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Project One: Rhetorical Analysis Write an analysis of either Goodbye Columbus or The Trouble with Diversity, that considers

what the text reveals about the rhetorical choices, assumptions, and beliefs of its author. What rhetorical strate ies does the author employ in order to ma!e his ar ument" #ow effective are they" Getting Started: You will need to complete the following three tasks in order to fully complete the assignment and receive a satisfactory grade $irstly, conduct a careful readin in order to understand what the author is attemptin to convey and why the author thin!s the issue he is discussin is of si nificance. #ow would you answer the %o what" &uestion in re ards to the information the text relays to you" %econdly, you will want to consider what rhetorical techni&ues the author employs in an attempt to successfully convey the meanin 's( and si nificance's( you have identified throu h your careful readin . #ow does the author attempt to appeal to and persuade his reader" Thirdly, you will need to consider how the text reflects the cultural values, attitudes and beliefs surroundin the issue that it explores. What values do your careful readin and analysis reveal to be either explicitly or implicitly ar ued for by the author and)or the text" Do those values a ree or conflict with the dominant values of the culture's( and)or community's( bein represented"

*n order to fully comprehend the text you will need to carefully re+read it several times, analy,in the wor! on each of the above levels so that you can provide a focused discussion and analysis of rhetorical choices evident in the text. A rhetorical analysis is !O" a summary - summary of the author.s ideas is only a small part of this paper, the ma/ority of the paper.s content needs to be a focused analysis of how the author is attemptin to et his points across, and why he has chosen those means of conveyin his messa e. %o, you will need to consider rhetorical concepts introduced in our textboo! and throu h our classroom discussions, such as purpose, audience, genre, stance, media)design, ethos, pathos, logos, etc. 0ou will also want to spend some time carefully considerin what the author is attemptin to do stylistically and structurally as a writer, and why. $inally, you will want to explore the wor! as an historical and cultural document, loo!in carefully not only at the text itself, but considerin the wider context in which it was written, and to speculate on the connections between its audience, context, and the wider culture and values of the period. Rhetorical #onsiderations1 0our purpose in this pro/ect is to ma!e an ar ument about what the author is tryin to say and do as a writer in in the text you are analy,in . *n the process of discussin this, you should offer some analysis of the cultural and)or historical context in which the text was written. 0our audience for this paper is someone who may !now some basic rhetorical concepts, but who has little familiarity with the author or the text. %o, your discussion will need to provide your reader with specific e$amples and clear e$planations of how the text is wor!in and why. *n other words, do not assume that your readers will have the text to refer

to as they read your paper2 0ou must be able to explain and support your points throu h summary, paraphrase, and &uotation.

Putting %t "ogether: There are a number of different or ani,ational strate ies you mi ht use to structure your paper, but !eep in mind that your ultimate aim is to lead your reader throu h an orderly discussion that focuses on a few main claims about the author and their rhetorical choices. 0ou must also provide evidence to bac! up your claims, which in this context means specific examples from the text in the form of summary, paraphrase, and)or direct &uotation. -ll papers should be typed in a 34 point font and double+spaced with standard one+inch mar ins. This rhetorical analysis should be 5+6 pa es and is due T7D&

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