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Rawls 1 Bethany Rawls English III Graduation Project Research Paper 11/25/13 Effects of usic on !

oung People usic is a &ery i)portant

" usic can change the world# $%udwig &an Beetho&en'(

aspect in the li&es of today*s young people( +ry to change the radio station that a young person has set in the car, and you will see how they ha&e a &ery clear and deeply held opinion on )usic $Ro/erts'( 0 study at 1outheastern 2unior 3igh 1chool, in Indiana, showed that students spent an a&erage of three hours per day listening to )usic $Ro/erts'( 4ithout )usic, our society would not /e the sa)e( !oung people would act and li&e differently than they do today if it was not for )usic, /ecause of the )any affects that )usic has on young people5s li&es( Recent studies of the /rain ha&e ena/led us to enhance our understanding of how )usic influences a person $3alla)'( usic is found al)ost e&erywhere a person goes( 6ro) the usic influences and

)all to sitting in your li&ing roo) watching tele&ision, )usic is present(

affects young people greatly, e)otionally, psychologically, socially, intellectually, and physically( usic affects young people e)otionally( 7r( ichael Rich of 8hildren*s 3ospital of

Boston stated that )usic can affect the li)/ic syste) of the /rain( "+he li)/ic syste) of the /rain is the seat of e)otions# $Rhodes'( usic enhances child de&elop)ent which pro&ides

e)otional /enefits that last a lifeti)e $Prince9 itchell'( 3owe&er, )usic can create e)otions that are not good for a person( E)otions can /e &ery powerful( +hey can o&erwhel) the other

Rawls 2 /rain functions such as rational of the neocorte: $Rhodes'( 7r( Rich ga&e an e:a)ple

of how )usic affected and helped to define a generation and the anti9war )o&e)ent of the si:ties( +his e:a)ple that 7r( Rich ga&e was )ainly due to e)otions( E)otions affected the way that people acted and thought( usic was used during the ti)e of the anti9war )o&e)ent to

e:press people*s e)otions( 0s )usic is easily a&aila/le at the )o)ent, young people use )usic to change their )oods $3alla)'( +hey )ay use )usic to cal) the)sel&es, energi;e the)sel&es, wor. through difficult e)otions and so on $3alla)'( %yrics in )usic are )ainly responsi/le for creating e)otions( 6or e:a)ple, when people ha&e a /ad day or are going through hard ti)es they often turn to )usic as their co)forter( 0 person will listen to a song and listen to lyrics< this helps the) /elie&e that they are not the only person going through their pro/le)( +he )usic can help a person &alidate their feelings( usic can uplift spirits and change a person*s e)otions( 0

person*s e)otions can influence how a person )ay /eha&e( If a person has o&erwhel)ed e)otions then they )ight act out and /eha&e unruly /ecause they cannot thin. of another way to e:press their e)otions( If e)otions /eco)e cu)/erso)e, then the e)otions can corrupt proper usic can also affect young people psychologically( usic has e&ol&ed o&er the years(

+he lyrics of songs ha&e /eco)e )ore e:plicit( 0ccording to a report in +he 0rchi&es of Pediatrics of 0dolescent edicine, one in three popular songs contains e:plicit references to

drugs, se:, or alcohol use $Par.er9Pope'( +his fact )eans that young people get a/out thirty fi&e references to su/stance a/use for e&ery hour of )usic they listen to $Par.er9Pope'( +he authors of the study that concluded this fact say, " usic is well .nown to connect deeply with adolescents and to influence identity de&elop)ent, perhaps )ore than any other entertain)ent

Rawls 3 )ediu)# $1tudy 0uthors'( 1ince )usic has /eco)e )ore aggressi&e o&er the decades, &iolent lyrics pro)ote youth &iolence and su/stance use( 0 nu)/er of studies suggest a connection /etween the types of )usic youth listen to and a wide range of trou/leso)e attitudes and /eha&iors( 0 study in 1==> suggested that the /est predictor of ris. in adolescents related to )usic is their self9report of negati&e feelings when listening to )usic $i)pactof)usic(co)'( 1tudies show that hea&y )etal and rap )usic can influence )en5s attitudes towards wo)en( ost recently, so)e rap )usic has /een characteri;ed /y the presence of e:plicit se:ual language, racis), and hatred towards wo)en in lyrics( 1tudies show that people, who listen to rap )usic hea&ily, do drugs at least one ti)e in their lifeti)e $teenin.(co)'( 3ea&y )etal )usic has /een associated with increased depression, ris. /eha&iors, s), and conduct pro/le)s $i)pactof)usic(co)'( ?&er the last thirty years &iolent ju&enile cri)e has ju)ped /y )ore than fi&e percent $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( +een suicide has tripled $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( @nwed teen pregnancy has s.yroc.eted $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( 0ll of this relates /ac. to )usic /ecause of the )essages it sends to young people $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( ore than one thousand studies and

