *ey elements o& traditional bullying and ho) they also apply in the cyber conte+t4 repetition, po)er di&&erential, intention, and aggression 3n order to go more in depth the article also de&ines the di&&erences bet)een direct and indirect bullying in both traditional and cyber conte+t based situations This article )ould be bene&icial to my )ritten paper because the article de&ines *ey elements in traditional and cyber bullying as )ell as introduce a ne) bullying environment >o)en, ,ynthia !Broducer", Cirsch, > !Director" !$%13" Bully EDocumentaryF Gnited States' The Heinstein ,ompany The &irst &eature documentary &ilm to sho) the e&&ects o& bullying, Bully directed by >ee Cirsch, is a documentary used to sho) the public )hat it/s li*e to be bullied, shares the stories o& victims o& bullying, and )hether or not )e are =ust bystanders to a gro)ing problem The &ilm &ollo)s &ive students in the Gnited States )ho &ace bullying on a daily basis and shares their story and struggles Hhen intervie)ed about his &ilm director >ee Cirsch admitted that he too had been bullied as a child and hoped )ith his &ilm to e+tend the anti-bullying movement as )ell as give those o& us )ho have been bullied courage to spea* up and have a voice This documentary )ould be bene&icial to my )ritten paper because this &ilm targets one o& the biggest parts o& anyone4 their emotions 3n order to address a community problem you need an emotional response and this documentary can aid in that response

Borter, S !$%13" Hhy our approach to bullying is bad &or *ids *n#epen#ent Sc$ool, 7+!$", I$I6 The article, )ritten by Susan Borter, ta*es a hit to)ards bullying and the inconsistent and bias statistics they lay be&ore us on the 3nternet She claims that the statistics regarding bullying are changing because the de&inition o& bullying is being added onto 3nstead o& bullying being the classic harassment bet)een children the de&inition has e+pended to include name-calling, sarcasm, and =ust being un&riendly She claims that the bullying is no) being used to portray normal childhood behavior as dangerous This article )ould be bene&icial to my )ritten paper because not only does Borter believe the statistics in bullying are unreliable and al)ays changing but =ust as 3 am beginning to learn also believes that bullying is being used to cover normal childhood behaviors and conditions

G S Department o& Cealth and Cuman Services !n d " #etrieved &rom http'(())) stopbullying gov( StopBullying gov is a )eb page created by the G S Department o& Cealth and Cuman #esources promoted to educate and in&orm the public about bullying The )ebsite includes tabs &or de&initions o& bullying, ris* &actors, those at ris*, preventing bullying, and responding to bullying The )ebsite also includes a program that allo)s you to see i& your state en&orces anti-bullying la)s The )ebsite also provides personal stories o& both bullies and victims Although the )ebsite seems bland and simple it )ill be use&ul &or my

)ritten paper in order to understand the general meaning o& bullying as used by the Gnited States Halter, > !$%13" Beyond the playground' )hen bullying elbo)s its )ay into the )or*place %,S To#ay, -!.", 3$-3? Halter/s article o&&ers in&ormation on )or*place bullying throughout the Gnited States 3n her article she proposes that )or*place bullying and schoolyard bullying share similar principles )ith little di&&erence bet)een the t)o environments The article is composed o& t)o e+periences o& )or*place bullying, in&ormation provided by the Hor*place Bullying 3nstitute !HB3" )ebsite, precautions to ta*e i& being bullied, and &ive proposed solutions to )or*place bullying This article )ould be very bene&icial to my )ritten paper because many believe that bullying only occurs in school environments or online but this article )ill help introduce a ne) bullying environment that does not =ust a&&ect children but adults as )ell

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