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Food and Nutrition II

Course Description: This course prepares students to understand the principles of food preparation, safety, sanitation, management and consumerism used in the home and food industry. Nutrition principles and applications will be emphasized. Foods and Nutrition I is a prerequisite for this class. Students will take a state skills test (#343) at the end of the year. Objectives: Know the proper safety and sanitation skills required in a kitchen. Understand proper use of kitchen supplies/equipment, including knives, and correct measuring techniques. Preparation techniques and nutrition of salads, soups, sauces, casseroles, yeast breads, pastries, meats and poultry. Incorporating MyPlate guidelines throughout the life cycle, and in accordance to health concerns. Applying consumerism and budgeting skills in conjunction with meal planning, meal management, and meal service.
Unit 1 Safety and Sanitation Unit 2 Salads Unit 3 Soups & Sauces Unit 4 Casseroles Unit 5 MyPlate & Health Concerns Students will review and apply the skills of kitchen management, safety and sanitation. Students will demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of salads. Students will demonstrate food preparation and nutrition of soups and sauces. Students will demonstrate food preparation and nutrition of casseroles. Students will explore health concerns incorporating guidelines from MyPlate and current dietary guidelines throughout the life cycle.

Unit 6 Consumerism & Budgeting Students will apply skills for consumerism and budgeting as it applies to meal planning, meal management, and meal service.

Unit 7 Yeast breads & Pastries Demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of yeast breads and pastries.

Unit 8 Meats & Poultry

Unit 9 Tasty Vocabulary

Demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of meats and poultry.

Define and utilize culinary vocabulary.

Classroom Expectations: Students will arrive to class on time. Treat others and their opinions with respect. No cell phone use during classroom lecture time. Classroom participation is essential to receiving a good grade. Especially in the lab. Always remember: KINDNESS MATTERS Grading Breakdown: A+= 97.5-100 B+= 87.5-89.4 A= 92.5-97.5 B= 82.5-87.4 A-=89.5-92.4 B-=77.5-82.5

C+=77.5-79.4 C= 72.5-77.4 C-=69.5-72.5

D+= 67.5-69.4 D=62.5-67.4 D-=59.5-62.4

All in-class work for each unit will be accepted for full credit until the end of the unit. Any homework turned in the day after it was assigned with receive bonus points. Work submitted after the last day of the term will not be accepted. Projects and make-up lab work must be submitted on the due date. Make-up lab work is always due the class period after you take the recipe home. Absences: If students are absent from a lab they will have to make up their missing lab points by making the recipe at home, taking a picture of it and bringing it to class with a signed note from their parent/guardian. Absences during classroom time will require students to check what we did the day before on the class website.

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