re&iews conclude that e:posure to &iolent )usic and lyrical content increase the ris. of aggressi&e /eha&ior $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( !oung people hear the )essages fro) songs and it ) the) /elie&e that the things pro)oted in the songs are o.ay to do( +he 0)erican 0cade)y of Pediatrics reco))ends different types of /eha&ior )odifications to co)/at the har)ful effects of this )usic $study)ode(co)'( usic can uplift .ids when they are

in a downed )ood $study)ode(co)'( 8lassical or rela:ing )usic can )a.e "hyper# .ids rela: or fall asleep $study)ode(co)'( It can tap into fear as well< deep dar. )usic can represent scary

Rawls A things $crac.ed(co)'( 3orror )o&ies use dar. )usic to allure the audience( usic can )a.e

)undane tas.s )ore enjoya/le $-uora(co)'( 6ro) dri&ing to cleaning, )usic can )a.e things that are nor)ally /oring )ore interesting $-uora(co)'( %o&e songs and ro)antic )usic that is played in flower shops, influences a person to spend )ore )oney $/a.adesuyo(co)'( 0 young person5s intellect can also /e affected /y )usic( Research shows that )usic is to the /rain as physical e:ercise is to the hu)an /ody $doso)ething(org'( 0cti&e engage)ent with )usic sharpens the /rains early encoding of linguistic sound $3alla), B'( %earning how to play an instru)ent has an i)pact on intellectual de&elop)ent( 0 study found that )usic lessons can increase a person*s IC( %istening to classical )usic can also increase your IC $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( Recent studies of the /rain ha&e ena/led us to enhance our understanding of how )usic influences a person $3alla), A'( 0 study in the journal 1ocial 1cience Cuarterly found that )usic had positi&e effects on reading and )ath $Prince9 itchell'( usic enhances child de&elop)ent pro&iding intellectual /enefits that last a lifeti)e $Prince9 itchell'( It has /een pro&en that young people focus /etter when listening to )usic than without $study)ode(co)'( 1o)e studies ha&e e&en shown that if a person listens to a song while studying, and then listens to the song while a test, they are )ore li.ely to re)e)/er the answers and what they studied( Dirgil Griffith did a study and found that the s)artest students listened to Beetho&en( +hese students 10+ scores were an a&erage of 13>1( 1tudents with lower grades and 10+ scores of EE=, listened to %il5 4ayne( 8hildren who study a )usical instru)ent are )ore li.ely to e:cel in all of their studies, wor. /etter in tea)s, ha&e enhanced critical s.ills, stay in schools, and pursue further education $doso)ething(org'( 8hildren with learning disa/ilities or dysle:ia who tend to lose focus with )ore noise could

Rawls 5 /enefit greatly fro) )usic lessons $doso)ething(org'( 1tudying )usic pri)es the /rain to co)prehend speech in a noisy en&iron)ent $doso)ething(org'( 1econdary students who participated in a )usic group at school reported the lowest lifeti)e and current use of all su/stances $doso)ething(org'( 1chools with )usic progra)s ha&e an esti)ated ninety percent graduation rate and a/out ninety three percent attendance rates $doso)ething(org'( 1chools without )usic education a&erage se&enty two percent graduation rates and eighty four percent attendance rate $doso)ething(org'( 1tudents who participate in high -uality )usic progra)s score twenty two percent /etter on English and twenty percent /etter on ath standardi;ed e:a)s $doso)ething(org'( 8hildren who study )usic tend to ha&e

