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Computer Programming Engineering



Patterns: The Fundamental "Stuff" Out Of Which Everything In The Universe Is Made

Science: A System F r !isc vering And Organi"ing Patterns

Mathematics: The #anguage Of Patterns

Engineering: !esigning Things With Patterns

Techn l gy: Ma$ing Things With Patterns

What T

ls Are Used F r Analy"ing And Mani%ulating Patterns&

#evel ' T

l: Pencil Mar$s On Pa%er ( Wal$ing

#evel ) T

l: *and *eld +alculat r ( Aut m ,ile

#evel - T

l: + m%uter Pr gramming With #

%s ( S%acecraft

1:%mathpiper 2: 3://Print the odd integers from 1 to 99. 4: 5:x := 1; 6: 7:While(x <= 100) :! 9: Write(x); 10: x := x + 2; //"n#rement x $% 2. 11:&; 12: 13:%/mathpiper 14: 15: %o'tp't(preser)e*+fa,se+ 16: -es',t: .r'e 17: 1 : /ide effe#ts: 19: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 1 3 5 7 9 91 93 95 97 99 20: %/output

#evel . T l: + m%uter Pr gramming With F rmulas/The rems ( S%acecraft With *y%erdrive

All The STEM Areas Are 0uic$ly 1ec ming Pr gramming 1ased 1ecause Pr gramming Is One Of The M st P 2erful T ls We *ave F r W r$ing With Patterns

Physics Biology Chemistry Geophysics Forensics Mathematics

Computational Physics Computational Biology Computational Chemistry Computational Geophysics Computational Forensics Computational Mathematics

MathPi%erI!E 3 A Pr gramming31ased Pr ,lem S lving Envir nment F r The STEM !isci%lines


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