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At the Airport (En el aeropuerto)

Vocabulary (Vocabulario) English Play airport Play airplane Play flight Play boarding pass/card Play flight attendant (US), airhostess (UK), stewardess Play departure lounge/gate Play check-in Play round trip Play one way Play departures Play arrivals Play layover Play coach class Play first class Play business class Play luggage, baggage Play suitcase Play carry on luggage/baggage Play customs Espaol aeropuerto



tarjeta de embarque


sala de embarque

facturacin (del equipaje)

ida y vuelta





clase turista

primera clase

clase business



equipaje de mano


Play to board Play to depart Play to arrive Play to take off Play to land

embarcar en





Useful Phrases (Frases tiles)

Play Do you have your boarding pass? (Tiene su tarjeta de embarque?) Play Do you have any baggage to check? (Tiene equipaje para facturar?) Play Is there a layover? (Hay una parada?) Play Only one carry on item is allowed. (Slo est permitido un artculo de mano.) Play Would you prefer a window or an aisle seat? (Prefiere ventana o un asiento de pasillo?) Play Can you tell me where the departure gate is? (Puede decirme dnde est la puerta de salida?) Play Can I see your passport, please? (Puedo ver su pasaporte por favor?) Play I have nothing to declare. (No tengo nada que declarar.) Play What is the purpose of your trip? Business or personal? (Cul es el propsito de su viaje? De negocios o personal?) Play What time is the plane boarding? (A qu hora es el embarque del avin?) Play What time is the plane scheduled to take off [land]? (A qu hora est previsto el avin para despegar (aterrizar)?) Play The flight is delayed/cancelled. (El vuelo est retrasado/cancelado.) Play Where is the baggage claim? (Dnde est la zona de recogida de equipaje?) Play I have lost my baggage. (He perdido mi equipaje.) Play Have a nice flight! (Que tenga un buen vuelo!)

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