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Goals Assignment

Instructions and Guidelines 1. Using the guidelines in Chapter One, create a long-term, mid-term and short-term goal in at least three categories. Categories might be Health & Fitness, Education, Career, Romance, Spirituality, Wealth, Travel, Hobbies etc. 2. Each goal should be only one complete sentence. 3. Your short-term and mid-term goal in each category should be benchmarks towards your long term goal. Your goals in each category should correlate with each other. 4. Your long-term goals should be compatible. The achievement of one of your long-term goals should not prohibit the achievement of one of your other long-term goals. 5. Your goals must follow the SMART guidelines which are: Specific (How much? How Many? To what standard? ) Measurable (Can your success towards the goal be effectively determined?) Achievable (Is the goal something you have control or influence over? Do you have the needed talents, skills and resources to accomplish the goal or can you get them?) Relevant (Will it make a difference in your life?) Time Referenced (by when) Some internet sites that may help are: 6. Your goals should be positive. 7. Your goals should be personal. Some internet sites that will help you with these two criteria are: _set_goal_pt_03.html 8. Motivational authorities recommend that you write goals as though you have already accomplished them. Use present tense. 9. It is recommended by some that goals be written using action verbs rather than passive verbs (am, be). 10. Complete the following template and submit it.

My Goals

Veronica Echeverria

1st Category: Playing Vivaldis Concerto in G minor for two Cellos

Long-Term Goal Statement: Preform the piece at our family Christmas party on December 24

Mid-Term Goal Statement: Be able to play the piece with my partner by December 24

Short Term Goal Statement: Get enough money to buy Vivaldis piece Concerto in G minor for two cellos.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
category.) 1. Save my money that I have to spar every week. 2. Do more work around the house for some spare money. 3. Not spend my money on unnecessary things that I do not need. 4. Look online to find the cheapest music piece. 5. To set my mind that I want to play the piece.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.)

My grandmother from my father side has always wanted to hear me play a Vivaldi piece. She has recently passed away this July. My Cousin and I decided that this piece from Vivaldi would be great because we could both work together to make a great performance for my recently decease grandmother. It would also be a great opportunity for the both of us to work together and learn a new technique from each other.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.) The obstacles would be is working with another person. The piece that we want to play, Vivaldis Concerto in G minor for two Cellos is a very complex piece. My cousin and I have a different playing pattern. We both like different speeds to play. When you are playing a duet you need to learn how to play with your partner. We are going to need to practice every day so we could get use to each other and be able to play the piece up to par. We are going to need to sacrifice our social life. The piece that we want to play is very complex. We need to spend time on our self to learn the piece and also find a good technique to be able to play the piece easier. Then we are going to need to practice together so we can get a hang of play the piece together and to find the speed that we can both play comfortably. We also need to play together so we can hear each other and critique each other on what we are doing wrong.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.) 1. I deserve this because I want to be able to play a wonderful piece for my grandmother.

2. Also because I want to advance in my capability in playing the cello. I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:____________Veronica Echeverria__________________________ Date:_______________09/13/2013_________

2nd Category: Loosing 55lbs

Long-Term Goal Statement: Keep a consistent work out by working out 5 days a week, also by losing about 2.5 Ibs per week, for about 22 weeks or until March of 2014.

Mid-Term Goal Statement: Do a couple work outs and figure out a great work out plan for my objective.

Short Term Goal Statement: Obtain a gym member ship by Oct 1, 2013

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
category.) 1. Search online for feedbacks for good Gyms. 2. Take a look at the possible Gyms I want. 3. See if any family or friends go to that Gym so I can have more motivation 4. Get the membership to the Gym I want. 5. Start going to the Gym so I can move on to my next goal.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.) If I accomplish this goal I will be in better health. Right now I have a possibility of becoming diabetic and heave high cholesterol. I need to start taking action in my own life because if I dont I might not be able to have a future. I want to be able to have a wedding and marry a guy I love, but first I need to take care of myself so I can have a future. This will benefit me in the long run.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.) The obstacles that I will have are the days that I might not want to go. They say that the first two weeks are the most crucial weeks because thats when you get use to the activity. It takes your mind about two weeks to get use to something before your body starts demanding it. I will have to sacrifice maybe the amount of time I spend on the TV, but thats ok because by doing this will let me have a future while sitting in from of the TV doing nothing well thats killing me slowly do minus well do something that will benefit me.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.) 1. I deserve this because I have to right to feel even more beautiful then I already am

2. Also because I deserve to be healthy and live a long life if actually work on it.

I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:_________Veronica Echeverria_____________________________ Date:___________09/13/2013_____________

3rd Category:
Long-Term Goal Statement: Graduate from the University of Utah with my masters nursing degree by 2021.

Mid-Term Goal Statement: Submit my application for nursing at the University of Utah by June of 2015.

Short Term Goal Statement: Get my prerequisites for the nursing program at the University of Utah by May of 2015

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
category.) 1. Be a full time student at Salt Lake Community College. 2. Take all the required classes that are asked from the University of Utah for nursing 3. Complete all my work for my classes 4. Make sure I pass all my classes 5. Get ready to submit my application for the U of U

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.) When accomplish my long term goal it will benefit my life because I will have a set career. I wouldnt have to depend on my husband to support me or my family. We can both contribute in all our bills that will happen in our family. I wont have to worry that my family will need anything I could give them anything they wanted. It will also give me chance on what I want to accomplish, I want to be able to go to Chile with a doctor and help the poor people that could not afford medicine.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.) The obstacles will be that I need to attend all 4 semester at SLCC. Thats going to be hard because my grandmother on my mother side is becoming ill. I might not be able to attend all 2 years at SLCC. So I might have to attend SLCC over the summer just in case I might have to take a semester. I will have to sacrifice my summer so I can have that liability.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.)

1. I deserve this goal because I want to support my family.

2. I also deserve to have a career that I will enjoy. I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:________Veronica Echeverris______________________________ Date:_09/13/2013_______________________

Goals Assignment Evaluation Rubric

Points Possible Specific 3 Measureable 3 Achievable 3 Relevant 3 Time Referenced 3 Positive 3 Do the goals in each category correlate 4 Are goals compatible 3 Total 25

Points Awarded

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