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Tomas Talamantes Science Period 1 Summative Report: Baking Soda PROBLEM: How does doubling the amount of carbon

dioxide from .5g of sodium carbonate dissolved in 100mL of water to 1g. dissolved in 100mL of water affect the rate of photosynthesis in elodea? HYPOTHESIS: If elodea was placed in 100 ml of water with .5g grams of baking soda then another .5 grams was placed into the water than the amount of oxygen will increase by 50%.

THEORY: Photosynthesis is a two-step process in which energy from the sun converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars by capturing the carbon dioxide through the stomata underneath the leaves. Water is captured through the roots of the plants, which get brought up to the leaves where the water and carbon dioxide undergo series of chemical reactions inside the green chloroplasts. In my experiment photosynthesis occurs when the elodea is placed into the 100 ml cup of .5g of baking soda. Baking soda is made mostly out of carbon dioxide and the plant will absorb that carbon dioxide and start to bubble oxygen. But if you put another .5g of baking soda in the water 50% more oxygen will start to bubble off the plant. PROCEDURE FOR CARBON DIOXIDE (BAKING SODA) 1. Measure and cut at an angle elodea 7 to 9 cm. 2. Remove a few leaves from end of stem and slightly crush end of stem. 3. Measure mass in grams and record. 4. Put elodea stem side up in a test tube.

5. Fill test tube with water and baking soda solution (1 gram to 100 mL of water). 6. Put tube in rack and adjust lamp with blue light 5 cm from top of test tube. 7. Turn on lamp and wait 1 minute. 8. After 1 minute, begin counting small, medium and large bubbles for 3 minutes. Record data. 9. Repeat with .5 grams and 100mL of water. 10. Repeat for Trial 2 DATA/OBSERVATIONS:
Trial 1 ___grams
Small x 1 CO2 1 gram .5 gram 42 31

Oxygen produced in 3 minutes at 5 and 10 cm

Medium x 2 17+17 14+14 Large x 3 4+4+4 6+6+6 Total 88 77

Notes: Trial 2 _____grams

Small x 1 CO2 1 gram .5 gram 95 71

Oxygen Produced in 3 minutes at 5 and 10 cm

Medium x 2 25+25 19+19 Large x 3 15+15+15 10+10+10 Total 190 139

.5g Trial 1 Trial 2 Average 77 139 108 1g 88 190 139


Baking Soda
.5g CLASS PERIOD AVERAGES 1 2 3 4 6 7 TOTAL/5 AVERAGE 1g % Oxygen Decrease/Increase

108 69 33.7 23.7 26.3 3.8 264.5/6 44.1

139 47 26.5 14.3 36.3 72.8 335.9/6 56

+28.7% -31.8% -21.3% 39.6% +38% +18.1% +26.9% +26.9

160 C 140 O A 2 120 m 100 o p u r 80 n o 60 t d 40 u o c 20 f e 0 d 139 108 .5 g Baking Soda 44.1 56 1 g Baking Soda

Period 1 avg.

7th grade avg.

Conclusion: In this lab my group and I tried to find out if doubling the amount sodium bicarbonate by .5g into a test tube filled with 100 ml of water with elodea would increase the amount of photosynthesis. I predicted that the amount of photosynthesis would increase by 50%. The percent increased was 28.7%. My hypothesis was incorrect by 21.3%. And compared to class average increase, which was 26.9% my groups

experiment was not, an outlier compared to the rest of the 7th grade. In conclusion if placing elodea in a 100 ml tube full of water with .5g and then adding another .5g would not increase the amount of photosynthesis by 50%. Analysis: Looking at the data, I notice that there are some inconsistencies. For example, the range in our data was 105 oxygen bubbles. Out of the six groups only 50% percent of the data increased and two of those three groups were outliers, including my group and period sevens group. Period 7 sevens group had a major increase of 72.8 oxygen bubbles that were produced. Also looking at the data I noticed that if it werent for group one than the average would have changed drastically. Most of inconsistencies based on my research and personal experience came from over counting of oxygen bubbles and turning the lamp on too early or too close. I think these are the problems because the amount of major oxygen bubble increases in groups one and seven. In my group, group one we averaged for .5g of baking soda 108 bubbles and for 1g 139 bubbles. Being that I was in this group we turned the lamp on too early and had the lamp to close to the tube which held the baking soda. And for period sevens group Im guessing they did not monitor the oxygen bubbles that well. They probably counted bubbles that didnt just come from the elodea in their test tube. To prevent future mistakes such as the ones above this experiment should be conducted differently. One way it should be conducted differently is to turn the lamp on and off twice in order to know which way to turn the nob to turn the light on, and have them practice turning the lamp on at the exact time. Another way this experiment could be conducted differently is after a student measures the lamp have one student put a stick on where the measurement was on the ruler and let the lamp rest upon that stick until the lamp became steady. The final way to in conducting the experiment differently is to have two people monitor the bubbles. One person monitoring the bubbles forming on the elodea, and telling the second person to get ready for the bubble to rise. And the other person counting the bubbles that rised from the elodea below.

Coolidge-Stolz M.D., Elizabeth, et al. Focus On Life Science. Boston, Mass: Prentice Hall, 2008. Washington State Department of Ecology. American Waterweed- A Common Native Plant. February 24, 2003. November 2013. <> Young, Paul. The Botany Coloring Book. Cambridge, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.

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