larger &oca/ularies and )ore ad&anced reading s.ills than their peers who do not participate in )usic lessons( 0 study fro) 8olu)/ia @ni&ersity re&ealed that students who study )usic are )ore cooperati&e with their teachers and fellow class)ates, ha&e higher le&els of self9 confidence, and are )ore e-uipped to e:press the)sel&es and their ideas( Ele)entary age children who are in&ol&ed in )usic lessons show greater /rain de&elop)ent and )e)ory i)pro&e)ent within a year, co)pared to the children who do not recei&e )usical training $doso)ething(org'( %earning and )astering a )usical instru)ent i)pro&es the way the /rain /rea.s down and understands hu)an language $doso)ething(org'( +his ) students )ore apt to pic. up a second language $doso)ething(org'( student*s education( 1ocially is another way that a young person is affected /y )usic( In our &ast world, there are &arious types of )usic( People usually /eco)e friends with people of the sa)e taste in )usic $teenin.(co)'( People can use )usic as a way to e:press the)sel&es $teenin.(co)'( +he usic is a &ery i)portant aspect in a

Rawls B way that people e:press the)sel&es attracts others to the)( In a person*s teenage years the )usic that they listen to is closely related to identity, social acti&ities, and friendships $3alla)'( 0 person5s thoughts and ideas can affect a person5s social life( 7r( ichael Rich ga&e an

e:a)ple of how )usic affected and helped to define a generation and the anti9war )o&e)ent of the si:ties( +his e:a)ple relates to how )usic affects people socially /ecause during this ti)e period, the anti9war )o&e)ent was an i)portant aspect in people*s li&es( usic affected social

/eha&ior during this ti)e /ecause people used )usic to e:press the)sel&es( +he anti9war )o&e)ent was the hot topic in people social e&ents( +he )usic a person says a lot a/out a person*s personality $/a.adesuyo(co)'( 4hen people )a.e friends, they ta.e into thought the personality of the other person( +he )usic that you will li.e when you are older is pro/a/ly what you are e:posed to /etween ages si:teen and twenty one $/a.adesuyo(co)'( usic can

also affect how a person tal.s( If a person listens to a certain type of )usic for a period of ti)e, then they )ay e&entually /egin to tal. li.e the singers of the )usic( +his could affect young people socially /ecause in order to /e social you ha&e to interact and tal. to others( 1o)e people judge others /ased off the way that a person tal.s( usic can also rally support for social causes

$-uora(co)'( ?ften, social groups and causes ha&e the)e )usic that is used to represent who they are( usic helps people de&elop a sense of identity $-uora(co)'( It helps shape how people

dress, spea., and interact with people, a person*s thought process, and what a person /elie&es $-uora(co)'( E&entually, if you listen to )usic for a certain a)ount of ti)e you will /egin to /e influenced /y the )usic whether you want to or not( usic can help a person co))unicate with

others( It can say things to others that are difficult for you to say to the) yourself $-uora(co)'( +he type of )usic that a person listens to can influence other people*s opinions a/out the)(

Rawls > usic can affect other5s perceptions of you $-uora(co)'( +his )ay not always /e a good thing( usic is e&en used when you are on the phone( usic also has physical effects on young people( 0ccording to the 0)erican +herapy 0ssociation, )usic is restorati&e for a &ariety of conditions $1her)an'( usic

usic can ease

the pains of che)otherapy( It can also lower an:iety or lift a depressed person5s spirit $1her)an'( 0s cited /y the 0)erican 8ancer 1ociety, )usic can relie&e aches and sy)pto)s while aug)enting a patient5s joy $1her)an'( usic in general tends to reduce or delay fatigue(

usic has /een pro&en to increase )uscular endurance $positi&e)usicassociation(co)'( 8ertain )usic can increase pain tolerance( 1tudies suggest that so)eday )usic )ay help patients heal fro) Par.inson5s disease or a stro.e( Elena annes e:plored how )usic can affect different

groups of people and how it could play a role in health care( 1he found that )elodic intonation therapy uses )usic to coa: portions of the /rain into o&er for those that are da)aged( @sing )usic in therapy can help patients regain their a/ility to spea. $ annes'( Because we associate )usic with )e)ories, annes says that techni-ues could /e helpful for 0l;hei)er*s

patients( +echni-ues could include playing sedati&e or si)ulati&e )usic around 0l;hei)er*s patients( It is a s)art idea for parents to play o;art for their children( o;art is good for

new/orns, /a/ies, children5s intellectual de&elop)ent, creati&ity, sleep ti)e, and )o&e)ent $)edicinenet(co)'( 1o)e studies concluded that )usic ) you stronger physically( People prefer to listen to )usic when they wor. out $crac.ed(co)'( ?ne e:planation of this is that )usic can )oti&ate a person to perse&ere and co)plete a wor. out( usic ) a person*s

physical perfor)ance )easura/ly /etter $crac.ed(co)'( 4hen listening to )usic, people are

