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Writing a Problem

To design an experiment, you need a purpose for the experiment. The purpose is a question that you wish to investigate. It can be based on research, the results of a previous experiment, or observations of the world around you. The problem that you write is based on the purpose of the experiment. The problem should be written as a question that can not be answered with yes or no.

You notice that the roc s in the middle of the river have rounded edges. !n the edge of the river, the roc s"which seem to consist of the same material"have sharper edges. #hy do the roc s round while sitting in the river$ #hy do the roc s that are made up of the same material have sharper edges$

You put a plant on a windowsill. %fter a few wee s, you notice that the leaves have all turned toward the window. #hy did the leaves on the plant turn towards the window$

#olves stay together and live in pac s. They have a dominant male. They howl as communication. #hy do wolves live in pac s if they are such strong animals$ &ow do you become the dominant male$ #hy do they howl and not bar $

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