Rawls E a/le to hold hea&y weights for longer than when they are standing in silence $crac.ed(co)'( People can co)plete sprints in s)aller a)ounts of ti)e and are a/le to reduce their o:ygen inta.e $crac.ed(co)'( Patients who listen to )usic after surgery need less sedati&es, report less pain, and ha&e lower /lood pressure $crac.ed(co)'( usic can also reduce stress in patients

during unsedated /rain surgery $crac.ed(co)'( In so)e cases, )usic caused patients to rela: so )uch that )any of the) fell into a deep sleep $crac.ed(co)'( )usic i)pro&es their perfor)ance too $crac.ed(co)'( usic has /oth positi&e and negati&e effects on young people( usic can ha&e positi&e ost surgeons /elie&e listening to

effects on young people /y helping the) e)otionally, psychologically, socially, and physically( 3owe&er, )usic can /e har)ful to young people in these ways as well( usic affects young

people in al)ost e&ery aspect of their life( 6ro) what a young person is a/out to how they perfor) in school, it all relates /ac. to )usic( usic can i)pact young people not just

through the /eat, /ut through lyrics( 4ithout )usic, we would /e li&ing in a totally different society( !oung people would not /eha&e the way that they do today if it were not for )usic, /ecause of the psychological effects )usic has on young people( usic enhances child

de&elop)ent pro&iding intellectual and e)otional /enefits that last a lifeti)e $Prince9 itchell'( +here is a &ariety of )usic genres a&aila/le to young people today( usic can /e helpful and

har)less as long as young people are careful a/out how )uch )usic they listen to( !oung people can /e affected /y )usic in ways they ne&er i)agined(

Rawls = 4or.s 8ited 3alla), 1usan( "+he Power of usicF Its I)pact on the Intellectual, 1ocial and Personal

7e&elop)ent of 8hildren and !oung People( "G(p(, n(d( 4e/(2 ?ct(2H13( httpF//www(laphil(co)/sites/default/files/)edi/pdfs/shared/educational/yola/susan9 halla)9)usic9de&elop)ent9research(pdf> 3alla), 1usan( IE)ail Inter&iew(I E9)ail inter&iew( 21 Go&( 2H13 " usic us IntelligenceF 8an usic a.e !ou 7u)/J# 0udio and 1ound( G(p(, n(d(

4e/( 21 ?ct( 2H13( httpF//www(noiseaddicts(co)/2HH=/H3/)usic9)a.es9you9du)/9 intelligent( Par.er9Pope, +ara( "@nder the Influence ?fK usicJ# 4ell @nder the Influence of 8o))ents( Gew !or. +i)es(?2 6e/( 2HHE( 4e/(H> ?ct( 2H13( httpF//well(/logs(nyti)es(co)(2HHE/H2/H5/under9the9influence9of)usic/JLrM1/ Rhodes, 7a&id( "3ow 7oes usic 0ffect the Beha&ior of !oung PeopleJ# usic 1uper usic

%earning Brain 6irness for %ife !?@ 8an %earn to Play 4ordPress, 1B, 1ept(2H11( 4e/(H3 ?ct( 2H13(

usic the 1)art 4ay(

httpF//super/rain)usic(co)/2H11/H=/1B/how9does9)usic9affect9the9/eha&ior9of9young9 people/ 1hera)an, att( "3ow 7oes usic 0ffect PeopleJ# 3ow 7oes usic 0ffect PeopleJ

8atalogs(co), n(d( 4e/( 1E ?ct( 2H13( httpF//www(catalogs(co)/info//oo.s9)usic9d&d/how9does9)usic9affect9people(ht)lress(

Rawls 1H

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